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A member registered Jun 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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Loved the background music, and the throw rocks mechanic. Jumping over pits was very satisfying!

No wonder this game is so popular! Loved the buddy mechanic and the checkpoint feature.

Great work hands down!

This game really draws you in hehe. Got hooked right from the get-go. Would be nice if left arrow selected the red miner, and right arrow selected the green miner. Also, if there was some sort of save feature at the start if the level.

Really liked the concept! It could be even better if it were possible to select a color while holding down space.

Well, it was time well spent :)

Can't wait to try out what you'll work on next!

We got it! The purple banana is ours now hehe.

Reaching to the top was a quite an experience, solving puzzles and listening to the funky music. It was a great experience that'll be hard to forget for sure.

Honestly, there was something we thought it was missing. There was a bit of a confusion on the second part of the game, were we had to unlock new puzzles as we went down the ladders, starting from the top level. In part, it was slightly annoying to have to keep detatching monkeys to be able to carry the red and blue monkeys around, all because of the weight limit. It there a way make them weightless, maybe?

By the way, loved the ah-ha moment right at the end, to solve the very last puzzle! 

Oh! The controls on the title screen and the improved transitions were a nice touch :)


Just read the post-jam update, by the way. WebGL version working is such a good news!

Can't wait to try the new release. The goal will be to finish it this time :)

Oh! Sounds great!

Just became a follower to stay on the loop :)

Really liked how the game starts, fading in from black and with an intro cinematic!

The brief tutorial with controls guide and rules no doubt set the right mood for the rest of the game.

Actually found it very forgiving with checkpoints, strategically placed after each puzzle was completed. That was a plus!

Also, watching the full playthrough video helped with the confusing bits hehe.

Got nothing to add, really, other than a few nitpicks here and there. Perhaps, you could: add more contrast to the living room walls, and a hint feature ,:)

So well put together. Originality through the roof!

Hahaha. Well, you're welcome hehe.

And thank you! :)

The game page deserves a 10/10 in presentation for sure! (originality is a close second hehe)

Really enjoyed playing the game, and the art style. It's a game every game designer should play.

Found the title very clever and funny too :)

Loved the music at the very beginning!

The concept is very cool and, once one gets the hang of the core mechanic, the game becomes increasingly more fun with each level.

If the Tab key could be used to switch views back and forth, and if there was a clearer indication that the icons are actually the gray blocks seen by Viruz, the whole experience would've been even better!

Swapping between the two views was exhilarating on the last couple of levels. Jack & Viruz it's definitely challenging but fair :)

Loved the music at the very beginning!

The concept is very cool and, once one gets the hang of the core mechanic, the game becomes increasingly more fun with each level.

If the Tab key could be used to switch views back and forth, and if there was a clearer indication that the icons are actually the gray blocks seen by Viruz, the whole experience would've been even better!

Swapping between the two views was exhilarating on the last couple of levels. Jack & Viruz it's definitely challenging but fair :)

It's amazing how this 3d game was put together in such a short time. We thought it'd have a pixelart aesthetic hehe.

To be honest, the controls were a bit confusing at the start. Using AWSD keys helped a lot, actually :)

What might make Somnium even more fun is to be able to attack with space, and for the fire wisp to increase the attack damage after defeating an enemy, and for the blue wisp to allow the player to walk on water and enter that mysterious white portal at the center of the level ,:)

On the other hand, the combat felt really good, and loved the animations!

(1 edit)

This game's presentation is off the charts! The hand-drawn and isometric style, plus the funky beat, just blew us away :)

We couldn't finish it, though. There was some kind of bug on the second floor of level 1 where there was no way to up any of the ladders. Seems like Unity hates us hehe.

Felt really good to experience ah-ha moments during our playthrough for sure.

If there were more than one way to go to the next puzzle, this game would be golden!

The menu screen was eye-catching and inspiring!

This game hooks you in right from the get-go. Felt the need to finish level after level, and had a really good time doing it.

We talked about it and thought that a nice touch would be to add a feature that lets the player zoom out the camera, specially in parts where one player needs the other player to make a move before moving on.

Oh! And there was one time where, after restarting, the characters just stopped losing health while separated, so finishing that level was a breeze hehe.

All in all, it was a really engaging and entertaining experience. Worth every minute :)

Loved the background music, by the way!

Thank you! or maybe we should say thank you kindly and tip our hats hehe.

(2 edits)

Such an engaging game! Had just 1 hour to play and ended up spending it all trying to finish it hehe (the A+Z trick was a nice touch, by the way).

Loved the tutorials and the art!

On the other hand, that final level, wow, it was tough. Had to retry many many times. It felt really good to finish it, though, like the one you get when you finish a Guitar Hero 2 song in hard mode and with 4 stars.

What might make the experience even better is for the pieces to always rotate 90 degrees every few frames, and for the player to be able to speed it up with space (the game would have to make sure there's no need to rescramble the pieces). It might give it a Tetris feel, so who wouldn't want that? :)

Oh! And, since most of the mechanics are centered around the keyboard, and it's very likely one'll have to restart the current level pretty frequently, the player should be able to select the levels with the arrow keys and press Enter to start playing. Having to use the mouse just to start again felt a bit annoying sometimes.

It was really fun, and with the right amount of challenge thrown in to the mix ,:)

Thank you, thank you. Much appreciated :)

(1 edit)

Wait, we didn't think of that. That mechanic sounds really fun!

We'll definitely try that out :)

Wow, thank you! Really glad you enjoyed it :)

Thanks! We're actually planning on spawning both robots and townspeople to the beat of a song. That might be cool :)

We'll also make sure to increase the number of people to save. 5 is not nearly enough hehe.

Thank you! This was our first game and, well, there was E3 looming in the background hehe.

There's so much more we wanted to add, so we'll keep working on it :)