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A member registered Apr 18, 2021

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Hi! Just wanted to let you know that I had a library stall at Leeds Festival of Gothica alternative market today and displayed your game with the Frankenstein book. I couldn't find your details but can tag you on socials if you can send me your handle. Thanks! 

I am so intrigued by the idea that the feeling and worldview of a book like this can be translated into a game. I think it is very clever and I certainly want to read the story now and play your game!

This game had great links to the novel and I liked how the themes of wealth, social standing and affection were used as part of the game play. Wonderful use of the British Library's collections to make such a visually enticing game. 

I really liked how you chose to focus on one aspect of the story and explore it. It really made us think about Boo as a character and what he represents in the novel. It was great how you adapted the collection image to make it fit with the design of the game - I am hoping that other people will re-use our images in such creative ways in the future. 

This was such a creative concept and I am so intrigued about the use of AR. A really great connection to the themes in the book. The design is so striking and such a clever choice of collection image to use, perfect! Really hope we can play this at some point. It would be such a great way to introduce people to the book and of course a lot of the themes are still relevant today. 

The design of this game is absolutely stunning. So much thought has gone into selecting the perfect quotes from the books and then pairing with beautiful illustrations. I really want to give this a go and already have a notebook that I have been saving for a special occasion!

I just absolutely loved the artwork in this game and it was so clear and accessible. I would really like to use this game alongside the old copy of Frankenstein from the library collections. A fantastic way to introduce people to gothic literature!

Really great connection to the books. Very magical and creative. I just want to have a go!

I loved the art work in this game and what a great idea. You both are very talented. I immediately wanted to know what the sloth was all about and looked it up. I was also really pleased to see you incorporate the map, how clever!  Amazing that you made this in 24 hours and would be interested in seeing more. 

This was so detailed and such a lot of thought had gone into the design and theme.  I liked how you tried to capture as many elements of the novels as possible. I think this means that it would encourage people who may not have  normally read this type of book to give it a go.

I really liked the concept of being transported into  other worlds and the connection to Alice in Wonderland, as well as, lots of other stories.