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A member registered Dec 30, 2023 · View creator page →

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Great game! I think it really has potential, so I hope you'll continue development after the jam!

So cute, and nicely done! I liked the puzzles, especially the last one. Great job!

Thanks for the review 😁
Yeah, the duplicated level is a mistake we noticed after submissions ended 😅 and you might be right, we'll try to make the potions more intuitive. Physics is also something we're working on, we'll make an update after the jam review ends

Cool idea and cute art! I think creating lanes like in PvZ would be good, or at least widening the attackers' range, because sometimes enemies just walk between them 😅 I still had fun playing though, great job!

Nice concept, and great execution - movement and deflections are intuitive and have a good feel

Really cool, I love the vibes. Hope you plan to add more levels after the jam! 😄

Thanks! Learning by doing was our goal 😄

What a cool concept for a platformer! It really gives a lot of depth to the levels

Good job, I like the different behavior between enemies!

Cool concept and nice execution! It took me a bit to fully get what was happening, but after that I really enjoyed it

Thank you fellow froggy wizard gamer 🤝

Super cute, love the jumping animation 🐸
Fun platforming!

Yeah, it is hard to get lights out of corners 😅 it's probably quicker to just use quick restart on R in this situation

Really cool concept with the text-based game! And nicely executed

It's fun, nice work!