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A member registered Jan 24, 2022 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Hi, thanks for reaching out!

I assume that the effect you're talking about is the main RBG effect that is used all of the game. If you want to get the RBG glitch effect then you can use the RBG Split effect. Then after you've got the effect then you can start tinkering with it.

Hope this helps :)

Hey, I'm actually thinking of doing this soon but I just haven't had the time to do so. But thanks for reminding though.

Well to me it definitely did 

Nice! I really like the whole thing with the flashlight and only being able to see the zombies and walls in the light. A good game overall.

The game and the gameplay overall were very good. But the part that really sold it for me was the story, I became very invested in the story. Overall a great game.

I liked the dark environments and the scares did get me, but I'm not a big fan of the pixelated effect. Maybe another effect or lowering the pixelation would have made it more pleasing to the eye. But overall a good game.

Man, I definitely should not have lost. Especially when I was playing this alone in my room. Good game overall. 

Sorry for your mouse 😅

I'll play your game later because I'm a bit busy right now.

I'll play your game later because I'm a bit busy right now.

Alright, I'll play your game later because I'm a bit busy right now.

You made a great game

Dude I absolutely loved this game. I have nothing bad to say about it. A great game and one of my favourite entries so far.

Hi, I tried playing your game game but when I opened it, it just broke and I had to restart my computer. Sorry :(

Played and rated

I liked this. The rooms inside the mansion were well made and the story was also made well. Great submission overall.

I've already played your game

Played it

A very cool game. I loved the art style and the puzzle elements were pretty good. Great game overall.

Thanks for the comment. It's quite hard to make clicking a button fun 😅

Thanks for the feedback. There is only one ending in the game. But you do get something different if you lose in the first game. But other than that it's only one ending.

Thanks for the feedback. I am currently working on an update that adds subtitles.

Thanks :)

Not that I can think of.

Alright I'll play it very soon (I just woke up)

Alright I'll play it very soon (I just woke up)

Don't worry it's alright. I'm planning to get an actual setup sometime soon so it will make doing stuff like this easier.

Thanks for the comment. Unfortunately, your game may be a little bit too big for my laptop to handle (I use a crappy laptop). I would've loved to play your game though. 

This was actually a creepy game. It had a great and creepy location and an unsettling atmosphere.  A great game in general.

Unfortunately I couldn't play your game due to my laptop not being able to handle it. Would of loved to play it though.

Yeah, I played the game again and saw it.

Oh, there were hints. Sorry, I must've passed by them. I'll give the game another try.

Played and rated

The game looks good and has a good environment. But I just didn't really know how to beat the game. Other than that it is a good entry.

You made a great game!

This game is amazing (Especially for a game jam). The animations are great, the art is well done, and when I saw the monster for the first time I literally freaked out. Great game overall.

Post some games and I will play them, and if you want you can play my game too. Here's mine:

Thanks for playing and posting a video on the game (Loved the vid). If I ever update this game in the future then subtitles will be a top priority.

I played and rated your game! Here's mine

This was a very good game. I loved the art style and especially the level design.