This game gives me a companion in a scary environment 😖 10/10 would hear again, 100/10 for the voice actor 👽🎤
Luui Art
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I would be super proud if I made this within 50 hours (JK I can't code at all) !!
I LOVE the art and thank you for designing a very forgiving game xD I have no skill and still managed to score above 100. The sliding reminds me of ice hockey but with a fun and engaging concept. I enjoy picking up a card and placing it making it both a puzzle and action game. Awesome job <3
The basic rules (attack vs defense) was clear for me and I was able to navigate to the first monster but that is when I got stuck. At first I did not notice that I need to end my turn with space but after that I got lost with the changing in the monster moves when I change my moves. I hope this help :)
Thank you for a very interesting story. I can see the reference in the early colonial times when people migrating to different places on Earth looking for a better life, and now it is different planets. As wishful creators, sometimes we wonder how to make the Earth we are living better before expanding our home.