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Lady Death's Head

A member registered Oct 03, 2021 · View creator page →

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  • a person who searches for and collects discarded items.
  • The game's concept is wonderful and could have been explored more considering you didn't make full use of the 3 hours. The area where the player interacts could be way smaller since we don't use most of it. The puzzles were very cool, and although easy, I don't think that's a problem considering the time constraints. The music could use some work specially in the "popular royalty free sound effets" department. There is a website called with millions of royalty free sound effects uploaded by users.

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    This one's wonderful, could you release the soundtrack on youtube? I adore it.

    Score of 61. I could have definitely gone further but unfortunately the difficulty doesn't scale so I eventually ended my run manually. The game is very well done, the visuals are a highlight, the audio is very good (although I didn't like that breaking boxes sounds like a gun being shot) and the music as well. The core gameplay loop is sweet and I think it really reached its potential.

    I had more meaningful choices in mind but prototyping ate up most my time, so unfortunately I couldn't deliver. Thanks for the feedback!

    Very engaging! Loved the music!

    Problem is: my computer is good, this probably shouldn't be happening

    I love moths!

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    Here. Important to mention that the HUD keyboard doesnt show my arrow keys, but I am pressing them as well. I would also like to mention that when the in-game cursor moves, that's not me moving it. You can see that it's not me when I get out of full screen and move it outside the window while the in-game cursor is still in the same place. When the guy moves, that's not me either. I only press any keys after/before, so he just kinda moved on his own.

    I'll send a video when I'm free

    Hello. So here's the thing, whenever I try the game on my browser, it's like the game plays itself, as if I'm watching a video. The mouse moves on it's own and so does the character, it's very strange. But I managed to get it to work on my phone. Very cool game!

    This one was pretty fun, I loved the music and the loop was engaging!

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    Very happy you enjoyed the loop! That is a score far beyond what I expected!

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    Is the game supposed to play itself? I'm so confused, the mouse moves on it's own

    Very nice music

    Very well made

    The amount of polish this game had for such a small time frame is surprising. The art is very cute, so are the sound effects, that alone makes me want to play it. But the puzzle design could use some work. I'll go off about that for a bit, and try to be constructive about it.

    I got to almost the end of the game, yet I still don't know how 3/4 of the mechanics work. The way they're presented is somewhat confusing, I feel as though each puzzle type is introduced with very easy puzzles, and then it ramps up too quickly, which means that when I get to where I am being challenged on how well I understand the basics of a mechanic and how I can adapt to new uses of it, it's way harder because I hadn't had the chance to understand the basics. It feels as though some learning steps were skipped. Just to be clear, this is not a critique of the difficulty itself, just how the puzzles are presented. It's not that they're too hard, but that they're hard to understand. 

    Other than that, beautiful game.

    This was actually pretty solid gameplay wise. It was simple but the blood particle effects and the sheer amount of bullets you can shoot really sell it. I think this is a good example of nailing something simple

    You can actually use the left mouse button to switch the lights too, I'll put it in the description of the game so it's more obvious. Thanks for the feedback!

    I think this one's the one. It's short, simple, straight to the point and still fun. Music is great, sound effects are great, visuals are great, and it plays super well. I genuinely don't have a lot to criticize. I suppose the upgrades could be a lot more diverse, and the mole enemy could have some better telegraphing of where it appears since one time it appeared under me and killed me but I'm probably just bad lol. This is a minor nitpick but I thought that carpet on the ground was an obstacle many times until I realized it was just scenery. Other than those minor things, the game was really fun. I think this is the one to win (maybe?).

    yea i tried it really doesnt work

    Very cute, like the graphics, gameplay was very straight forward, adorable game. It could have been longer and had more interesting platforming? Yes, but I also like how simple it is. Having sound effects for the game would have made a big differece as well.

    Ah I see

    This was definitely an experience. Not a whole lot to say about it, I did it's thing I guess lol. Would've done well with some music to amp up the weirdness. The style of the game kinda reminds me of hylics actually. I didn't know what I was really doing when playing so it just felt like I was drunk lol. Also the voice lines were really quiet I could barely understand.

    I had a lot of fun playing it, it was really cool but really tough. One thing bugged me the entire time though, I don't really see a point in aiming? It seems like it moves your troops around but that's really it, which makes the gameplay a bit tedious. If you could, for example, shoot a powerful projectile from time to time, it would really add variation. Or if maybe you could aim where your mages will shoot. A change like that would really add a bit of diversity, which I think is what the game lacked the most. I had fun picking the upgrades though, the key was getting a really strong barrier of soldiers so that the inner troops weren't taken out. And the music was very good, very enjoyable. The poems as well were delightful. The art got me divided, during gameplay it looks good but the cutscenes were very squiggly and didn't fit in with the rest of the game. It wasn't really a big deal however. Liked how you did the theme too, pretty cool idea.

    Ah I'm super bummed about this one, the camera movement is bugged and the character won't turn. Is it supposed to be like this? I was really interested in playing it.

    Oh wow, I loved playing this one, it's super focused on what it wants to be. The music sounds cool, the graphics are pretty nice, the gameplay is really good and fun, and the concept is honestly fantastic. Even though I don't have a lot to say about it and honestly I didn't make it very far (got some other games to rate), it was really fun and I enjoyed the execution.

    Gameplay is pretty cool I really liked it, but, uh, it's kinda silly how you went for a war theme and put these goofy sound effects. Game was fun even if very simple, could spend a long time playing it. Not sure how the theme fits. I guess it gets kinda dark to see at random times?

    The artstyle was really cute, and I thought that the objective for the game was really cute too. It could've been shorter though, lots of walking. Also I lost my firefly because I fell in the hole and used it there lol, wasn't able to finish the game. Having spirits be attracted by quacks also didn't make much difference at all, the follow you regardless. Would be interesting if there were many spirits in a very dark spot and they only followed you if you made noise, so you could have the choice: Do I quack so I can see where the hell I'm going or do I stay silent and make my way through? Very cute game, though. Liked the ambient sounds too, the forest felt very foresty.

    Let's go by parts, the visuals look great, the pixel art is sweet, the tv effect is really nice and the IRL images fit right in.  Some images were actually pretty unsettling. I think this was the strongest point of the game and what made me want to try it out. Now I do warn you that I'm going to criticize the game a little.

    But the part that interfered with my enjoyment the most was the music; the ambient track was alright actually, but there's this weird out of tune jingle that plays every time you interact with something and it always interrupts the music, it's very uncomfortable for the ears and breaks the atmosphere.

    I was also very confused on what was happening most of the time, I kept dying are random places and not knowing why. I think it was because right after a jumpscare ended, the monster would touch me, not leaving room for reaction. Not really sure if that's what happened or if it was a scripted death. Really confused me.

    I thought the story was interesting, seemed like a lovecraftian space horror fell down and started making everyone sick, kinda similar to color out of space. I wanted to see more of the story but I was getting killed every time I made progress so I kinda dropped it.

    Pretty interesting game though, looks really nice and seems to have interesting lore.

    The game was overall very original and very funny. Gameplay and general plot line could have been a lot more interesting though, just wandering around and stuff at the end felt kinda pointless at the end,  and the actual story was very throw away. I think you could have used more puzzles like you did with the password. But it was funny as hell and very fun and I guess that's what matters.

    This was the funniest game I've ever played

    Not interested in digging up stories by scrap like some bootleg matpat at home

    This game was just... wow

    Is she gay?

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    Did I just spend 10 minutes walking just so I could have a pale Peach jump on my screen...?

    This game is so cute




    This game is wonderful

    who in the world ever wanted a sequel for this