Really creative game! I loved the design of the frog robot and the bug batteries. Very unique mechanic of gathering battery power and spreading it to the terminals to progress, I can see a full length game with this setup!
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I was in a discord call with some friends and we were all invested in watching Elvis take on the Viscious Squash. Everything from the goofy characters to the meaty SFX is just spot on! Just when you think one side is going to win, the opponent pulls off the craziest combo of a lifetime. Loved every moment of it! Also RIP dog I didn't mean to blow you up :(
Really nice style, and the gameplay is simple but enjoyable!I liked the ragdoll on kicks, they were fun and satisfying to perform. I did have to press the Windows key to be able to use my mouse to return to main menu on death. The health bars of distant enemies were a bit distracting since they were the same size as nearby enemies, so crowded rooms were difficult to make out. I think scaling the health bar down somehow and having it consistent with the distance of the enemy would make help! Good work!
I love how you interpreted the theme as a power struggle! I was impressed by the story that was told in such a compact environment and amount of time. Each character had a unique personality, design or quirk, it was interesting to see how things would play out. Fantastic work!
*Spoilers ahead
I liked the reveal of The Stranger being The Killer in one of the routes. I thought I was on the right track when splitting the key between the Kingpin and the Businessman, but I didn't expect my character to deal with both of them so suddenly! I was able to get two endings and I assume there are at least three, but I'm curious how many in total there are.
Thanks for the feedback!
Yep, I wish I gave myself more time for SFX, those last-minute bugs crept up on me. What good is volume control without any sounds!
I agree going too fast can become too chaotic. There was a way to slow down, but turning arcs became too slow the faster you were moving. Part of me wanted to experiment with scaling the turning radius with speed, but it might make for some violently fast turns haha. I might revisit it if I update the game later!
I really dig the theme! The controls remind me of some of the classic mobile games from the 2010s. I'm not sure if increasing the pull/repel force would make certain parts easier, but there were some moments where I couldn't change direction in time and avoid an obstacle. Challenging but really fun!
From the power lines to the power meter to a monkey with sunglasses riding a skateboard, this game just oozes POWER. I also love the humor in the game, like the screaming expression on the birds or how abruptly the music stops and the monkey dies on impact. Once I found out you could jump midair without tricks it became a lot easier to recover onto the power lines again. It does get tricky to see if you line up with them sometimes, but something like a drop shadow beneath the player might help with that! Nice work!
Simple but fun! The game didn't work with my Switch Controller, but the keyboard controls are responsive and platforming is easy to track with the drop shadow. I like the way the SFX changes pitch as you build a combo, its a nice touch! I couldn't find a good time to make use of the smash ability though. Also the way Biggie rolls around is fun to watch.
The game looks fantastic! I love the sound design of the rockets as you speed up. The controls took a while to get used to, but I couldn't get my Switch controller to work, so I used keyboard controls instead. It is a little challenging to make tighter turns but otherwise the two-stick acceleration is a fun idea, almost like Star Wars Podracing!
The game looks fantastic! I love the sound design of the rockets as you speed up. The controls took a while to get used to, but I couldn't get my Switch controller to work, so I used keyboard controls instead. It is a little challenging to make tighter turns but otherwise the two-stick acceleration is a fun idea, almost like Star Wars Podracing!