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A member registered Dec 13, 2015 · View creator page →

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Thanks a lot !!!

Thanks a lot. I think I will try to continue working on this game

Thanks a lot. Yeah I add this feature just before posting the game ;) I like it too

if the game is a bit clunky, please try the downloaded version. The web version are lower on performance

I have a unity game exported in WebGL, which parses the URL parameters to launch in one mode or another. This part works fine.

However, when I upload the web build to the itch page, and I type the parameters in the URL (?level=“bomb”) for example, they are overwritten, because there is a web redirection made by itch.

Do you know how to recover these parameters? Thanks in advance:

Thanks ! Best comment ;)

Nice concept. And I don’t say that because I made a typing game too.

Btw I have a bug with window “key found” that stay on top on the screen, and I don’t see my character.

Except this, good realisation. Nice entry ! Well play

Thanks for feedback

Great ! Another typing game! I will try your as soon as back home ! Typing brother ;)

Really like the music ! It give me instant good vibe ! Love the weapon variety too Well play

Really like the music ! It give me instant good vibe ! Love the weapon variety too Well play

Very nice entry, even if I hate your snake ;)

Very nice entry, even if I hate your snake ;)

I was a bit confused a at start, so I read the itch page, and now, good search game! Well play

Just to inform : I have a error : null function when trying this game

thanks for your comment & feedback

You completly right, exiting the dungeon should’t be direct ;) I miss some time to implement this as a nice and polish dungeon transition Maybe for a post jam version :)

Many thanks for your feedback. It means a lot to me. I’m glad you liked it!

Thank you

yeah, i spot this problem some times

Miss time to prevent this situation in generation ;)

Thanks for your feedback

REALLY thank you !

you right about fighting words ! Need more ;)

A big thanks

thanks a lot !

Thanks for your feedback :)

Yes you right, need some improve in visibility for a real game ;)

Nice use of the assets, Just some trouble controlling the spaceship, specially when turning

Btw nice entry

Nice chilling game, Like the exploration part, and direct ship control

whoop ! Love the sound of the jump

The time to kill ennemy is huge :) But overrall great game, looks polished

Like the idea of the map ! Great mechanism, specially for a jam !

Well play

Looks like there is a ton of content

Well play, Like the idea of this guild !

Great entry

I escape from the map, and get stuck with generation (thanks for regenerate button)

but btw nice game mechanics !

And I really like the music ! Well play

What a jump !!! I have some bugs with the lighting,

but nice entry. Great mood

Nice idea ! And well constructed ! Love the music

Just some trouble with control in web version, but overall great game !

Thanks ;)

Thanks !!

Good presentation, Like the visual ! Well play

Nice concept, Well play

Great concept !Like it! Well play

Nice entry

Nice story !! Well play

Nice visuals !! Well play

Well polish ! Nice entry

Good gameplay ! Well play