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LS Mat

A member registered May 22, 2021

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Wow, I'm really enjoying playing it! 

While the graphics style isn't my favourite, the gameplay is so well done that it makes me forget about it. 

Well done!

I really liked the overall minimalist style!

A game like this created in 10 days by a small team is impressive and not for everyone, especially since it's a mix of tower defense and strategy, requiring you to balance your economy and resources.

With some more polish, it will be a great game!

Really good work!

I really like the main menu and the mechanics. One thing I'd suggest is to add some feedback during the actions; maybe some sound could improve it further.

In any case, good job!

Really nice job! It is a very well done game! I enjoyed it a lòot! Congrats!!

Thank you very much! the next time we will be more careful about map size :D! THank you for playing it!

Thank you :D!!

Thank you very much! Yeah, the graveyard part is the most annoying one. sorry about that! In any case, thank you for playing it!

A fun platformer! Nice job!

The only 2 things I found strange were the absence of any music/sounds in the game and that I was immortal :D. I tried many times to get killed but I think it was just not possible.

Anyway, Congrats!!

Great concept, definitive valid.

Unfortunately, I couldn't experience all the mechanics because I could go to the orange trapdoor just passing throw walls. I would like to play the game as it was intended.

In any case Congrats!

Thank you very much for the feedback! 

Yeah, this time we missed some System to notify you maybe some hint or some notification to what you are doing wrong. We apologize for it. In case, at the beginning of any area, there is a Sigh with some "instruction/hint" to help you :D.

Anyway, thank you for git it a try!

(1 edit)

Thank you very much! Yeah, you are quite correct :D

For the pressure plate at the first island sorry, we missed some indication there, you had to go on them in order based on how many lanterns they had in front. I supposed you go straight down at the beginning and you encountered the last one (with 4 lanterns) :D. Anyway sorry about it, next time we will implement a better system to show you that you missed something else :).

Thank you for git it a try! In case you can retry it and continue, so you can enjoin the full story and reach the ending "scene"! Thank you again for playing it!

Thank you very much! I agree with your comment on the graveyard part, the next time we will be more careful on how to set up the level.

Thank you also for finishing the game and seeing (hearing) the final cutscene! :D

Thank you very much for the kind words! We appreciate it! 

Yeah, I agree it could be tedious, the next time we will think better about the task for the areas. 

For the UI menu, you are absolutely right, it is one of the less effective parts. To be honest, at the start I thought it could be a good idea to experiment with UI-Animation, but are you pointed out it didn't perform as expected :D. It is more difficult than expected.

In any case, thank you for the feedback and especially for playing the game!

Thank you very much! Yeah, I think we have put low effort into optimization, we apologize for it! Thank you for Playing in any case!

To be honest, the base for a game is present, but to be realistic for sure it needs to be polished from the bugs, many times when I tried to hit the enemies it was hard to kill them and hit them.

 In any case, congrats to submit it!

Nice game! The music I think is perfect, I had some problems at the beginning, but after a while, I was able to continue! Congrats!

(1 edit)

Thank you for your feedback!  We appreciate it! 

For the theme in reality you have to finish the game to understand it, it is a story of rebirth, the death is the beginning of the journey through many challenges to take you to the end and to make you deserve it. In any case, maybe we needed to me it more clear, I thought it to be as interpretable as possible to not say too much but not say too few. 

Anyway, thank you for pointing it out and especially thank you for playing it!

Simple and Fun! I liked! At the start, I didn't quite understand the mech but after a while I was able to complete everything!! Congrats!!

Really nice environment and Voice Over :D!! One little thing I'll improve is the jump and the camera, many times I had to jump and also if it were a simple jump I failed many times (some times also for the collision). Anyway, it is a really well-made game! Congrats!

Really Good concept! I always wanted to be a ghost in a game :D! 

I found a little problem, when I drained all the souls on the map and I went to (I assume) the last area (the one with the bridge and where I started hearing the voices), I fell into the void, I respawned and going straight after the first door, the floor has disappeared and I continued to go down. 

I hope it could be helpful. 

Anyway Congrats!!!

Really enjoyable, Specially following the storybooks! Really good game! Congrats!

I finished it! Yeah!!! Very catchy, I enjoyed it a lot! Great Game! Congrats!

Great Game, I'd say "souls-like" :D!! I found it a bit tricky blocking the enemy attacks when I was moving/approaching, so many times I died because of this. But in any case, An enjoyable experience. Congrats!

Really good game! Great mechanics and I love the graphics style! Congrats!

It is a difficult job to prepare a dead body :D! Great Game and Concept!

(1 edit)

Wow, Great Game and concept! I enjoyed it a lot! Congrats!

Hi, It is a great Concept and I enjoyed it a lot! I tried to continue with the second level, but when I had to return to press the next pressure, It gives me the Completed sound, but the rocket crashed into something hidden there, so I cant complete the level. I hope it could help! Anyway, great game! Congrats!

Thank you for the feedback! Yeah, unfortunately, we weren't able to test on a low-performance PC, so we apologize for this. In case there are the Video Settings options in the menu where you can lower some settings, maybe could better fit your PC spec!, in case let us know :D. Thank you for git it a try!

Thank you very much for your kind words! We appreciate it! Thank you for playing it!

Thank you very much for your words! Yeah, the jumps are very difficult at the beginning, sorry about it. I  any care Thank you for Playing it!

Thank you for your feedback! Yeah, sorry for the too dark area on the third island, we will try to fix it :)! For the Menu audio setting yes :D, we are aware of it, we had many problems with it and we decided to disable it at all to avoid destroying the sound atmosphere! And again thank you for playing it!

Congrats for the Submission! It is really playable, I like platformers!

The thing that I found annoying was the music/sound, it was like if it is not been loaded correctly, I don't know if it is intentional (sorry I don't know how to explain it well :D).

 In any case Great Job!

Great job to submit! To be a First game jam you should be very happy!! Congrats! 

Wow, Amazing concept and really well done!! Easy to learn the mechanics and really catchy! Great game!

Very funny and I wanted to play till the end! Great job!!

The only con is the Camera movement, at least the vertical one, I had preferred just to rotate it left and right and the vertical stay fixed. 

Anyway, Congrats!

Great Concept! In my opinion, the controls are a bit uncomfortable, I'm used to using wasd and qef as actions, but it needs just to be used to. In any case, Congrats!

Thank you very much for your feedback! If you mean the teleport after the Desert area, yes, the night scene is intentional :D. The other issue we will try to fix in the next few days, thank you for mentioning them :). Thank you again for playing!

Wow, the concept is fantastic, Really a great game! Congrats!

Very well made game! I really liked it! 

Just one note, sometimes when I attack the enemy it doesn't hit very well.

For the Rest is really handsome! Congrats!