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Lord Destro

A member registered Jul 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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well done

ngl, I'm not gona remember where they're supposed to be

should also make it so you can drive under the bridges

cool and polished design but sometimes the collisions are too small or too big, not consuming enemies when touching them or getting consumed by something not even near me

cool idea but wish I could lock boxes in place or on walls

nice art and idea but a bit too short for my liking


good concept and nice art but having to restart from a checkpoint for hitting a small bit of a rock is tedious

very nice art n gameplay,  but audio could be less bitcrushed

and the timer gets buggier with each replay

looks n plays pretty well, but could use a more clear heat indicator

(1 edit)

Having a game be less hand holding is good but it should at least hint at how to do a very important move tech

I couldn't even pass the 2nd lvl without checking the gifs and reading more of the description

dash jumping isn't a speedrun strat it's a basic move you need to do for every lvl after lvl 1 so it should be understandable without deeper inspection

legally obliged to also say that this is my personal opinion, but think you made it too difficult for a gamejam where 1 death can make a player quit

(1 edit)

nice game but the controls were very finicky

also the downloadable file was improperly done, I easily managed to get your developer game files

don't export to the same file your game files are in, export it to a empty folder every time

also reminds me of the NES

Honestly a pretty solid game

but the theme wasn't used unless you call the gas ball a fire ball

and fix the leaderboard, after submitting your score you can submit it again

good job on the game but at least use Turbowarp to make it playable for everyone

nice idea but the controls and movement are way too tedious and far apart

cool idea but the controls are tedious and it's way too hard to control while in overheat

pretty good polished game

great idea for a game but the chain jump is tedious to do and isn't explained at all

nice graphics but game is confusing and the child at end isn't to theme

liked the alternative routes and keys

interesting idea but the restart doesn't work and cant get on top of the shower in lvl 2

pretty fun concept but the air controls are a pain

unique concept but takes a while for some action

a bit rough, should limit the float value decimals

found composer already

pretty goofy

○Mainly programmer in GDscript but usually a generalist 

○My timezone is GMT+2 

○Expecting to develop a 2D game ○I have participated in 5 gamejams before(one with a team) 

○If you're interested, feel free to send discord name

Roulette demo is a short demo project that I used to learn and experiment with 3d for a project I’m considering in the future. It’s a local 2 player game about Russian roulette in 3D psx style

The game has a interesting concept, and its execution is well done for the most part. There have been large improvements over the first installment. But the game still has flaws.

There are numerous bugs that need addressing, such as invisible walls and issues with the hangar door and props lacking collision. The hanger scene should progress after the troops are killed instead of waiting on a timer.

Theres a kick ability that does nothing. I would prefer if there were less cutscenes or atleast  integrated into the gameplay, similar to Half-Life. Esc quiting the game instead of opening a pause menu.

While the game is cool, it desperately needs some polishing. The lengthy cutscenes and waiting a whole minute for the news broadcast to end to progress really ruins immersion.

Also the game is making my pc into a jet engine.

nice short game but could use a bit less pixelation.

(1 edit)

Really cool but aiming/shooting feels a bit stiff and needs improvement in weapon switching with q/e and 123.

Otherwise the movement is smooth and enjoy grappling.

A promising fps but has room for improvement.

Somewhat annoying how 90% of dialogue is just fuck.

The transition doors could have a prompt instead of moving you instantly.

Quickly found that W + A or D + sprint + jumping makes you really fast.

Hope you change the store to be more fitting.

The corridors(especially at the start) are way too spacious.

The gun play feels solid but the melee feels unresponsive( but cool it with the amount of guns in story).
But was a pretty good short game overall.

The ending was actually planned from the beginning since I never wanted a boss, so I could focus on the rest of the game more.

Although I had put in a bit less polish and enemy variety than I hoped for since I changed the game idea about 3 times in 2 days, since I was unhappy with the previous versions and was quite sleep deprived by the end.

Thanks for noticing the error, I changed it to left click now

I ate 36 oreos from a 36 pack I got for cheap, if I ate 36 packs I think I might overdose :P

Everythings really great, the art, the sounds n music, the gameplay

but really bothered me that the miner just teleported between squares and didn't slide to them

Really amazing text based adventure, probably the best one I've seen so far

Kind of reminds me of the terminals in fallout, but could use some sound feedback from actions

I have read that its a concept and that's what jams are about

but we are rating it on what you show not what it has the potential to be, that's why I said not much to rate it off.

Haven't seen a concept like this before, can be pretty cool but currently not much to rate it off.

But really needs some visuals or sounds for feedback

The game is really unique because it isn't pixelart and has a simple understandable premiss

but feels really empty without any sound

What are you even adding into the download area? 

From what I'm reading your engine is incapable of actually compiling and exporting a game

(4 edits)

This game looks really good and I knew it would be something I would like

But because of the design and bug jump it extremelly bittered the experience.

Here's a few things to list:

Don't make the camera move area to area in a platformer, I don't want to take blind leaps of faith every time I jump and hope I don't land into a spike and instantly die

The jump bug is definitly something with the code, both browser and executable have a 50/50 chance to not jump, in a platformer this just makes it frusterating( also it most likely doesn't have anything to do with framerate, unless the player is somehow fast enough to press and release the jump key in less time than a frame)

The enemies, idk if I was hitting a wall or the enemy because sometimes they would take 4 shots and sometimes 2, there isn't much feedback and idk how much health the enemy actually has

again the game is really great but these things really ruin it for me, also the bouncing bullets could use some more love, only time I actually used them was in the last lvl