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A member registered Apr 12, 2017 · View creator page →

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I remember seeing a few of the Super Retro World sprites a few months ago and was surprised by the quality.

And with THAT pack, I truly believe that you might have one of the highest quality & complete game-ready assets, which is nothing to sneeze at, around here. And by adding on top that the License they're under, I am genuinely impressed.

(1 edit)

Unless I missed them, I'm still a bit confused about a few points :

- CAPTAIN NEAT-O being double the size of everything else, does it mean that we can scale (up) the tile sprites? Otherwise I'm unsure which tiles we can use with him. (Edit: Correction I did see some files, didn't process them in my brain at the time of typing. But still curious about scaling sprites)

- Considering that the sprites were intended for the Pico engine, are other engines required to follow the same screen resolution? I suppose not but maybe you as the host would rather see the games a bit more standardized on that end?

- And last, since there are sprites from TB2 in there I'm not sure if it means that we're allowed to use any sprites that came out from the previous Toy Boy Jams?

Other than that, hopefully I didn't miss anything.

Confirming too that it failed with Firefox but worked with Microsoft Edge.

I also want to forward the fact that I have the same issue as Syn-Cypher, the version available for the jam currently cannot be downloaded because of the error occurring.

Since the problem still occurs 19hours after that post, maybe it just doesn't work anymore?


Thank you again for taking some of your time to do and post this.

Cute artstyle. I was thinking about using them for a GameJam but I usually like to do my own animations, would it possible for you to add an image with the individual parts in the files? Great assets nonetheless.

--- Update #2 :

A bad bronchitis got me, couldn't work at all :/
But I did plan ahead a lot before this time so it shouldn't affect the core game that much, though I probably won't have time to perfectly add all the features I wanted.

It's not quite what I wanted but heh, time's running out and it works so I'll roll with it. I'm giving myself tomorrow and mayyyybe saturday to polish a bit that part but I think I'm just going to start building the world next. Adding enemies, items etc. Colors are still a bit wonky.

(1 edit)


This is my 3rd official jam, didn't have time to finish the previous one unfortunately. I need to take a break from trying hard stuff so I'm going to chill a bit and try something fun and simple for a change. I am absolutely HORRIBLE at art though so don't expect anything good there, thankfully cc0 exists.

So what's this game about ? ( Edit: better gif )

Ah. It's just a "let's mix stuff I like for the 64x64 support and see how it goes" to be honest.
It's actually not a roguelike at all! Right now it's kind of a Final fantasy legends with roguelike graphics using the final fantasy adventure battle system. Yeah, I just had the gameboy games in my head for a while so I'm just going to experiment. I went with a 8x8 roguelike artstyle because of the screen gameplay space I wanted, 16x16 even centered on the player would feel wayyy too big.

Anyway right now everything feels a bit too green so I'll work a bit on the colors and tiles before starting to think of the worldmap.

Right, it was mostly a subjective rant on my side. I don't blame the artists, I know how time-consuming it is to work on a full set of assets too after all.

Sorry for the very late reply!

It's not that complex, I'm just kind of used to it I guess. For Unity I've been using it for maybe 3 years or so too.

H - 24 update. My family took all of my time, can't believe I'm going to use the "life happened".

(1 edit)

Added update #2 to OP.

On a small note (/rant) I've been spending too much time modifying some assets, which is the opposite of what I wanted when I joined the jam. This always has been kind of an issue with oga, it has some really interesting stuff but sometimes I feel like they've been created more with an art mindset than a game one if it makes sense.  Don't get me wrong they look absolutely great on the site, but they aren't that practical to work with when you try to make a game out of them (missing sprites, pixel offsets, alpha shadows blended in the file, mismatch or missing palette etc). But tbh I'm ranting mainly because me modifying stuff means more chances for me to mess up the quality of the art since I don't know what I'm doing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edit: itch.io really needs a preview option before posting :/

Not yet to be honest. I do have a few ideas but I'll worry about the story last if I have enough time. Depends on how fast I can code the rest first.

Thanks. Hopefully I'll have more interesting stuff to show soon, those are just the basic features at this point.

(8 edits)
# Summary :
- July 13 : Joined jam
- July 17 : Update #2
- July 29 : Final Update

*** Update 07/29 (#3) ***

A good amount of systems I wanted in.

Life & Family happened and they took all of my time, couldn't work on the project at all :/
It doesn't have even half of what I wanted initially and I'm not sure if it's acceptable to post but if I manage to get a few things done before the deadline I might submit it since there are a bunch of things to craft and try at least.

Ideally what I should add to finish (kinda) are sounds/musics, some small effects and maybe 2-3 enemies (+auto generation if I really have the time), all under 24hours!

*** Update 07/17 (#2) ***

Building & Inventory management.

I've been trying to get some consistency for the game when it comes to assets, design, screen resolution and all. This is what I got so far, it's not perfect but it kind of works so I'll keep it. I need to move on or I will spend too much time trying to work out details again.
I've been wondering what kind of building option the player would want. The walls for example, either have a hammer that cycles between variations (like in Terraria) or a hammer that allows manual picking. Couldn't decide so in the end I've just included both.

*** Original post (#1) ***

I should probably make a topic too since I'm participating.

I've been a long-time lurker of opengameart, albeit I haven't used anything yet for various reasons. I'm using the jam to kind of break of that habit. Since I'm still in a sandbox mindset I decided to go with that idea and see how it would work for a 2D top down game.

Precisely, I have in mind a very simple Zelda/FF Adventure (1991) but with some modern sandbox elements, I thought it'd be fun to be able to build your own house in a gameboy-ish game (and so far I'm really satisfied with where it's going).

I'm kind of making everything from scratch again while discovering the new Unity features so it takes a bit of time. Everything is still kind of bare-bones but I'm trying to get the basic sandbox things out of the way, like modifying tiles, adding grass and building walls.
I had a LOT of ideas but they'd require me to modify more arts and I'm a pure programmer, not an artist hehe. (2 edits because I can't write!)

Ah cr*p I'm too late, this is exactly the kind of style I wanted to try too! Now I'll have to think of something else.
On a side note I was unsure about it but looking at your screenshot and video the 2.5D mix looks way better than what I originally thought.