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A member registered Jan 29, 2022 · View creator page →

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awesome game!!! =D

Thank you for playing! and thats strange? its probably not your pc and just a bug with how the mining works sorry that you experienced that.  Thank you for the kind words!

Thank you for playing =D. yes we truly put our all into this game to make a fun mining game and keep an eye out as we have plans to make a developed version of the game!

thank you for the kind words! glad to hear u enjoyed the game =D

Thank you so much! yeah we tried to create as many reasons to keep digging to get to the bottom. and yeah we agree however, if you are interested, we are definitely going to be making a full version of the game after the jam so feel free to keep watch for updates on the game! =) thats so cool ill check your game out too =D

thank you for the review! glad to hear you enjoyed the gameplay loop =D

wow this is like high level production! super fun and kept me interested with the puzzles and everything! will definitely look out for more of your stuff! =D

Thank you for playing the game =D yeah we would of liked to make a few more things like enemies but unfortunately time constraints came in. we are glad to hear you enjoyed the game =)

moneybags is an icon

thank you! none of us are artists so we really appreciate that! =D

glad to hear you enjoyed the game! yeah we love the trap system always giving us a spook if we randomly fall on one lol. thank you for playing!

thank you so much! glad you had fun and yeah we agree that some cave ambience would of been nice we just didnt know how to incorperate it without it being so overbearing.

Hey this was such a cool game! we made similar games lol but u definitely nailed it! i managed to get down to the third area after upgrading myself to level 10+ on everything and the ore generation was super cool!

How did u get the ores to generate in ore veins over just on their own? that was one problem i had with my game.

overall this was a cool mining game definitely one of the better in the jam!

thank you for playing! i see you game is about mining too ill check it out!

thank you so much! glad to hear u enjoyed the game =D

Thanks for the review! was fun watching you play on stream! and yes i do agree altho i think u got super unlucky with chests as they should give more bombs, coins and also artefacts to help u go further in the start. thank you for playing!

all my homies love scuba steve. great game nice art and cool gameloop really kept me intrigued and playing

thank you for the kind words! glad to hear you enjoyed the game

Thank you! we put lots of effort into the gameplay

thank you so much and yeah we really put a lot of effort into making the mines a fun and interesting place. im glad to hear you liked the game

i loved the minigames on this it was super fun but the wires task was completely broke lol but it was still fun i liked the game

its not my style of games but the narration was super fun and the comedic lines really drew me in! really cool and unique entry!

This was a super cool game! it had a nice gameplay loop and the upgrades definitely helped giving a feeling of progression and reason to keep diving!

One minor thing i think could of made the gameplay feel a bit more interesting would be some extra kinds of obstacles. with most of it being rocks they tend to blend together whereas if you used some other coloured objects it may have been a bit more interesting to dissern and more pleasant to look at.

otherwise great game, really fun with nice art and gameplay!

cool and unique game entry! i ended up getting the doxxed ending my first time round lol but the art and sound was great! really enjoyed playing =)

a really cool shooter!  i think the logic behind the hole was a little too noticable but i liked the concept! only way i could see improvement would be to have some sprites for the player environment and enemies. otherwise great game!

gta 6 leaked gameplay

Super fun game and definitely a unique take in the diving deeper in the ocean theme most people ran with! i liked the generation mechanic i thought it was pretty cool! overall i enjoyed the game!

super cool mining game that is similar to what i submitted! the procedural generation really added a lot and made it fun to play. one minor thing i thought was annoying was that i couldnt seem to jump up blocks. i know the theme is going deeper but one instance was i mined myself into a hole underneath the shopkeeper and i couldnt interact with him anymore and had to go find another. otherwise great entry i really enjoyed!

i was just a bit confused at first but once i realised how the penguins and seals would react in differnet spots it became super fun and puzzling to figure the levels out! not to mention how cute they look too! really great game loved to play it!

a very unique entry! i liked the dive feature changing the scene its a cool concept! i had fun playing! 

really nice and simplistic art style really works for the game! minor things that i think were a bit frustrating was hearing damage sounds when i had already killed the enemy. other than that its a nice pretty entry!

Hey! just checked out the stream of you playing! we are really glad you liked it! first off, you got super unlucky with artefacts... theyre a 1 in 5 drop chance but u seemed to just never get them which was unfortunate. Also yes the game uses a raycast line of sight mechanic to break blocks and when the silver or other blocks were taking ages to mine its because u shouldnt have been able to reach them thats a bug we didnt find ourselves. other than that we are glad to hear you enjoyed the game and was super fun watching you play it as a first reaction stream! love the stuff keep it up and ill check out your game and streams too! =D

Thank you for your kind words! glad to hear you enjoyed the game =D

Thanks for the comment! glad to hear u liked the game =)

this game is so cool!! amazing atmosphere and narrative story! the combat at the end was a little janky i couldnt tell if i was damaging him or if i was being damaged. but otherwise it was super fun and i really enjoyed it!

thank you! glad to hear you enjoyed the game =D

thank you so much for the kind words! its really nice to hear you enjoyed the game! and i really like ur suggestion i wish we thought about it. if we ever work on a better version we will take that into account. 

the art and atmosphere is so nice! i really enjoyed playing and the story was interesting! really enjoyed!

Really Cool diving minigame! the only way i can think to improve is if the green bar would move or increase or decrease just to make it a little harder and interesting. Otherwise this is a great entry!

this is definitely a unique entry! the player is oddly horrifying and i love it! petition to call him Eggward?