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Kyle Waldon

A member registered Jul 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much! I really appreciate the feedback. Good idea for the ghoul selection! You might have to say every group of 50 or so if the goal is to truly control thousands of units haha. Maybe separate sounds for larger groups?

I have added the files just as is. Sorry for any inconvenience!

This entry was super creative! I really loved the composition of the music, the way each instrument interacted with each other was amazing! The production could have been a bit better overall, however the music itself had a lot of great ideas! The sound effects were really fun as well, and really showed a good understanding of the prompt. The difference in volume between the sounds was quite extreme, with the "Yes, Master" sound much louder than the skeleton building sound. Overall very nice and I think you have a great future ahead of you in the sound world!

The music is great! I really liked how the piece evolved, constant motion but changing just enough to keep it from becoming monotonous, which is perfect for a game like necro swarm. For me I want a melody to hum to at some point, I felt like the melody was put into the timpani and for me this is ok, it would have been nice for it to be passed to another instrument at some point. The addition of the theremin-like synth really helped sell the spooky vibes of the game! For the sound effects, the Necromancers den really stood out to me as a great ambience. The wall crumbling was a bit too low-passed for my taste, and maybe lasted a bit long. Overall very nice work!

Bold choice with the vocal intro! It is a very fun main theme. My only comment is that the drum beat seems to come out of nowhere! A little more introduction, maybe a short fill would be better served here as an introduction to the drums, especially as the pattern doesn't change for the rest of the song. The bassline makes my head bob, and the melody feels super epic and I like that it is echoed in the beginning on the bass. The sound effects are great, I can tell that you had a lot of fun making them! Overall very nice work!

I really liked the bass line of the music! It was really bouncy and fun. I liked the key change idea after the snare drum break, just you might have forgotten to change the pitch of the bassline along with it! Other than that this is a really fun tune! The sounds were good too, my only comment there is that they are a bit too loud to the point where they are clipping and distorting a little. Rendering them out at a little bit lower volume will help with this! Overall I think everything fits together really well, every element would fit very well together in game!

Sounds great! I really like that I can clearly hear many elements of the prompt in this music. I can feel the Zerg music influences, the slow plodding pace of Diablo music, and the chord synth that sounds like an electric harpsichord, capturing an 8-bit medieval feel! I think that overall nothing in this track jumps out to me as the star of the show. I can clearly hear every element in the song, however for me nothing has such a "hey listen to me, I'm super cool!" Overall this is a great piece and I can see this song in a game like Necro-Swarm!

Oops, my bad! I have added the correct versions of everything now! Thank you so much for your feedback, I really appreciate it! I'm glad you liked to prog rock take on trad music, I thought it would a bit risky haha.

(1 edit)

(OG Jam Version)

I love your guy's interpretation of the theme as 'an empty beginning!' That's a very novel take and I love it. The game looks great, and the levels very well put together. The platforming itself was a little tricky and often felt a bit buggy. There are lots of lips on the top of objects that would push you away if you right up next to them, and getting out of the sewers was a nightmare lol. On some jumps where the camera was pushed right close to the character I would often jump just after I left the ledge, making it so I could only use the second half of my jump. Implementing or increasing coyote time might be of a little help! As well the SFX were a bit loud for me, would have liked to see an options menu! All that being said I finished the game and enjoyed it so overall great entry!

(1 edit)

Really fun! I liked how the music changed between platforming and building. I wish there was a way to restart the platforming without building, it was a little annoying to have to click start every time, and the later levels were a little too big, I felt like I spent too much time building. As well each level felt like I had too many blocks, the final level I was able to block off all the enemies and make pretty much a solid platform from start to finish. Maybe add a feature where you get a higher score the less blocks you use? All that being said I played right to the end and enjoyed it all! Thanks!

Great game, I think this is just about the perfect game jam game! It has one focus, and then iterates on the one concept to make a game that feels complete. The difficulty ratings for me seemed to be a bit off (for me the planet level was the hardest) but overall it was very fun!

I encountered this bug too!

Really great atmosphere! The story was fun and the text animation was awesome! Our team's original idea was to base our game off of your other one, Valorie, we liked it so much! Another great submission, thanks for sharing

The way the levels build themselves is awesome, and some of the levels were quite challenging. Sometimes I felt like the hitboxes were a little too big, I often felt that the corners of my collider were a little too big (or maybe that's just because I'm bad at platformers haha!). I got to level 10 but it was a bit too challenging for me so I quit there, but overall pretty fun game!

Just agreeing with what others have said, awesome intro (we considered a "There is No Game" theme too!) but the game play felt basic after that setup!

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it and found it easy to pickup

I'm glad you thought it was fun! Yeah, the lemon is definitely the hardest, but you can still collect fruit that isn't 'on the grid!' Just takes a bit of manoeuvring haha

Thanks for the reply! I'm really happy you liked the music, that's exactly the vibe I was going for so I'm happy that's how it came across! Feedback is always appreciated, and I agree that some fruits make it harder than others :)

Great game! The platforming is challenging and the wall jumps and bounces were very finicky and for me hard to get right. The music fit very well, but for me the sound effects didn't quite fit the theme, and were a bit repetitive/loud. It looks great and has a great atmosphere!

Nice game! The small enemies that take the same amount of hits as a big asteroid are kind of annoying. As well, a countdown or something for when the direction changes would be nice!

I liked the game but it was almost impossible to see some of the lazers, especially when they came through a destroyed enemy

Fun game! I like the implementation of the theme by adding more directions! Keeping track of all you arrows is hard!

Music was ok, gave a very mysterious vibe but didn't feel like it should be the music for a fast paced sort of game! Missing sfx as well. The concept is very cool, and I think fits the jam theme well. I did manage to escape the tutorial bounds making it so I couldn't collect the health in the tutorial but it didn't matter in the end!

The music was cool but I really missed some SFX! The car got really fast by the end and maybe I'm a boomer but even if I pressed space right when I saw the sign I still couldn't make the turn. As well it felt like slowing down had a cool down which didn't feel very good to me

Fun concept! Just a few bugs when switching rooms, sometimes I would start the room outside of the map and sometimes the enemies trapped me in the entrance. Looks great though!

(1 edit)

Great game! Had a lot of fun playing. One thing is that the music should keep playing through the restarts, it was a bit annoying for it to restart every time I died! As well, sometimes I couldn't see my cursor very well, maybe making it a different colour could help

Each level was fun and I even found the secret! For the rotation part I kept wanting to press and hold then release the mouse button to release me from the COG. Visuals were awesome, except sometimes it was a little dark and I lost myself/my cursor at a couple points. I played through 3 times, and every time I collected the red key my character would go crazy and fly everywhere. It always stopped after a while though. Wish there was a little more for getting the star!

The platforming is almost impossible as the jump is very hard to control. Made it to the end though! I found the shortest path... ;) The maze is cool but you can jump on top of the walls!

Cool game, I like the twist on the classic tron format!

It would be better if you could tell which item opened which door! I only guessed strawberry in the first level because the door was red, but in the next level I saw that there was only  red doors so I was very confused lol. Sound effects when the door opens would be awesome as well.

Was pretty good, the music was cute! the objective was a little unclear and I wish there was a better way to fight the humans!