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Len Underbrink

A member registered Feb 18, 2021 · View creator page →

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I see, I wish you well!

thanks a lot!

I work on windows 10 right now and I tried Chrome and Edge.

Nice! Great crisp turn on the theme. Easy, understandable and fun. Well done!

This really is a well done and actually fun shooter, good job! I would love this to be combined with some kind of not evil story haha. The different mechanics (shooting, throwing, kicking) work really well together and you did a great job on the details aswell (like the enemies killing the hostages if you back out too long). And the katana...

Clean and simple - nice one!

Sadly it is not possible for me to start the game, no matter which bwoser I try. It always crashes before the WebGL screen finishes loading. Maybe provide a downloadable version next time, the screenshots look amazing.

First of all the grafics, sound design and the first part of the story is amazing! Sadly tho the game used to crash during th later conversations, which is why I could not finish it. Looks like there is a problem with WebGL...

Keep it up!

Nice mechanic and gameplay. Please consider taking a look at your code again tho, the performance (in multiple browsers) is horrible.

This is such a nice twist on the theme, well done! An interactive tutorial would be great tho, especially for someone who does not know much about poker.

I love plant themed games and you did a great job connecting this genre with cards. Maybe you could make things feel a little less random and more influenceable.

The idea is good, but the movement feels kinda unresponsive. Maybe give the player more freedom and ability to move quickly. Otherwise doging those fast cars can feel impossible, random and frustrating.

Good twist on the theme and the mechanic is actually great! You could totally expand on this. Maybe make the different red symbols more distinguishable and start with one even easier level to get into the game.

The theme is hit on point and jokes are on point aswell. One downside is the player movement. Especially in such a game where fast reactions are important the movement needs to feel responsive and snappy to me.

Nice turn on the theme! I would love to see this expanded further.

Thank you for the break. Could almost feel the fresh mountain breeze. And the stone skipping got me smiling.

This is a really interesting entry. The story is captivating and the design and audio is amazingly underlining the experince you are conveying. Really polished aswell.

Just some things I would consider: On the one side, the core game mechanic felt disconnected to the story you were telling. It sometimes felt like the story told though the tapes (really breathtaking!) was something completely different to the game played. It would have been nice if you introduced more elements which are part of that story (e.g. other obstacles instead of just construction sides).  You could also consider changing the chess theme to something more fitting.

On the other side I was quite shoked by the ending. It was really sad and cruel to me to introduce the suicide of the main character so suddenly. For me personally, it would have been much deeper if you told a story of the father processing his sorrow and emotions and finding back to something like "inner peace". This would especially fit your heard-warming words in the end.

All in all a really special experience and also a special entry for a game jam. Please keep up your work and only take those thoughts as inspiration for the next experience you create. Mindfully dealing with mental issues in games is a hard challenge! Glad you dared to take it.

Lovely little game, very comforting. It would add a lot if you could serve the cooked meals I think and not trash them all the time :)

thanks a lot! maybe we will release a full, polished version after the jam :)

This is very valueable feedback, thanks a lot for taking your time.

Thanks a lot!!🌬️

Thanks! What do you mean by "What's wrong,..."?

Thanks for the feedback!


Yes, just in case you want another try: The mouse position is the direction you're shooting towards. The longer you hold down the left mouse button, the further the sphere will go when you release the button again.

With the right mouse button you can then detonate it, at best at the enemies position.

The sphere automatically targets enemies nearby, so there is a little bit of "auto aim".

(2 edits)

We absolutely appreciate the feedback. Mutiple people already pointed out, that they did not really like the cross over of those two genres.

Actually tho, the opinions are quite 50/50 at the moment. We were of course also discussing this issue but ended up keeping the combat to make it more diverse. We made it a lot easier tho, in the beginning enemies used to spawn randomly in a time pattern. Now this only happens at certain events and not in the middle of a subpuzzle.

But again, thanks for pointing out your experience!

That sounds great, thank you very much! We will think about a more understandable tutorial for main mechanics next time.

hey, thanks for the feedback. We got this suggestion a lot, so yes, we will definitely think about other methods to introduce such mechanics next time.

Do you have any idea what would have helped you to really understand them in addition to the easier levels in the beginning? We don't wanted to give an explanation through text as we thought it would destroy the atmosphere. 

Wow, thank you! Appreciate that a lot.

(1 edit)

First of all, thank you very much for your amazing comment.

You can think of logical gates if you know about them. The middle node is an NOR, which means that the output is on when all inputs are off.

The two nodes at the sides are NOTs, they just invert the input.

We keep in mind to intoduce such mechanics a little bit more intuitively and understandable next time!

If you like to, maybe give it another try with the explanation aboth. There is a lot you did not even explore yet!

Thank you very much for the review! It was exactly our goal to create this immersive and impressive experience. We are really happy that someone felt like we intended it and even got goosebumps :))

nice to hear! Yes, actually the game is full of first semester computer science knowledge :)

We appreciate that a lot.

thank you very much, we really appreciate that!

If you want an immersive experience, we tried everything to make that possible. Enjoy!

If you want an immersive experience, we tried everything to make that possible. Enjoy!

If you want an immersive experience, we tried everything to make that possible. Enjoy!

If you want an immersive experience, we tried everything to make that possible. Enjoy!

Happy to hear you liked it!

Thank you! Just because I'm interested and you mentioned the theme, did you play until the ending?

Thank you for you're feedback! In case you are still wondering: The sphere goes into the direction of you're mouse chasing an enemy if nearby. The longer you charge it, the further it goes :)