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A member registered Jun 30, 2016 · View creator page →

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Interesting that you thought the art direction as being somber :o! I can now see it with the cold colour palette but I thought the scribbily art style made it lean towards silly, in a way. I was only able to create a brief gesture to the story setup in the menu but I can 100% see that being too vague as well as not as reinforced with the mechanics. I did make design notes on both of those that I wasn't able to impliement and plan to add once the voting period is over.
Grabbable item wise, any object that has the light blue highlight/secondary color is grabbale, but as you noted the controls are wonkyy so sometimes it doesnt respond.

If you were interested in seeing this games whole deal, I added a FAQ at the bottom of the game page to give more direction on what to do (the game's very quick and very repeatable), but no pressure to do so whatsoever! I'm glad you checked out my game and left a comment, thank you!!

(hi Ky hiiii) No yeah I'm currently sitting on a build that has UI showing what you have collected already, just waiting for the voting period to be over so I can upload the tweaked version.

It is one of the main things I was kicking myself for not getting in it time but I kinda skipped over my would be notebook planning phase and jumped into engine, trying to work from there. Live and learnn

Extremely good game! Simple yet super effective. Polished, too the point and a cute framing to tie this game together. Great work you two, very well done!

Wedding planning can be a tough and stressful time, but I hope paddle and ball find a way to talk about any difficulties and stresses they may be feeling in their relationship and how best to support each other!
There goes the bouquet, thrown bounced into the crowd of game jam characters! Landing into the hands of the next to be weds!

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Agree with the comment below, the y-axis height altering character scale is a super interesting mechanic, tied it together for an interesting platforming game. Really had to judge how much distance I had to put behind a jump where I'd rise or fall! Sweet artstyle and main character too:
Is it far away, or is it small, little big bunny?

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Oh wow!! Thank you for the kind words and for checking out my game!

Oh thank you!!! I will have to keep that in mind but I do love an interesting art direction for a game! Thank you for checking out my game!

WAAAAAA!!!!! You drew her!!!!! With a lamp too!!!!! I love this so much!!!!!! Thank yoouu!!! I love the fuzzy brush affect and that she's sitting on a cloud!!!
I'm glad you enjoyed the game, thank you for playing!

Wow! Such kind praise! Thank you for checking out my game! I submitted my game to the gmtk live stream form because of this comment so maybe! But these words are worth it in itself!

Thank you for the kind words and checking out my game!

Im so glad I stuck with this game despite getting stuck on the first salt, the ending genuinely made me laugh out loud. Asides from that, the platforming post the tutorial was great, really had to focus up and I loved the designs of it!
I also love the main character:

I'll do near anything for you, Lil' Menace

Man!! Man oh man I'm a sucker for these types of games and you executed on it beautifully! Such a tidy presentation and just a unique take on a project for a game jam. Leaning into your strengths and scoping to what you can achieve in the time really worked out here!

This kind of reminds me of Kingdom Ka with the pace and tone of writing, as well as the photo usage! Also a bit of Superliminal with its occasional narration about perception and perspective (and those themes being tied into the gameplay)

I did get stuck near the beginning but I saw the comments suggest there was more to the game and after the first 4  images (barring the third), I was able to follow along and intuit what I had to do to proceed without semi-random clicking! If you wanted some unwarranted suggestions as to make those earlier moments more graspable to player, some ideas knocked around in my head.

I drew fanart of one of the slides with the part of the narration that really resonated with me:
Congrats on making your first game! It was fascinating and I'm excited to delve into your other work.

Love the swinging movement, very interesting. I do agree with other comments with it being hard to control but I like an aspect of its fiddliness and the slow scaling challenge when you get bigger and it becomes harder to escape the police. Also like the way the string wobbles when it latches onto something!
Worlds smallest criminal!

Incredibly clean game! I'll definitely come back to this to clear the all the levels but man! An evolution of tetris perfectly encapsulates this game!
That's not to say I'm good at the game, though:
(But that's a me issue)

Thank you for checking out the game and for the nice comment! This is really giving me confidence to pursue game making projects like this in the future!

Thank you for checking out the game and leaving the nice comment! I'm entertaining idea of making a post mortem dev log that will touch on the art style choice and inspiration (because I have more of a visual artist mind)

I offer the question I asked in reply to niko_no_games's comment to you too regarding confusion and a potential faq (and the same addendum that you don't have to answer!)

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Thank you for checking out my game!! Yeah the glitching was something I made peace with early on. I thought it wasn't too visually disruptive to cause epileptic issues and it added to the janky charm that a game jam build can have.  Though I am glad you like how the movement feels, its something I tend to gravitate towards when I get a chance to program a game (the very small moments I get it do that)

Regarding game instruction/clarity: I made my peace that I didn't include enough direction/feedback into the build and so I accepted players would be confused. Time caught up to me (plus other things!)

However I do want to field to you (and others that had a similar issue) this: If I were to add a faq regarding to how to navigate the game and explain how it works in the page description, would that be an acceptable addition?
(Don't feel like you have to answer that, I'm glad you checked out the game and left a nice comment!)

Oh!! Thank you for checking out my game! Glad you liked the concept, that's exciting to hear! (I'm more versed as a visual artist than a designer, despite caring about design)

Honestly I don't know what else to do with the lamp if I was to build on the game's concept, except for making a segment where you construct the lamp with additional materials? The lamp being a feature that carries on in the game would constitute a full game around this concept and I don't have much ideas for that unfortunately!

Thank you for checking out my game! I agree  there is a lot of fun to get out of the "unintended" way to play. I think a good chunk of my dev was me getting distracted flinging objects around. If I had more time I would of added more feedback and features for that path of play, maybe after voting is over!

Hi Willow!!! Second friend spotted submitted to this jam. Loved this game, extremely cute take on the theme
Loved your fae character too so I drew them!

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Yes sir o7. Only realised the jam was happening 6 hours into time. I panicked, quickly came up with a workable concept and just booted up Godot. Ive been tinkering with the engine here and there but going solo was a leap of faith. Learnt a lot!

Doing a double take seeing ayo's username appear on the screenshot gallery. Congrats to all of you on submitting the game! Excited to play it tomorrow when I'm not dead tired after jamming o7

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Do you have any songs, albums, ost's or playlists you circle through for this jam or when you need to get into this spooky mindset? Share with each other! Maybe one of the songs can help with your jam ideas! 

I was listening to Lemon Demon's Spirit Phone while brainstorming some possible jam ideas!