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A member registered Apr 01, 2023 · View creator page →

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I wish you good luck for the steam store.

Did you give these characters the doll?  I think that even if their social meter does not drop, there is s variable that is not getting toggled.

How do I summon a hammer head shark waitress with a bikini tan?.


Alpha 0.15.2

[bug]  After making a potion, going to character screen, the new potion will not be there.  Then go to inventory and there are two potions.

Invader path finding idea:

This is just for when they decide to leave.  While they are invading, let them get lost.

Make a check at each step.  If the spot is in the list, do nothing.  If it is not record the location and the location they came from.

Character moves from x3 y3 to x2 y3.  It not being in the list it gets added.  Later on they move to x2 y3 from x1 y3.  x2 y3 already being in the list so, nothing added.  At this point they decide to leave.  Instead of returning to x1 y3, The list tells them to go to x3 y3.

Alpha 0.15.2

The release characters relationship dropping after entering your service could be due to the prisoner version of character does not transferring to the 'character' version.

Moving the 'clothing' and 'storedClothing' variables directly under 'characters' could let you remove 'appearance' from the save file.

Could 'personality' be redundant with it in  'statusEffects'?

'relationships' fills with characters which are no longer in the game.  If there is a roster you could cross check them and delete those out of date.  This would still have the problem of selling a character and buying them back.  With this; you are not able to ask a character about another character if they are in the overworld.

Selling vegetables one at a time is slow.

[bug] When sending character to the overworld, it cuts off their talking, if too long.

Could having too large of a groups of characters return from the overworld at once cause problems?

Alpha 0.15.2

(^_^) I have put so many hours in to this game.

Asocial: Do not like the skill the way it is.  If only it just slowed the social meter depletion.  Two character that have this suddenly has their 'Mind' drop to 0 and start crying and being scared.  One is a zombie which should not lose 'Mind'.  I am not a fan of having no relationship.  Zombies could just not gain or lose points in any relationship.  This would not stop others coming to like or dislike them.

Character and zombie get in fight.  Answer: 'Zombie, leave character alone.'  Character happy, zombie does not care.

In the dungeon; the character have the green plus and red minus for the state of relationships.  This could be use the character screen instead of the purple number.  If characters gain or lose relationships when in erotic encounters with others, the pluses and minuses would be there.

Feeding is a problem.  The more stuff I get the lower the vegetables drop in inventory.  I would like a dining hall.  Characters can go to the storage to eat.  I do not want a second storage because, if an invader enters, could steal something good.  A dining hall could be placed like a bath.

Would like the research screen to get upgraded to the way the inventory screen interface looks.

New to the dungeon and the lost lambs:  Switch one set of answers.  This means the top would be accept/reject while the bottom is the other.

Thank you for all your work.

Alpha 0.15.2

Working through all this new stuff.  I ran in to a character with strange eyes.  They said some strange things.

[bug] If you capture the first invader, the locks in the tutorial.  Loading the automatic save fixes this.

[bug] Sending your assistant to the over world creates a chance for the player avatar to become the new assistant avatar.

[bug] When prisoner decides to join their relationship meter may drop to low level.

I feel the rate for finding treasure in the dungeon is to high.

I like the new inventory interface.

I like the new stuff in the combat system.

Nice work on this update.

Thank you for the reply.  Playing this version more, there are many things which I now feel are switched off (The characters not liking each other) and not bugs.

With the body parts you have, you could add undead with vampires and ghouls.  Slick back. pointy ears, pale skin, fangs, face paint 4.  Buzz cut dopey eyes, human ears, green skin, under bite, face paint 4.

Path finding: Build a list of rooms the invader enters and which direction.  Each time the invader enter a room, check the list to see if they have entered the room before.  If they have not entered, add the room to list.  If the have do not add the room.  When  the invader wishes to leave, they check the room to the list and follow that direction.

Based on what I am seeing in Alpha 0.14

[variable characters,bag]

The 'bag' variable is only for invaders during an invasion.  If this is the case, at the start of invasion create a 'bag' file and once the invasion is finished delete it.


The helper should only need two variables:

  • characters,statusEffects

Both are lists, you could join them in to one variable.  

(2 edits)

In the save file you have 'faceItemBrow',  'faceItemEye', 'faceItemMouth'.  Once you have them set (example Eye_Sharp) all the expressions seem to be static.  Storing these (the expressions) in the save file increases the size with each new character.  All this writing increases the chance of file corruption.  You should move any static information to a program file.

The same goes for the 'bag' variable.  Your are writing static information about each item.  Things like icons and descriptions should not be stored in the save file.  Does the 'bag' variable need to be stored on each character?

[bugs] Alpha 0.14

It combat; after picking a card you can not target the character.  Some times after clicking and clicking it may trigger.  If not, you have to exit game losing unsaved progress.

