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6PT of Chat's pageJudge feedback
Judge feedback is anonymous.
- The GDD is well thought out and thorough! The theme is well represented in the design; having an AI be the weapon that destroys a company's reputation is a fun way to approach the theme! I also like seeing the score calculations and how reputation works. The music and sound effects are great, but are quite loud. Reducing the starting volume would be good, maybe to 50%. I like that it's easy to see when new chats come in, and how quickly they pop up after a user rates the chat/response. The images of the different users are great and add a lot of personality to the interactions. I like how each character has a specific thing they are using the AI for and how their questions relate.
Link to your Game Design Doc on Google Drive.
Have you checked that your GDD is publicly accessible ?
Is your game set to public on so we can see it?
Summarise your game!
You are playing as an AI Agent who is dealing with user requests (questions). Since you were hacked to ruin company reputation, your goal is to do as much harm as possible - Decrease reputation and spend as much token as possible. At the end you will be presented with Damage Score (The higher the better).
There are limitations of how many parallel requests you can process and how much time do you have until shutdown (day end) and until rollback (game end). Between shutdowns (days) you can spend your tokens for training (upgrades).
During the game users & upgrades appear randomly so some games will feel a bit different and since each question has multiple answer choices they can reveal new questions & answers. Those are called follow-up questions.
Please explain how your game fits the theme:
AI Agent got hacked to work against company in dealing reputational and financial damage. So you became a weapon against users & company.
Is there anything you'd like the judges to pay particular attention to?
Hope no one will take this game too serious as it is just for fun.
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Really clever take on the theme, and very convincing UI. I am impressed with any game that is UI heavy and still manages to be fast paced and fun, great job! The conversations were pretty funny, though I did end up clicking so fast that I could no longer read them after a point, which I guess is unavoidable. It would be so funny to see Thor play this on stream, lol.
This was very cool, definitely a game you could probably link to new people who join the discord :D
This game was pretty funny. I found the timer a little fast, I wasn't able to read all the conversations, I just clicked on the best negative reputation. Also the timer went down when while I was waiting for more chats to pop up. Still a fun game.
Thanks for playing. Timer was mostly an experimental thing and I do agree that probably it would be better without it. For that reason at the end I made an option to start the game with longer timer. Fact that your timer went down is interesting. With all my testing I have never seen it. Can you recall maybe you did something specific or you remember in which situation that happened ?
I’ll try playing it again sometime, but I can’t think I did anything in particular. I didn’t touch any settings. I don’t remember seeing any options with or without timer. I just picked the first available option to play the game.
That option is at the end, when you play 3 sessions (days) and get presented with a score. You can also ses it in the last screenshot.
Simple yet fun game. I think it's the most humorous game I played during this game jam so far.
Also the quaility of the game is amazing for such a short timeframe.
I had a blast reading all the memes and funny dialogue - although I had to replay a few times to see more of the dialogue (I ran out of compute credits in some rounds so had to make the choices I didn't want to). You implemented the transition shader very well, I thought that was a very nice touch to the game. I wasn't sure what to expect but the writing in this was really good - I had a lot of fun with this one so thank you for making it!
Fun idea, but I think there must be an issue with text scaling on screens with higher resolutions. The text is tiny!
Thanks for the comment and yes, scaling wasn't my main concern so I was focusing only on specific sizes :)
Fair enough! For what it's worth, I'm playing on a 13-inch MacBook Air (2560 × 1600).
Thanks for mentioning that. I will keep that size in mind for future testing 👍
This is really fun! I like the nice details and memes you put into the game!
I tried to go different routes to figure out the benefits/drawbacks of giving good advice, but it does not seem to affect the gameplay as far as i noticed, you always get the game over prompt where you are outed as the hacker.
I assume the goal to is to find the most reputation damaging option to apply through different prompt options, but could not really figure out how you gain tokens, and at what point the reputation damage was applied or calculated.
These a minor things as the game works really well, and the music and style fit well together. Also like the references.
Thanks for your comment and for playing the game. Yes, the goal is to earn bad reputation and in the end you are presented with the score just to indicate how good you were as damaged AI. The calculation is kinda hidden information for the player but maybe reputation and token changes could been made more clear to the player, I agree on that. Otherwise yes, the game is just the same but each answer could lead just to other options. Some answers may lead to more questions and thus give you more options to damage rep :)
That was very fun, I'm sad the game is so short! Nicely done.
This game made my day. So many meme's & references it made me laugh!
Well done!
What can I say, the creativity, the satire, the jokes. Loved it! I got confused the first and second playthrough I got a bit lost of what to do, it's until I read the page a bit before knowing that I needed to do damage to the company and not helping it, I guess putting the objectives directly into the game would be nice. But overall, I love this game so much! 11/10
Hey, thank you so much for such awesome comment <3 I can agree that explicitly telling what is the goal would be nice. I think its not the first time I made this mistake :D On the other hand it didn't bother me because at the end you still can do multiple playthroughs and would enjoy (hopefully) the dialogs :)
Great Idea. I had fun with it. only thing is that I would scrap the timer because I was just looking at numbers rather than reading questionsa and answers which I thought was a shame becuse what I managed to read was funy. Also I would hide what will be reputation cost so You need to deduct it from text itself.
Thanks, thats a very fair point. I was thinking about it too (timer) and had same feeling but it was already too late to scrape it :) Thats actually the reason I implemented second chance (but longer) to start the game with 1 minute instead of 30 seconds. It was done on my lunch break a few hours before submission deadline 😂
This was fun, I tried doing a version that answered correctly all the time as well as one that answered wrong all the time. Funny game dev references too and the graphics were nice and fitting.
I second Roaming, my first instinct was to be Evil GPT and I'm honestly still striving to get the most negative score. I'm allowing "real" GPT to get revenge for all the insults I sent it up to now LOL.

UI is simple but very polished. Overall game was a clever way of interpreting the theme! Love it!
PS: This is also very likely a Firefox issue but I would get prompt responses that would grow this big at times. Could be Godot acting weird with vboxes or something.
Oh wow, never saw it coming :D Thanks for letting me know. Next time will test it in FF too.
Godot on FF is not very stable (my game jam game runs at like half the frame rate). So I would honestly just tell players to use chrome and call it a day LOL. That's why it was a PS
Gonna be honest, first time I forgot what I was doing and tried to give the best reputation answers that cost the least ;)
Once I remembered what I was meant to be doing, I got a damage score of about 300. Honestly, I enjoyed playing it both in the right and the wrong ways.
Very nice UI design and music choice, supports the game's core concept well. Cool interpretation of the theme.
I did find it a bit confusing how to get a highscore, what with the tokens, reputation, rollbacks and shutdowns to consider.
Still, fun submission. Nice job!
funnier then i thought it would be. sucked me in for longer then i expected! great job!
I liked this one.
You should enable full screen feature in's settings. Fun game, got a chuckle out of a few of the prompts/responses
Thank you! Glad at least some got you chuckling. Makes all efforts worth even more :) Followed your advice on enabling full screen.
A really interesting and unique idea! A played through the game a few times, and my best score was 695. Very fun, great job!
Very fun! Reminds me of game "A Duck Has An Adventure" for some reason.