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A member registered Apr 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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Tutorial was the next thing on my plate and  Iran out of time. T-T

But yes! We have a lot of plans for this game someday. :) Thank you for playing.

Okay! I've played a round. The control scheme of moving, clicking, and also hitting the number keys on beat is kind of crazy! But I do enjoy that leveling up actually adds those things to the soundscape. :) very cool!

It is just off the screen, and when I click it, nothing happens. :c (I took a screenshot, went back to it... And now it works. I don't know what changed, but apparently we're good now. 

I got stuck on the first level  because of Physics. D:

But then I restarted and managed to get into the Real Game!! I like it, but it's a little buggy (can't imagine why). Considering the timing, I think you did great. :)

I was having an excellent time until my scythe ROCKETED off the screen. 😂 I LOVE the feel of this game. Reminds me of old Windows games. I wish it had some sound, but I think you did a great job.

Adding that I saw the "hit enter to skip level". LOVE the way the game ends!

I like the variety of answers and questions, though the objective wasn't totally clear. I like the loop of play, too!

I'm having trouble making this game fullscreen, and it looks like Solo Mode is off the top of the game window. :c

But I love the concept. The art and sound design are great.

Those are some excellent thoughts! Thanks for your feedback.

My screen never got past "More Coming Soon".

I can see where you wanted to go with this. I hope you come back to it and finish it some day!

I couldn't figure out how to open the backpacks. T-T But it was fun!!

Why is this so fun? The chasing taxis are so goofy, but I love them.

I had no idea what I was doing but I managed something? Once??

But it was a fun idea! I liked the sound design & visuals.

When I clicked "Retry" it closed the game! But aside from that, it was fun. I'm not super good at games like this, but I tried my best.

Was there more to it than that first screen? Maybe I should've left it longer, but that didn't make sense to me. 

I don't feel comfortable running this one, sorry!

I'm not very good at this kind of game, but it was pretty and I enjoyed it!

Interesting! Loved the style. I managed to find a door, but a bunch of dogs caught me before I could open it!! Would have loved to have actually read the lore. I got to read more each time I died, at least. Haha

I really enjoyed this! The Vitruvian had me scratching my head, but that's okay. Probably more of a me problem.

It's short, but this wasn't a long jam. You have a completed game with a loop and I loved it!

For the record, I made it to wave 12.  I like the addition of auto-start and the options. Thanks for including those.

I liked this one. The "towers" were a little iffy. Like, the ranged don't go past a certain point, so my melee end up dying. Same, actually, with them being able to fight enemies just outside of their walking range, so instead of ganging up on the guys they're fighting essentially one-on-one. But it's actually quite fun.

Quick and simple, but I don't think that's a bad thing!

(1 edit)

I got fined because I figured the "Valid Until 2001" meant they were expired. I did figure out eventually that that's  their, like, birth year? But even that isn't quite right. Edit: Just unlocked "Current Year". That makes more sense.

This is a very cute game. I can see that there's an influence from similar games, but I like this one, too!

Love the leaderboard! The controls were a little wacky, but not bad once you get the hang of them!

Great art, wonderful story, and I lost it when I had a trail of four moms coming for me! Haha Amazing!

Oh my. the text speed is so very slow. I love the aesthetic, and I'd love to learn more about the world, but I just can't handle how slow the text is going. Haha

Hey, man. Idk if it's just a viewport/itch problem, but I can't see anything but "Dogs will spawn soo" on my screen. :c

I am not good at it, but it's fun enough!

A great choice of theme, excellent artwork, good music. I couldn't get the hang of the gameplay, but I enjoyed it anyway. (Was immediately swarmed by bats and I had no idea how to stop that lol)

I absolutely agree! I wondered how the game would end, then the police car started sneaking up on me. Very cool!

This is short but sweet. Really great work!