In the character screen; the hand and sponge disappear.  Leaving the character screen and coming back does not always fix this.

Characters getting stuck:  For some reason character will stay in an area.  They will not eat or clean.  They will not walk to the area they are set to guard.  If an invader enters that tile the character will enter combat.


In the tutorial; the invader will make it to the throne room before she is finished talking.  You could lock the invader at start until player presses the button. {retraction} This is not true.  The helper does finish talking before the invader reached throne room

First tutorial combat invader should be a static character.

Not being able to surrender in combat.


Wants: 'Very Very Short' 'Small Medium Breast'.

I can no longer edit the calves.

Character screen:  move the hand. sponge, and ext button to the right side.

Invert the right click camera up and down.

Head pats.  Face caressing.

'Buzzcut' little hairs makes them look like zombies.

The new room pricing does not work with how I built in the past version.

An auto save file.

edit 20240512


Having more than one prisoner, only one will lose Nutrition and Hygiene.

Characters in the throne room will talk with prisoners in the jail.  {retraction} I did not know that prisoners from raids are placed in the throne room and not the jail cell.

Moving prisoners between throne room and jail cell breaks being able to pick up resources. Opening and closing character screen will fix this.

edit 20240517

Two retractions.  One issue and one bug.

(^_^)b Thank you for the reply.

Is there a place to follow you on Steam?

(1 edit)

You could do this on Steam

Erotic version

Safe version

This may make some things easier.


With it this way, you can create the steam pages to properly show the game.  The above game they made two different companies.  I have seen games where they did it as the same company.

(1 edit)

Just started V2.80  Linux

[bug] When you replace a character in the squad by placing another on top of them, characters in the roster double up.  Placing a character in to an empty slot in the squad or removing a character from the squad fixes this.

2.80 game found my 2.70 sage data, even though it is in another folder.  I have not opened the 2.70 save, does 2.80 game automatically updated the 2.70 save data?

Does running 2.70 game, with out opening my 2.80 save corrupt the 2.80 save data?

There is much to take in.  Chests takes a bit of getting used to.  I have open some chest which throws cursed gear on to a character.  The gear they replace are just the basic ∞ gear.  That gear disappears, not going in to pack inventory.  Will this happen to any gear which gets switched out by chests?

Not a fan of the goal bar being under the skill tree.  My reason is when I am setting up squad, I could look at the goals and see the x/y finished and know which dungeons level they would have to explore.

Thank you for you hard work.


bug report at top

Is there a way to get to start-up from a game.

Bot a fan of the dungeon bar at the top, seems to make the map pointless.  Which make me wonder, is there a way to have the captured characters on the map instead of the list on the side.

Now that you do not need a character in the squad to go to map, why not keep the roster on the side?

2.80 is running on Manjaro.

(0_0) You want me to lie to my boss!?  What if they find out and?  They come after me for back pay.  They might even remove 'work' from the note.

(0_o)? Why would I press 'no'?

I could not get past the "Does this even matter?" part.  The button just keeps shocking me.  (^_^)

[Bugs] (Alpha 0.13.1) more

The Lust card will enter in to a looping shuffle.  You can end your turn to stop it.

Characters get stuck in an area.  You assign them to guard a location and they will stop moving.  If a fight happens they will fight.  Once the fight is over they will move through the wall to the place they are stuck.  Sending them to the over world may fix this.


Crafting: Having to click the object each time you want to make one.  Same for scraping.

Prisoners brought in from over world do not get shackles.

No roster for characters sent to over world.

Path finding: a 3x3 seems to confuse them.  When leaving; you could build a map from their visited tiles and make a shortest route.

Does paying the characters a crazy large amount of gold, fix their relationship with each other?

Having the verify window after I click to buy the research.

Using the cheat window to fix the battle breaking may be causing bugs which corrupts the save file.

No way to see a character's battle deck.

Will characters walking past an invader ever trigger a battle?


I still like the game.

This brings up a big problem.  How am I going to able to buy your game?

(1 edit)

[Bugs] (Alpha 0.13.1)

Not being able to make strike invaded.  In Alpha 0.12 I was going to the save menu and that would fix it.  Now, there is no save menu during a fight.  May be you could add a button for targeting the invader.

Barbed wire traps lock the invader. in place.  This can be on a guarded or non guarded tile.

For the two above I open the cheat menu and banish the invader.  Doing this makes other things start bugging out so, I save and quit.

After starting the game; going to a character screen for the first time, the inventory and chat buttons are not there.  After the first time they are there.

Characters have relation problems with prisoners, does not give any options which locks the game.


Discarding: I get cards I can not play (Lick Wounds), blocking me from drawing new cards.  I draw too many 'Frighten' cards.  Playing a 'Quick Draw' Cost me cards because I have no space in hand.

My characters get scared (with out a 'Frighten' card being played on them.) in battle.  Is this a bug or part of the game?

