Oh so it is, you've saved me and many others time found the thing I thought I lost on the water. Still unsure why the streamer Criken's safe yeet it self onto land. I am very happy to have learned this, thank you friend.
Recent community posts
As much I love Winter Mode it seems to break things, not sure how or why but here’s some observations about what tends to happen. Spoiler warning for those that have not finished Story Mode.
During the 2024 Halloween event when turning on Snow Mode briefly the Jack o’ Lantern I the water hole next to the lake disappears, yet the one in the well stays perfectly fine. Durning Criken’s playthrough the Safe wasn’t where it was supposed to be, and for some reason was flung near Tr 1 and the Teleport log. Yet when I killed a pig the meat piles during Christmas Event, the meat pile remained while rocks, scrap, and meat chunks fell back into the water. What’s been theorized between me and some other is that items get launched out of the water when turning on Snow mode.
While the other main observation is Kerfurs and creatures, such as wisps and boars, tend get stuck in water a lot which was also theorized something about how Snow Mode affected pathing. Notable places they get stuck in river near bridge right next to the base, Kerfur heading towards Xray seems get stuck in river, somewhere between Xray and Quebec, even though they can easily move out of the river so not prevented by Terrain this time. One point when I headed towards the little island in lake near Oscar by Kerfurs were unable follow me up there, even though previously they had no problem yet turning on Snow mode they were able cross the water. Might be something similar to how entities were getting stuck on the ice during Christmas event.
Here’s some changes and additions I thought of that might improve gameplay/quality of life.
- Change the threshold when the ATV starts to smoke, unsure how possible this is but it’s rather annoying when it starts smoking barely around 80 health. Perhaps make it so at 50 health small amount smoke starts coming off which gradually gets thicker and darker as the health decreases, maybe by 10 health it’s completely thick black smoke.
- Change the Digital Map dot of player into an arrow instead for better and easier navigation. As well as make an upgrade, could be really expensive, where Digital Map becomes connected to radar by displaying entity dots and depending on Modules changes to colored dots.
- Another upgrade, again could make it very expensive, is the ability to have either a Map holder on ATV or a Map built into ATV for ease of navigation and finding Entities faster. It’s a pain trying find something that’s constantly moving and missing out and finding it, especially if it’s a rare spawn to begin with.
- Maybe to balance out the upgrade to Digital map with Radar pings, is have an Event where new pings appear near player. Some of the pings appear and disappear then reappear gradually growing closer, other pings could be multiply unknowns surrounding the player. Sometimes they are real things, other times there’s nothing there, and maybe a rare event is something at insane speeds rushing towards player from furthest point from them that maybe kills the player or send them to unknown place/dimension.
- Unsure if it’s a bug or not, but unable to select a single color for Gamer Kerfur to be. Or if that was ever an intention with that Kerfur, which would be nice to choose your own color of Kerfur to have. Maybe even change the face display color to be different from main body color.
Been enjoying the newest Test version, but have encountered a bug with the Console Command "Scr". The game does seem register the command as when I hit either J or K it's not typed in, but the list doesn't scroll. Even loading back into the Save the bug is still there, I tried seeing if it still persisted in the Satellites and it does.
However the sv.target command seems to work just fine now.
Unfortunately I'm still running into the Achievement Bug with the Tutorial, I've tried leaving as soon I get the Achievement, then I've tried 'completing' the last part to see if that keep it. Neither seem to work, what I have noticed is the Achievement is still there before I got to the next part of run. Hope this is descriptive enough to not be hard understand, but not give away what it is. Cause I'm not sure if this be considered a spoiler or not, so sorry if this isn't enough or not correct way go about this.
The best way I found thus far, is buy tons of Cookies and just leave them at their place. If you have the one Setting on that says you Gained or Lost rep, you will get loud notification but that means it's working. But I found the Cookies to be the most cost effective way to increase Rep, without wasting too much money on Shrimps, because even if you take shrimp out and each one increases Rep on their own it's still costly. Hope this helps you.
Sorry hear you have it too, but also glad not just me and one other person.
What I have learned recently that seems to work. Got back and once you get the '7 Hour' achievement, I'm not sure which worked cause I did both to be sure. Is you go into Settings and hit Apply, after die so you get kicked back to the Starting Menu. I drowned which didn't take too long and that seemed to save the Achievement for me, so it might work for you too. Hope this helps as a Temp fix.
Just in case, a small Warning for potentional Spoilers for the Tutorial.
So an update on the Tutorial Achievement in 0.8.0e, and still didn't give it to me in the ways you are supposed to. Once again tried exiting to menu immediately, as well 'completing' the last part and exiting. I noticed the Achievement only stays for the second part, up until I either exit to menu or go to next part.
I tried something someone said that somehow worked for them, that did work for me as well is after getting the Achievement go to Settings and hit Apply. Now I also made sure die in Tutorial, so not 100% sure if the Apply or dying was what got it to work. But overall the bug is still there, and not sure why or how it's like that. Hope this is enough information on what it is and how fix it. Thanks for great game so far
Been loving 0.8.0, but I have something that hopefully isn't too spoilerly and not sure where else to report this. So forgive me if this isn't correct place do this.
But the "7 Hour" achievement doesn't stay for me, whether I finish the Tutorial Easter Egg or exit the Tutorial immediately after words, I check the Achievements and it's not there anymore and I'm unable to buy the unlock for the Achievement. I tried downgrading my game to the first release of 0.8.0, I tried getting the achievement when I think it was 0.8.0c. I tried doing the Achievement again in 0.8.0d, still not saving that I did the Achievement. Not sure what else to do, or how fix this. Hope this enough information on this, only seen one other person experience this bug thus far.