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A member registered Jul 27, 2020 · View creator page →

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I didn't play this at the time, but I felt like playing some games and came across this one, great job! I think you should've won

I disagree. The artpack is too  broad imo. The fun thing about watching the videos of these jams was always seeing what people could do with limited asset, but you can do pretty much anything with these, there are over 1000 of em... it reduces the challenge

I tried to play the game, but it was really laggy for me :( I will rate based on the tutorial level and the parts I was able to see of the rest, which I liked!

I came here after you said our games were similar and oh boy... You did it so much better then I did xD amazing job! I have no clue how you were able to create this in a week! It's unbelievable that you made this many levels! Very well done! 

The gameplay could be abit frustrating but overall I liked it!

This was a very enjoyable game! It took me a little bit to figure out how the rewinding worked but once I did it was a lot of fun, good job!

This was a very enjoyable game! It took me a little bit to figure out how the rewinding worked but once I did it was a lot of fun, good job!

Thank you, that means a lot! I will definitely continue working on it :D

I liked the game, the screen wrapping was very nicely implemented! I loved the graphics as well! My one complaint would be that the rewinding aspect isn't that clear. I had to read your description to figure it out but even then it feels more like a restart mechanic, just like an enemy in other games. Overall I liked it though!

It looked pretty nice, but I had some trouble with the controls. The sensitivity was too high and changing it in the settings didn't do much. also every time you want to change settings you have to go back to the main menu, so maybe add a settings menu in the pause menu of the game. The collision with the boxes felt a bit unfair at times as well. Overall I liked the game though

thanks for playing my game and writing such extensive feedback, it helps me a lot! I agree that the sound design and graphics could use a lot of work, those are things I'm hoping to get better at in the future :) I'm glad you had fun though!

The controls can be a bit annoying, especially when moving in the same direction for a while. And it could've used a undo last move button,  because it was quite irritating having to redo the entire level when pressing a button by accident. Overall I liked the game though, especially the music was really nice, and I liked the graphics too.

I agree that the soft lock can be annoying in this game, therefore I plan on  adding a mechanic which allows the player to remove their last placed box. Thanks for your feedback anyways, I really appreciate it!

I appriciate you taking the time to rate my game, and I will definitely continue working on it 

Thank you for your feedback! I agree  that it may be tedious, especially the later levels . and to make gameplay a bit easier in the future, I do plan to add a few more levels. Therefore, I am planning on adding a function to remove the last box, as this will make gameplay a bit easier.

This is quite fun to play, and I love that you made a mobile version! I wanted to play a game real quick but didnt have my laptop nearby so I downloaded this and was able to play and rate it quite quickly :)

I liked this game! hitting the enemies with the squish sound is really satisfying and the game is quite fun to play. The rewind mechanic was a bit hard to use though. The tutorial was integrated in to the game nicely but it was a bit annoying that there were no checkpoints. I died quite close o the end, had to start over only to find there wasn't much game left. All in all it was fun though, I gave a good rating :)

I liked it! It's fun to see something in such a different style, more like a story! One piece of advice I would give though is to lock interaction while audio is playing, at first I didn't know what interact did, so I interacted with the first two ghosts when the first audio was still playing and then I had 3 voices talking through each other 

I had some trouble at first but once I saw the comment, I understood and had a lot of fun. Th mechanic of moving the platforms while also jumping on them is really fun, and has a lot of potential. The levels weren't extremely challenging but just enough to be fun, well done!

I had some trouble at first but once I saw the comment, I understood and had a lot of fun. Th mechanic of moving the platforms while also jumping on them is really fun, and has a lot of potential. The levels weren't extremely challenging but just enough to be fun, well done!

Fun game! I like the music as well. Some levels were a bit repetative though. I did play the entire game twice because of your speedrun comment xD I got 3:08 on my second playthrough of the game

Thanks for playing the game! I'm glad you had fun, and I will definitely try to add more levels at some point :D 

Your description of how it fits the theme already made me laugh, and the idea of the game is really funny! I like the graphics as well and am pretty impressed you were able to make this in one week, good job!

I like the look of your game and the mechanics are really original. It does however remind me of getting over it in how (intentionally) annoying  the gameplay is, and I cant handle that shit so I ragequit pretty fast xD overall good job though!

I liked the idea, but it was a bit short, and when I reached the end there wasn't really a notification or anything, the next room button just stopped working (or maybe I'm missing something?)  liked the graphics though!

I enjoyed this game! It is like a rewind version of portal ;) the only thing is that the levels were a bit too easy in my opinion, I never really struggled, but overall it was a good game!

I would recommend giving the player some more information, because when the game starts, the player is instantly dropped in a huge world. I didn't really know what I was supposed to do or where I was supposed to go, so when I got stuck on one enemy and kept getting teleported back to spawn I gave up quite quickly because I didn't even know what i was supposed to do yet after playing for quite some time.

Thanks for your comment, I'm glad you enjoyed the game :D

Wow, I love this game! The graphics look really nice, I especially love the rewind effect. The music is also really nice and again, I love the rewind effect on that too. The gameplay is not only fun but also quite intuitive, making it really enjoyable to play. The levels were challenging and required quite a bit of thought but were never too hard. I have a couple of small notes (and these are really minor, just to help you, not to complain): when you finish the last level there is no special screen or anything, the next level button just stops working and every now and then the collision is a bit weird when jumping or falling in to small holes. But all in all I loved the game, I would not be surprised if it won. Great job :D

Thank you for playing my game! I agree with your feedback and I'm  thinking about continuing development of the game. If I do, the first thing I will add is the undo last box button, as I agree it is really annoying if you have to restart an entire level :)

I liked the game and the sound design, but I had some problems with the controls (sometimes I wasn't able to jump for example). That combined with how long the levels are made me not even get pas level one. The gaphics and sound are really great though!

Thank you for your feedback! I agree that it is too easy to soft lock, I wanted to fix that by adding the possibility to remove your last placed box but sadly I ran out of time. I'm glad you enjoyed the game though!

Started off amazing then made me want to cry then back to amazing xD  yesterday evening I built it for the first time and everything broke, but after 2.5 hours of sleep I was able to fix everything! Doing my first jam solo was a bit intense but overall a great experience. (my game: )