Thanks! I've learnt from this one of my very-first-attended gamejam that preferences of the masses would affect the score, but score doesn't really matter in jams as feedbacks are always the precious ones here.
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Currently I'm thinking that if this could be a complete game with more stages and mechanisms, a free-play mode would compensate for this; also, I'm thinking about adjusting the beat mechanism so that somehow sone could always feel that he/she is tapping on beat (in real it would be off-beat, with different tempo or whatever).
Thank you! I watched your video. Nicely done and congrats!
Although I tried to merge the concepts from rhythm games and puzzle-based bullet-hell games, still I'm doing too bad on fine-tuning the mechanism and making better sound/graphic design, so thanks a lot for your precious live-play feedback. I would like to see if I can push this concept to some better implementations.
Thanks for your comment! The shield gives a much lower requirement to pass the game compared with the same game without a shield but has limited lifes. Also, losing the shield may encourage the player to restore it quickly, which is expected to be how casual players do the game. I don't know if I'm on the right way, but with more feedbacks I can get into this genre much more better, and hopefully recreating a better one.
The bullet hell things really depends on the game engine. The engine used for this game is custom-made and lightweight, so it won't do a lot of other transform logics creating unnecessary overheads. Actually you can do this with glfw or other similar graphics libraries.
The bullet logic is calculated in some way that the engine don't have to frequently update the bullet states. Every bullet has bullet state consists of position, velocity(in axial speeds or rotation+speed) and acceleration values (angular velocity+linear acceleration), and the position and velocity values are both updated every frame.
As for spawners, there are no actual spawners, but all bullets have an option of being spawned from any of the enemies. As I use Lua for the game script, every "spawner" is actually one cycle of a for loop, with a series of tasks and bullets assigned to a spawned enemy.
The tempo change was designed as part of the introduction, as I thought it's easier to start slower and gradually gains speed; from your feedback I feel this actually bad for new players. If there are more stages, I would definately give a constant tempo for all early stages.
Well done! The game is fun enough for be to pass the entire level (although I did it in a single try), The bass effect conbined with the coins works well, and the connection of background music between levels behaves well (not until the last few stages did I find out that the BGM was actually changing and getting more intense). In all, nicely polished. I hope this could be the top 1 game in the jam.
Good idea! Any thoughts of making the motions of the spheres synchronized to some rhythm or some modifications in physics so to snap the landing positions on to the keys?
Update: The audio design works well for this game. It might sounds better if there is a internal compressor for all those sound effects, since one can easily stack a lot of the spheres on stage.
That's a main drawback of this hybrid game mechanics. You have to however condition your both hands in good control of the ship, like drawing a circle with your left hand but drawing a square with your right hand simultaneously. In compensation of this drawback I tried not introduce anti-rhythm patterns of bullets and for all purposes I'm glad to see this worked.
Updated: I uploaded a video of current version of the game with slightly changed background music. Hope you enjoy it.
Original post:
For quick expression, here is a record of older versions of the game. The level design in the video almost the same as the latest version, but the background music is slightly modified in the latest version. Hope you like it!