The research interface.  May be, Instead of the drop down, have icons across the top.

Invaders do not release prisoners.


Sending characters our for supplies.

You put the files in a folder before the zip file.

I see new stuff (have not gotten there yet).

How I work the tutorial:

I wait to get enough the place on the tile after the throne room.

I wait to have enough to place a gold mine there.

I wait to place the spike trap down in the first tile, before placing guard.  If both have spanking paddles, I restart the game.

I hope the first fight does not take a long time.

Then it is a race to get an infirmary.

The first time; I had the character die after the fight.

Second time; too many invaders too soon.

The third; both character had spanking paddles.

Fourth; during the battle, a move caused my characters window to over lap the buttons.

Fifth; I had some one join with a weapon.  Just won a battle.  "Not enough gold", "Not enough gold".  Before i could give her a bandage, on of the other characters started a fight with her.  The pop-up said some thing about check it out.  When I clicked it nothing happened.  I got a message that the new character had died.

Each time I am playing the tutorial.  If I do not, I start weaker.

My issues:

The tutorial font is small and hard to read.

White letters on light green and light purple buttons.

The tutorial fight should easy or scripted.

Not having a weapon to trade out the paddle.

In a fight , not being able to surrender.

Things i like:

Models are looking better.

Character death.  With this, can I banish, imprison and/or, kill characters?

It is a small list because, I have not gotten to the main game yet.

\(^_^) Be back then.

horbror music is a good call.  Now, I want a video with subtitles to figure out the parts I am missing. (^_^)

[Suggestion] Cursed gear that has not been unlocked, are still curse if a level three character equips it.  Example: the maid set.  If the character is a third level maid, the gear will force her to have to work as a maid in the barracks for X number of days.

Pets seem like an easy adjust.  You could add pet slots in the barracks, which can boost morale.

Prisoners: have a prison.  Characters that stay in the prison cause a negative effect on the morale.  You can unlock guards slots to counter act this.

Cow and horse: A stable; where characters staying here will  increase loot.

Tavern: Is wench going to be a class?

Mental ward: You have it where you unlock to lower the price.  Have those be slots.  Clerics give one percent while non-clerics another.

Training fields: I suggested moving the 'Goals Reroll' here.  Make it like the 'Mental ward'.  The character fits in a slot and you pay to change one of your goals.  This lock the character till next run.


[Suggestion] When character is covered in a cocoon, have 'wait' be an option.

Mydude8968, try 'bash ' in the terminal console.

[Suggestion] Move the goals reroll to the training fields or the guild hall.

(^_^) If I saw the mouse over telling me to right click on them, I would have known.

(^_^)b Thank you for reply.

Stagecoach Base stats: When upgrading; do the recruits get upgraded immediatelyor, leaving the stagecoach and coming back or, the next set of recruits after a venture?

Saw this on Nookrium.  Fun game.'s-gambit-(party-building-tactical:0

[bug] looping noise (20231119)

Had a rare Blossom.   Some thing set off these shields being drawn in to her.  Right clicking on a character muted the sound.  Beyond that it looped over and over, even after I finished a run.

They show when you have the ingredients to make.  Buy some cloth (not sure how much) and you should get some thing.

A request for adding the chance for imps to have horns.

Open inventory.  There is a tab on left side with items you are able to craft.

Hope it was what you were looking for.

The rope I can handle better.  About to die?  Get pulled out.  Get the dungeon treasure?  Get pulled out.  Just want to leave?  No reason to waste rope.

I have been looking at the save file.  If sorting get added to game, may be add a 'when joined' variable.  You are storing static data about items .  In every character's 'bag' there is a poison bomb with all the variables with all of the description variables.

Thank you (^_^)b

Looking good.


Ruvaen's tail will start twitching.

Loading save may restart tutorial.

Trying to remove another piece of clothing before animation is finished, will stop her from doing the other animations and/or not remove the clothes.

Removing the circlet does the same as above.

Fights in the workshop; moving the camera behind the gear box covers the interface.

You can buy a farm on a room that already is a farm.

In character select window: When mousing over character the pop-up window may go too high or low on the screen.

In the character solo room:  some thing causes the right interface to almost cover the two buttons.

After selecting an attack, I can not select the character.  My work around: save the game to get the 'You saved' window.  Then I can select the character.

In the character solo room: opening a window in front of character, the mousing over will make contact the character behind the window.


Instant escapes.  There is a 'no hope' button.  Let me have the chance to use it over them leaving the dungeon by teleportation.  If teleportation is what they are doing, then let them use it when they decide to quit walking around.

Small fonts.

Drop down menu for research.


The interface improvements.  I remember the character selecting was a pain.  Now it is simple.

Changing weapons.




This is a good update.


(^_^) No worries.   Thank you for the reply.

Low Quality pictures for easier downloading.