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Thanks! first time working with post processing so glad to hear.
About the combat, yea I decided that i wont develop the combat any further ( getting hit by skeletons ) since i was pretty full with other stuff.
I hear what you say about being overweight is frustrating but i think its part of the decision you have to make, do you want to collect more bones or just rather go back. Anyways, I guess yeah, adding an option to discard bones will help that issue
the game is great :) i really love the idea of making a party as a puzzle.
a lot of times i was "overshooting", meaning i meant to move 1 step but moved more, i think its to sensitive, maybe consider making the movement with key pressed down.
i couldnt solve one stage, if i knew what level it was i would tell you, it had 3 npcs and 3 chairs.
i felt like i tried every possible way to solve but couldnt figure it out :) so maybe its just me but ye... so add a "current level" display
anyways great entry friend!
Good luck!
thanks its my first time making a story and dialogue system in a game, was alot of fun :)
and yea... you exposed me haha, i thought about it after hearing that collision was jittery and i assumed it was because i was changing the player position and not velocity.. ill be sure to rework the movement.
thnx for the feedback
the game is super nice, the graphics is awesome and the combat feels amazing.
i think adding a dash move would fit the game alot.
i found that if you spam attack on a boss it gets stuck in a "hit" state and cant attack you back which makes the boss fight kinda not challenging.
anyways, great entry
cheers :D
The graphics are great and the idea is very nice :)
the movement of the cube was very jittery for me and for some reason spawning the rewind cube was bugged, like it spawn inside the red cube for a second, didnt move and the dissapeared so i didnt really understand what was going on :)
you should get some friends to play test to see in real time how a common person understands and plays the game
Good luck! :)
The concept is really cool and i like how i need to switch between attacking and collecting.
i couldn't get passed level since it got too hard. first of all some enemies spawn too close to the wall and so the rewind won't help you.. and boom -40 hp :) throw a boss on top of it and you got an impossible level to beat
i would considering adding a ranged attack to help you attack the boss and get to far away enemies as an alternative to the rewind ability because of its programmed limitations.
artwork is great and gamplay is fund but needs balancing :)
cheers friend!
The rewinding & clone system felt a bit confusing, i literally couldn't get passed level 4 LOL i got confused with the clones and couldnt figure out how to do it. There is a lot of potential here but i think you need to get some friends to playtest and give you feedback in realtime so you can see how a common person would understand the game's mechanics.
anyways, graphics audio and voice lines are great. if you have lava beneath the platforms then you should let the player be able to fall into it and die, thats the first thing i tested lol if i can fall to the lava :D
good job friened and goodluck
Adding a controls explanation in the menu or in the first stage could be very helpful :) i found that the flying rectangle enemies were a bit buggy, they got stuck inside platforms.
and of course the game could use more levels and and other objectives other then collecting samples
other then that, the game's design, graphics & music were really great!