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A member registered Jul 06, 2021 · View creator page →

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i will :

I liked it, being honest i subestimate it seeing the cover, but u put very weel the sprites and is funt to control.

But, u only need to upgrade you level design.

I play it, and its ok to be a begginer :D

i didnt have time to make a final screen jeje, sorry for tha

I like the idea.

But is something basic and simple.

Sorry if i have grammatical mistakes, i´m upgrading my english (if u want to give me some feedback i am gonna to be grateful)-Kaximau

I like the movement, how it feels.

But i think that it turns some monotonous.

Sorry if i have grammatical mistakes, i´m upgrading my english (if u want to give me some feedback i am gonna to be grateful)-Kaximau

I like the enviroment, and the NPC jumpping jajsjad.

But i think that is too simple the gameplay.

Sorry if i have grammatical mistakes, i´m upgrading my english (if u want to give me some feedback i am gonna to be grateful)-Kaximau

I like thet the controls feel good.

But, is too simple, a basic plataformer.

Sorry if i have grammatical mistakes, i´m upgrading my english (if u want to give me some feedback i am gonna to be grateful)-Kaximau

I like it, it feels so good the jetpack

But, maybe is to short i think

Sorry if i have grammatical mistakes, i´m upgrading my english (if u want to give me some feedback i am gonna to be grateful)-Kaximau

I like the bomb and the idea, and destroy the enviroment >:D, it feels soo good.

But, it turns a little bit monotonous.

Sorry if i have grammatical mistakes, i´m upgrading my english (if u want to give me some feedback i am gonna to be grateful)-Kaximau

A very good idea, i love it, with good controls and everything.

But, I think that in a start is confuse

Sorry if i have grammatical mistakes, i´m upgrading my english (if u want to give me some feedback i am gonna to be grateful)-Kaximau

I like the concept of type, it is really funny snd dificult in the same time (why there is no ñ? :c)

But, i think that is something confusing fight with the enemies in the start

Sorry if i have grammatical mistakes, i´m upgrading my english (if u want to give me some feedback i am gonna to be grateful)-Kaximau

I like the concept and gameplay, and it adheres perfectly to the Jam theme.

But, i think that maybe is some monotonous.

Sorry if i have grammatical mistakes, i´m upgrading my english (if u want to give me some feedback i am gonna to be grateful)-Kaximau

Oh, I see, in that case it adheres very well, sorry for that


Thx a lot, can i guess which troubles with control you had?

Thx for say me that detail, I am totally agree, I will put some tipe of visual indicator, thx for the feed back :D

I like the game, very good to be a first game, the machanic of growth is perfect, the amount of levels perfect, i really like it.

But, the only neggative thing that i found is that game dont adheres to much to jam theme.

Sorry if i have grammatical mistakes, i´m upgrading my english (if u want to give me some feedback i am gonna to be grateful)-Kaximau

I loved the concept about find locations with the text.

But i found two problems, fist is the gameplay that is something boring and the second is that maybe is too many text (I alos dont have a good english so in some cases i really dont understand the text)

Sorry if i have grammatical mistakes, i´m upgrading my english (if u want to give me some feedback i am gonna to be grateful)-Kaximau
(1 edit)

I love the shooting, it feels soooo good, And also kill the spiders, that was my favorite thing.

The only problem that i see is that maybe there are too much levels, and it turns monotonous, i only finish the 2 firsts levels.

Sorry if i have grammatical mistakes, i´m upgrading my english (if u want to give me some feedback i am gonna to be grateful)-Kaximau

I reach to 5850 points and level 111 :D, i think that is funny have to much velocity.

I like the tutorial 10/10, and obviusly, the velocity.

But i think the game doesnt adheres to theme.

Sorry if i have grammatical mistakes, i´m upgrading my english (if u want to give me some feedback i am gonna to be grateful)-Kaximau

I was playing some time and i was gonna to reach the 1000 upgrade, but a enemy kill me in the last moment :cc

I like the movement of the airship and how it destroys asteroids, the enemies, the upgrades (of the ship) and the moving asteroids.

But to reach a good level is some slow in the start.

Sorry if i have grammatical mistakes, i´m upgrading my english (if u want to give me some feedback i am gonna to be grateful)-Kaximau

I like the concept, and the frustration of dont have oxygen, i only reach 94% :/, a good game.

But, the movement is weird, controll the player and that things, and to see more far is something difficult.

Sorry if i have grammatical mistakes, i´m upgrading my english (if u want to give me some feedback i am gonna to be grateful)-Kaximau.

I like it, explorate the... lab?, well I reach the point where the game says "It will gonna to be a fun journey" or something like that, then, the game stop. And I think that the movement is some... weird?

