Use the mouse wheel. : )
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Beat it. You actually can use clues almost all the way through. It is crazy how much you can deduct from a single sheet and a couple of photos. Still I could not figure how the machine works at all.
If you could, pleeeasse hit me up on discord under KorbohneD and tell me! I would love to hear from you!
You can use the visual features and things you notice in the occurrences to determine which cameras are not the ones you need and then figure out the ones you need by progress of elimination. Once you know what cameras are definitely not showing what you need, the rest becomes easier. If you are still stuck, there might be a another hint somewhere on a newspaper clipping. Also remember that to go to a point on the map you would have needed to go there, meaning you might pass cameras that don't explicitely have a designation or description of you.
I am very sorry, but back in the day I just took some random music from common source websites without noting of where I took them : O
I picked the music pretty early in development, and did not think it would matter in the long run.
The only thing I could offer you are the music files on their own. Just add me on discord, if you want them.
Wow, your absolutely correct! Another puzzle solved. : D
I really had it as a different name before, because I realized way to late it would show up the moment the player would input the first name, good job!
I am also not a native speaker, so sometimes there can be difficulty with getting the meaning of words across. With lunch boxes I meant those little plastic boxes you put cut up stuff like cucumbers and tomatoes in which you then put into the picknic basket. If that makes sense?
Probably need to reword that then. : )
Thanks for your feedback! Means a lot to me!
I practically played almost every major incremental game out there. At least I think so.
I of course really liked "A dark room", "Universal Paperclips", "SPACEPLAN", "Crank", "Shark Game", and actually many more, but I really enjoyed those who had a bit of story in them and actually came to an end. Thats what I tried to replicate the most. : )
I used Gamemaker Studio 2 for making the game. They as of now also released html support for even basic subscribtions, so that is cool for future people making incremental games. Sadly, back when I started that was not available yet, so I did not start with that in mind and it is pretty difficult to add online availability now.
Thanks for the question!