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lauren pham

A member registered Jul 01, 2016 · View creator page →

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Ohhhh, I see, haha! Yeah, Famitracker is definitely meticulous, but the process runs pretty smoothly once you get the hang of it. 

Oh sweet, Reaper! That's cool that you can make your chip tunes sound authentic through a DAW. Have you ever used a tracker before?

This game is super pretty and I love the music! 

Your music's sick! My favorites are Jungle Groove Grove, The Good Fight, and Where To Now?

What tracker do you use?

Thank you!

Dude, that's awesome that you're trying it out, though! It's always an interesting experience to test one's limits. Good luck on your first jam! :D

Oh my gosh, whaaat? No, haha! Keep making music :D

Do you have a portfolio/website/soundcloud? I'd love to take a listen to your stuff.

No worries! And sure thing.

Thank you; I appreciate your compliment! And I hope to see content from your end as well!

Hello, yes! I am still looking for a team. I took a look into your guys' games and played a bit; it was fun!

I would love to join you and your girlfriend! Do you guys have Discord, or a place where we can chat further?

Hey there! I was, indeed, looking for the former since I don't know how to program, unfortunately. Your art looks great; I love anime, haha!

If we could find a programmer, then I would join you guys, but it seems another team would like to pick me up so I will be looking into collaborating with them.

Best wishes in finding/forming a team!

I would laugh so hard if someone just got a crust for their pizza.

Anyway! I'm a composer looking for a team since I'd love to join this game jam; it looks like a lot of shenanigans are about to go down and I want to partake :D Here's my soundcloud if you'd like to take a look at my previous work: https://soundcloud.com/laurenxpham

Let me know if you'd like to team up!

Hello everyone,

I'm a composer and I'm looking to see if there are any teams that would like someone to do music for their game for this upcoming jam. Here's my soundcloud if you'd like to check out some of my previous work: https://soundcloud.com/laurenxpham

Hoping to team up!

this gave me so many happy and good feelings. the melodies, harmonies, and pacing were wonderful. the mixing could use a little bit more work, but otherwise it was great. thank you for submitting this! you did a fantastic job.

you have some nice ideas and harmonies in here! there are some parts where it becomes a bit repetitive, so maybe an area of improvement can be developing your ideas further and varying them to keep the listener engaged.

Hi cinetic! And thank you!

I use a sample library from East West for my strings, and then I tweak them with some slight EQ-ing. Unfortunately, Logic's string patches are quite hard to work with when it comes to making them sound realistic. I'm not sure how far a vst by itself would bring you, but from my experience, I would definitely recommend getting a sample library.

Oh, thank you!! And sure! What would be the best way to communicate with you from here on out?

Sure thing! What would be the best way to continue communicating with you?

Well, you've come to the right person! I'd love to collab with you.

Your game sounds pretty cool! I can't wait to see it in its completion.

What would be the best way to communicate with you from here on? Through email?

Hey there! I'm a composer and I'd love to work with a partner or a team and write music for your game. So, if you'd like some tunes for this game jam, hit me up! It'd be great to collab with someone.

Here are some tracks I've made for previous game jams if you'd like to check them out.

Thank you! And great! I'm looking forward to hearing from you if/when you'd like some music. Good luck on your work!

Hi there! I'm a composer and I'm looking to join a team or partner up with someone to write music for their game. My first game jam experience was super fun, so I'd love to participate in another jam and create stuff with people!

So, if you want music for your game, let me know and I'd love to collaborate with you!

Here are some examples of my tracks if you guys wanna check it out.

(1 edit)

Hello, hello! I'm not a developer, but I am a composer and I would love to join a team if anyone wants music for their game. Let me know!

Here are some examples of my music if you want to check it out.

(2 edits)

Hey there! I'm not a developer, but I am a composer and was wondering if any of you would like music for the games you're making for this jam? I'd love to contribute/join a team, so let me know if you want some tunes!

Here are some examples of my music if you want to check it out.