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Stone Wizard VS The Magical BulliesView game page

Boss Rush Game
Submitted by KorbohneD (@korbohned) — 1 day, 2 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Your personal opinion#53.8443.844
Aesthetics (Art or music)#103.7503.750
Use of chosen theme#133.9063.906

Ranked from 32 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Title its based on
Turn to Stone!

Any pre-made / AI assets used (if applicable)
Soundeffects and Music - See Game for Detailed List

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Impressive tutorialising and great use of theme! I knew this would be good from the screenshots i saw, but was really impressed with all the different interacting mechanics. I am terrible at platformers so i died a lot but fortunately the death animation is very satisfying too.

Submitted (1 edit)

immensely impressive that you made all of this in such a short time. Cool bosses, great art and fun mechanics. My only issue was the controls. I dont play many platformers, and was completely unfammiliar with this control scheme. I wouldn't be supprised if this was standard for many games, but unfourtunately none that I have played. Nevertheless, I got used to the controls and had a great time. Amazing work.


Took me a total of 40 hours. It was a very stressfull week. Around 5-6 hours every day. 
Next time I would definitely make something smaller : D
Thanks for the praise and sorry for the weird controls!


This was really fun, each boss had a good theme and interesting attacks and mechanics. I played on advanced and it was a pretty nice difficulty.  I like the use of the theme a lot and that it can be used defensively and offensively. The divebomb from above after turning to stone was fun to do on the bosses. The art is great and so are the effects for the bosses and their attacks, I think if you added more to the background it'd make the level look a bit more interesting. It'd be nice if it had controller support, I kinda struggle with platformers on keyboard once they have more than 2 buttons. Great job on this I really enjoyed it!


Boss hard


I rlly loved the art style and gameplay! These boss battles were incredibly well made and the ability to turn into stone as defense was a fun mechanic.  Great work!! :D


I love a good boss fight and you made 3! good job!


This game is awesome! The tutorial is natural, the mechanics are intuitive, and the fights are very interactive and creative. Well done!


The game is soooo fun love the art and love the gameplay and sounds I like the theme you chose it is a 5 start overall good job I hope you win the jam


Love the boss fights, creative gameplay and interesting button layout

I bet you can finish my game.

It was already very good when I playtested it, and now, the final version, is even better! It's polished, has good sound effects and music and in general everything is good about this game! The only thing that I still don't like is that it takes a while for the player to turn to another direction. But it is definitely one of the best games here!


Thanks for the praise and sorry for the turning speed. : D

I actually increased it a bit after your feedback, seems like it wasn 't enough. ^^


I really like the visual style and mechanics of turning into stone. The music and sound effects are great. Even though I played on easy difficulty levels, I couldn't handle at least one boss. But I probably don't play very well =D

I think you will definitely get into the top 5!

Good job


I really like the color scheme and art! The boss attacks are also super creative!


Fun game with some interesting ideas and nice boss mechanics.
My main issue with it is that you can't use spacebar to jump making it unintuitive to control as this is so common in platformers.
Maybe you could still add this in later?

In any case good job on the game.


Looks like a fun concept but unfortunately I can't actually see any of the terrain, unsure if it's on my end or in general


iIr might help to download the windows version then and try out that? : )


Very fun game and the bos fights are so well done. The mechanics are solid and easy to understand. If you continue this in future I hope to get controller support so I can really get some good handle on the controls!


Smooth, Like it :D