Sorry if i have grammatical mistakes, i´m upgrading my english (if u want to give me some feedback i am gonna to be grateful)-Kaximau

I like the game, I finished it without knowing that i´m able to jump in the wall with the bulletas or jump into the bullets in the air D: (I see it recently in the trailer)(2 min my best time), it have a good presentation, and gameplay.

But, my only neggative thing that i found is that if u are starting in the game, u dont know that u can go to left or right, in my firse attempt i go to left and when i reach the last part of the path, i didnt know what to do

Sorry if i have grammatical mistakes, i´m upgrading my english (if u want to give me some feedback i am gonna to be grateful)-Kaximau

I like the skelleton, it is cute, the movement is so fast and perfect for this type of games, the skelleton making little jumps was one of the cuter things that I ever seen.

But, i think that the main problem is that is too simple (but good), and if u touch a wall u can see inside of it.

Sorry if i have grammatical mistakes, i´m upgrading my english (if u want to give me some feedback i am gonna to be grateful)-Kaximau
(1 edit)

I LOVE IT, i was sooo scared in the park, i didnt understant the morse code jeje, "NOW GIVE HER BANNK)" a curious detail, escape from the house was difficult, and the presentation and sounds, beautiful, a master piece.

However, i only want to say that to go to the house was some confuse.

Sorry if i have grammatical mistakes, i´m upgrading my english -Kaximau

I like the concept, the gameplay and most part of the gameplay.

You said: "Please provide feedback or criticism, as well as any bugs you encounter!" so...

If you go down u can crash without time reaction, if u click the button "quit" the game crashes and it may have benn good idea if the ship move like a ship (with acceleration and rotation as controls)

Sorry if i have grammatical mistakes, i´m upgrading my english -Kaximau

I like the movement of the ship, is smooth.

But is too dificult reach to upgrades, i reach some of them but the fuel deplet. And the gameplay is some monotonous.

Sorry if i have grammatical mistakes, i´m upgrading my english -Kaximau

Gameplay: 3

Presentation: 2

JamTheme: 5

I like concept of explor with a time and visibility limitations

But the enemies are weird, it bugs to much, and their are not necessary to reach the concept.

Sorry if i have grammatical mistakes, i´m upgrading my english -Kaximau

I´m gonna to be honest, i tried to play it but the controls are some weird, (down key to go left? right key to go left-down direccion?), is it a bug or is the purpose?

if is a bug i can help with the code if u want and explain it ;)

Sorry if i have grammatical errors, i am upgrading my english -Kaximau

Thanks :D

Thx a lot for play it :D

And congratulations for reach both of the hearths.

Estoy de acuerdo

Gameplay por si te quedas trabado en alguna parte:

Culpabilidad: 4

Jugabilidad: 3

Audiovisuales: 4

Innovación: 3

Este es mi Rate, ahorita lo explicare.


Este es un “Promedio” de todos los demás.



 Es algo raro controlar la espada, se que es el chite pero lo siento algo al azar.



 Están chulos, y con un buen estilo.



 Ya había visto juegos así, pero se adapta bien al tema.



 Lo del final en vez de ser algo impactante lo siento mas como un cliché.

Ejemplo: El malo que se vuelve bueno, el bueno que es malo, etc.



 Es un buen juego, y con la temática bien implementada.


Documentos externos:



Si estas en contra en algo que dije o estoy equivocado sería bueno que lo comentes, y también agradecería si juega a mi juego.


Culpabilidad: 4

Jugabilidad: 4

Audiovisuales: 4

Innovación: 3

Este es mi Rate, ahorita lo explicare.


Este es un “Promedio” de todos los demás.



 Se juega bastante bien y es algo satisfactorio.



 Están bastantes buenos.



 No es nada nuevo y se adapta algo raro al tema pero esta bien.



 La animación de caminar no me gusta.



 Es un buen juego lo había jugado antes que Alva y yo si entendí como jugarlo, la verdad siento que Alva lo debería volver a juga.


Documentos externos:



Si estas en contra en algo que dije o estoy equivocado sería bueno que lo comentes, y también agradecería si juega a mi juego.


Culpabilidad: 3

Jugabilidad: 3

Audiovisuales: 2

Innovación: 2

Este es mi Rate, ahorita lo explicare.


Este es un “Promedio” de todos los demás.



 No es la gran cosa pero es algo satisfactorio.



 Están hechos con cierta estética; pero la base, es fea.



 No es algo nuevo y lo de los cubitos que van haciendo al personaje "demasiado largo", nada mas lo afecta visualmente y lo hace mas lento, pero lo de mas lento lo puedes colocar sin importar la cola.



 Da bien elegido los sonidos.



 Es juego mas o menos y un poco del monton.


Documentos externos:



Si estas en contra en algo que dije o estoy equivocado sería bueno que lo comentes, y también agradecería si juega a mi juego.
