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A member registered Jan 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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This is so good. Looking forward to see more of it!

Hi, thank you for the kind words and thank you so much for the feedback! Really appreciate it.

just sent you a friend request on Discord ;)

Hello, our team is currently in need of a composer!

Would you mind visiting this post and read on what we're trying to make?

Please reply to the thread if you're interested! Thank you very much!

Greetings, we are a small indie gamedev team based in Indonesia. We banded together (online/remotely) to develop a small free indie game. It's basically a love letter to retro beat-em-ups.

Passionately crafted, the game will be 100% free to play. We don't receive any cents during development AND after release. No donations, nothin'!

Here is a work-in-progress footage straight from our Discord server (psst, this footage is exclusive only on!)

We are like 75% until the game is fully content-complete. We need YOUR help in composing a couple of matching theme songs for the game!

Reply to this topic or hit me up privately and send me your music portofolio and we'll see!

Thank you very much.

Haloo, thank you banget ya udah mainin. Iyaa itu setiap setelah raid, variabel survived raids di akhirnya harusnya dihitung :(

Tapi apalah daya karena kehabisan waktu jadinya belum sempet cek dan tes screen game over wkwkwk :'D

Fitur hapus bangunan yang gak kalah penting juga nggak sempat dimasukkin :') dan banyak lagi fitur lainnya yang harus di-cut

Btw thank you so much atas feedbacknya yaa. Appreciate it!

Yey good ending! Gokilll walau masih ada beberapa bug tapi atmosphere horror-nya udah kena bgt. Kerenn good job2! :D

Nicee ada ledge grabbing mirip2 di game Assassins Creed. VO-nya menarik nih pake text-to-speech. Kemudian pas sampe di kebanjiran susah banget platformingnya wkwkwk Overall good job! :D

Wahh tengkyu udah maininn!! :D maaf yaa klo masih nemu bug, kehabisan waktu soalnya wkwkwk

(1 edit)

Wah belum bisa dapetin yg good ending om kehabisan waktu terus wkwkwk terakhir nyoba shotgun-nya malah jatuh ke lobang :') wkwkwk

Highscore-ku segini :') tapi seru nih main game dalam game horror. Entah kenapa mengingatkanku sama game fnaf. Awas ada Ibu & Pocong. 10/10!!!

Thank youu kak, iya bener ini dibuat pakai GDevelop 5 :D


Yay escaped :D keren bgt ini kak gamenya. Healing sama reload system-nya juga keren banget. Art-nya juga mendukung suasana horror-nya. Coba bikin full-nya kak :D

SFX-nya lucu bener ini 🤣 Agak stuck pas playthrough pertama karena gak tau bisa nembus tembok ke room berikutnya pas lagi wujud kegelapan. Tapi sesuai judulnya, ini game bener2 bikin muter otak :')

Thank youu2 kakk :D Aku juga udah mainin gim buatan kakaknya dan gimnya juga seru kak :D

Wow art-nya lucu banget ini kak :D Gameplay-nya juga keren. Tapi semakin banyak kartunya jadi terasa overwhelming just like in real life :') Overall: 10/10

Wih bisa kasih komando ke zombie-zombienya :D keren2 gimnya. Itu artnya bikinan sendiri?  Lucu banget

DM me on Discord: luthfialdihe#6125

Fun game! Had a blast playing it! Great job, dev!

I really dig the artstyle. It was just so good. The gameplay is solid and I think you nailed it. Great job!

Awesome mechanics! I also loved the sound effects. Thank you for submitting this and great job!

Watched this being played on Endmark Games' stream and decided to play it myself. The game was really fun! You nailed the gameplay! Awesome job!

Fun little game! Had a blast playing it! Great job on the game!

Saw the progress on the Discord channel. Amazing how it turned out. Really nice gameplay and was actually fun to play! Great job!

Hooked me with the title of your game and ended up having a blast playing it. Awesome job!

This is so surreal I love it. Gorgeous game. Thank you for submitting it!

I really love the gameplay as it was fun and had good replayability. This is brilliant.

I love this game so much. Thank you for submitting this!

Okay this was really impressive for a 2-week game jam! This is awesome! Have an extra star from me.

Like the others have mentioned, I really like the unique location here. Great job on getting me intrigued lol.

Awesome fighting game! Also fits the theme of the game jam really well! Great job on the combat too!

Watched Endmark Games' plays this on his stream. I thought it looked fun so I've decided to come here. It IS FUN! Replayability is awesome so that's an extra star from me. Awesome job!

The aesthetic does it for me. Loved seeing the world you've created. Great job!

Great work! It really fits the theme!

This was really an amazing experience! The art and the mechanics are top notch! Great work!

The concept is promising! The artstyle takes me back to childhood for some reason lol. Great work!

Excellent concept! Had me intrigued and hoping I can see more of this game. Awesome job!

Brilliant top-down zombie shooter. The ending text got me lol Awesome job, man!

Gorgeous art style. I think this is one of the best submissions! Great work!