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A member registered Aug 23, 2022

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the lack of tracking/target vision is one of our biggest regret. We couldn’t make it the way we intended and sadly run out of time.

yeah, we intended to add some tracking feature or a special vision but we came short of time :(

and we added the music a couple of hours before the dateline so it was what it was… sorry!

thanks for the feedback!

yeah, we intended to add some tracking feature or a special vision but we came short of time :(

Perfectly balanced and fun! great game and a sober take on loss


Congrats, you took a nice puzzle game and turned it into a HORROR MADNESS. AGH, my heart is still pounding...

The way the sounds transmit both the dispair and urgency is really well achieve. Great concept, easy to understand and follow yet creative. One of the best games I've seen... and the one I'll play the least xD 

Nice paced game. My first thought when I saw the "-1" while hitting the enemies was "Great. There is a way to improve the basic attack or maybe a charged attack" But couldn't find any. I guess that having the "-1" is rather pointless then.

The arrow system to cast magic spells is MARVELOUS, really intuitive and adds both another level of balance and difficult to the spells. The art and music are on par too! they work really well.

Congratulations! Great game!

Incredible game!

The aesthetic alone are amazing, the puzzles. the learning curve, the art design... it felt like back on the PS1 again!

We know that not everyone will get all the references but that one goes without telling xD


Your character is kinda sus...

Overall quite great game, it took me a while to beat it, but I have to memorize each location and run throught without reading the clues or else the time is quite against you.
Good take on the genre and quite polished too!

Quite energetic!

All music credits (and most 2D art)  goes to who is also credited as an author but dunno why is not shown here.

If you goal was to scare the s--t out of people, It worked on me D:

The atmosphere is suphocating, well done

Game is simple, short and straight to the point, being fun! And it's great! Congratulations

It has all: money, upgrades, different weapons, a need to keep moving around, a claustrophobic horror like atmosphere where you need to keep looking over your shoulder, smooth controls and a not excessively complex yet effective level design

Great game!

WebGL did a number on your game :/ sometimes it gets so laggy that it can't be played. Shame because is fun

oh thank you!

It was our first game deployed on WebGL so didn't know how it was going to affect the visuals, even the whole day/night cycle is barely noticeable in this version. We'll have to add Win/Mac Download versions too for the next time.

There are some ways to prevent a slime to enter mitosis and split, but sadly even then when they grow older they enter an elder stage and will eventually die :( You can take good care of them to reduce the mortality rate but some things can't be avoided  :(

Thanks! We had a lot of fun while creating the music, althought I didn't quite understand all of it... good thing one of us did xD

Yeah, we planned to add a day to day mechanic were you needen to pay the loan and events that changed the slime prices so red is no the meta slime to farm but barely made it to the goal.

Glad you enjoyed it :D

Yeah, the idea was to have color bars on the slime and food details and to explain in the tutorial it but we barely made it playable

Great game by the way, it feels like a complete game, not a prototype or rushed at all! It's like playing on the SNES again!

I really enjoy it, one of the best gaming experiences so far


You need to go into the cave on the top left


It was going great but everything changed when the mold nation attacked...

I'm gonna blame WEBGL all the way down... which it seems to be forever because this thing won't stop falling!

Game delivers what promised


The ambience, the graphics, the subtleties... It gets a bit repetitive and the controls act up a bit (I played mostly running by side or backwars to go faster) but it's so great! An the ending!

Simply amazing!

Yeah, been there, done that xD
We spent more time learning how to code or design something than actually doing it.

Let's keep improving!

I second on the checkpoints, is annoying having to do everything from the start. Specially because I'm colorblind and wasn't able to understand it xD

The intro cut scene was spot on xD fun and easy to understand

Sadly I tried different seeds but couldn't enter to a single planet in over the 10 times I tried. And the days counter kept on scalating like it wasn't being resetted properly :/

That's the strongest coffin carrier I ever seen xD

It was really good!

Nice theme, nice overal aesthetics & feel too it. After a while it gets tiresome to see the whole letter writting and paper animation, it needs a skip button xD

Just when I was getting the hung of it it entered a non-stop restart loop where the animation and the song restarted every second... and just when I was thiiiis close to make it :(

It was "Lost" all over again xD

Yours too! but I only found false alarms.... should I keep trying?


Although it was a bit hard to operate the signal handles at first until I got the hand on it. 

Yes, but you need to balance them with other colours, otherwise you'll get all blue slimes which are cheaper. But bottomline, I didn't have enought time yo run all the math to balance xD

Thanks for the feedback!

true, we wanted it to make you feel like a buying rush, maybe it is too rushy :P
