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A member registered Jun 08, 2019 · View creator page →

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I loved the game, its strategic, challenging, the rules for each enemy or boss are well balanced and dont feel unfair, and lastly, its fun!

I have some cons tho, the game’s art is not bad at all, its simple and everything is understood correctly. However, if it hadn’t been for the 3D Pico art style from the cover, i might have never played it, because the gameplay art looks very boring, which didn’t motivate me to play.

I wasn’t wrong when i played it, the gameplay felt quite monotonous and lacked of juice or game feel, which is not bad (because at the end the game is fun to play), but adding more juice could make it more attractive or fun. The music is good, its pleasant and not bothersome.

So in my opinion, the game is a 4.5/5, very well done, congratulations!

My costumer is still having trouble downloading the asset pack. I made all the necessary changes that you have instructed me to do, but the issue remains unresolved. He mentioned that he only encounters this problem/bug with that specific asset pack. What now?

If the issue/bug persists, please go to the post I created in the community, and let them know that you are still experiencing this problem.

Thank you for reply, i’m glad to know it wasn’t a problem with the website but mine, is now fixed i guess.

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It is the first time this has happened to me on itchio, a customer of mine purchased my bundle and is unable to access the premium versions of my asset packs.

It’s strange because other customers who purchased the bundle were able to access the premium versions (I can tell because they downloaded it), it’s very rare and frustrating not knowing why this is happening, somebody else is happening this too? When this will be resolved?

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Well watching how this is looking, i have to do it myself, contact to me via twitter (X) in dm, if you dont have a twitter account, send me an email to my email (ferdamenz89@gmail), to see in more deep this issue and solve this.

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This just happens with this asset pack in particular or with the other asset packs too (from my bundle)? the last thing i can recommend its look out your email, and there search the email from the and enter to the link they sent you from my asset pack.

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Do not pay for it individually, technically you already have it, you should see this message on the page.

If the problem persists and the message does not appear, you will need to do what I instructed you in the previous comment, which is to go to the “I already paid for this” section and follow the instructions.

If the issue continues, you will need to contact the website support. There is nothing more I can do, I hope the issue gets resolved soon.

Hi, thank you for purchasing my bundle, i really appreciate it. It’s impossible that you can’t have access to the premium. When you click to download, you have to go to the part where it says “I have already paid for this” and from there you should be able to download the premium version.

I really enjoyed playing this game! The game design is very well done, the sounds are goofy (i like that) and the art is overly simple and fits the game very well! 5/5

You nailed it! very fun game!

Thank you a lot! as i imagined the problem are the framerates, i should have multiplied the velocity by delta, this sucks, im sorry for this really. No, im not going to update the game until the jam is over, im making the whole game again. Thanks for taking your time to record the bug.

Thank you!


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Thank you! but could you please be more specific about the bug? like in what moment or i would apreaciate it a lot if you sent a video showing the bug, i know its have bugs, in the programming side was a disaster idgl, so that is what im working the whole game again (and also with more content, new ideas and polished) again i apreciate the feedback.

I liked the game, I think it lacked more game fuel or juice, because sometimes I shot at the enemies and it didn’t seem like they were taking damage, especially I loved the art, it’s funny and well done (I loved the big rabbit), in terms of bullethell it was also good, it fulfills the genre, there is variety, that said, the only thing I could play was the boss rush, because the normal gameplay mode was too complicated and confusing for me to understand what was happening in the gameplay, many objects without knowing if they were enemies or some support for the player, but the game was cool.

Fun game! really good puzzle game, just think outside the box!

I love it :D tho the most of the levels was kinda easy!

Esta god.

Thank you!!! :)


The colour pallette is Juice56-1x! very pretty colors!

Im currently working on a new Asset Pack, so at the moment the asset update is paused :/, but sooner i gonna work on the next update! :)

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Probably the rest of goblins, objects for the enviorement (box, checkpoint and etc) and maybe a few more FX.

Is coming tomorrow, on my twitter i uploaded some images, stay tuned on my Patreon, there i gonna post a devlog about all the content v1.1 will have. Thanks for you patience :)

I’m currently thinking on make 3 new versions (updates) in each asset pack style, but after that, are completely finished (if I don’t have more content for them or it not gets anymore attention) and thanks for comment!

Thank you very much! for the 1.1 im going to do some changes for the characters animations (like pngs) to be more easier for know how many frames have each animations.

Yep, they are coming as an update (ver 1.1) for this Asset Pack!

The last costumer had problem with unpacking Zip, thats why the most of my Assets are in RAR, but it’s not a problem, uploading Zip version right now. Thank you for comment, it means a lot! :)

Thank you! i always want everyone have access to my asset packs, making a free and premium versions, both with a lot quality, obviously with some limitation, but with the intention can be useful. Thanks for comment! :)

Sure! and thank you for comment :)

I like it, very fun to play! :D

Naaa buenísimo santi, se nota que le pusiste cariño al juego, para ser una demo tiene potencial, asique mándale no mas, acá dejo mi opinión o reseña:

Para empezar me encanto el humor argento que le pones, como siempre jaja, la intro al estilo pokemon quedo zarpado, el pixel art esta bien logrado, simple y entendible, con algunos poco errores pero na, esta muy bien. Las mecánicas, los golpes se sienten god, el agarre poco lo use honestamente, esta copada pero rara vez lo llegas a usar (me hizo recordar al agarre de Ristar por cierto), pero es una mecánica que no te incita en usarlo, el esquive casi ni lo use, lo sentía innecesario.

El sprint se siente bien pero lo mismo con la mecánica de agarrar, solo que este almeno tiene uso, pasar rápido por los bloques que te caen encima, aunque tranquilamente los podes pasar sin esprintar. El saltar sobre las paredes esta bien.

Los personajes son agradables y la historia simple, con ganas de saber mas, asique la espero, la música espectacular encaja muy bien con los escenarios, el boss final fácil pero muy bien hecho, el diseño de niveles están bien, diría que zafable, por lo ultimo lo que no me gusto una mierda, es la movilidad, se siente re tosco, hubo veces que caminaba un cacho para atrás o para adelante y me caía a la nada u me chocaba con los enemigos.

En fin eso, buenísima demo espero el juego completo crack!!!

Are pretty cute!

Wow pretty good game!!!

I love it, very beautiful the pixel art and pretty fun too, great work.


El juego se cancelo.

Muy lindo.
