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Lyndon Street

A member registered Jul 30, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing and while it does have some errors (hence the updates in the description), I am working on a remastered version to be released once the voting period ends. 

Oh it's wasn't too long of a comment but it was constructive and helpful so I'm thankful for that and I have updated the description to provide a bit of a "work-around" to the bug as I fear that updating the game with the bug fixing would alter the game to the point that it would be unfair to those who play it previously such why I'm working on a remastered version of this game while leaving this as the "jam version" of the game.

About having the restart button or reenable the back arrows, that's something I might consider doing but it depends on the nature of the game as it's designed to have one chance of making a choice plus the option of the door and sorry but this is a spoiler alert: it's designed to choose all the option on the screen till it reveals a secret door as such why I disabled the back arrows or not add a restart button because I thought it won't be necessary for this scenario.

I appreciate you taking the time to add feedback to the game!

Thank you so very much for playing the game as I really appreciate it and I'm glad that the game left you laughing as well as confused as that really my direction in the creation of this game as I want the player to experience a wide range of emotions from laughter, to confusion, to even sadness and even fear if you later advanced to another level.

Unfortunately with the three doors, I did notice that there is a bug when choosing the door as it's only fixed at the last minute of the submission and sadly didn't playtest it before submission (which I really should), however, you could go around it by picking left, right and middle or middle, right, left, etc but not left, middle and right as that would lead to a bug. I am currently working on fixing this bug and probably re-upload it (as long as it is not against the guidelines of the jam) or if not definitely fix it in the remaster version I have planned on releasing. The broken sentence " Oh, stop screaming! Nobody dies in this passage - including you instead, you just get a really bad injury or probably nothing even happens to you." is actually inspired by the narration from the Disney movie "George of the Jungle". It's designed to make fun of the narrative of some games and/or movies where one "expected" to die but miraculously come alive, it's basically breaking the fourth wall but that is not the cliffhanger sadly. 😅

To restart the game is basically to reach the end of the game which unfortunately due to the game being bugged a little is not possible but again, I am working on a patch to fix this issue or a remaster if it is not possible which is coming after the voting period ended also one of the choices sending to the DuckDuckGo search engine is intentional for choosing "No" as it's designed to be a joke but anywhere else is not which I have to search and correct it accordingly.

I'm really glad that you love the simple design of the UI as it's mainly due to my limitations of not being a great artist myself but I sincerely apologize for the difficulty faced by not seeing the grey links on white and I promise to correct it ASAP as I aimed to ensure that the game is accessible to everyone (especially those that don't have good eyesight) and I'm also pleasantly surprised that you think that the usage of the image is unnecessary because I thought some would complain about having a lack of images on the game but maybe I guess wrong and such shouldn't focus too heavily on adding images during the few hours of the jam 😅 but oh well, lesson learned next time. The placeholder was intended to be temporary as I aimed to add more images later on but considering your comments that adding images is unnecessary then maybe that is a consideration I should take seriously, after all, graphics are not everything? lol

 But in everything, I'm really happy that you played my game and left a rather comprehensive but constructive review as that I was looking forward to more than everything as I valued constructive criticism more than anything as that is the only way I could see what I did wrong, what I did right and how to better improve myself in the future. I'm extremely sad and apologetic that you didn't get the opportunity to experience the game in its full glory as I believed if you did then everything would make more sense and I guaranteed that you'll enjoy the game even more than it left you confused but as I said again, a remastered version of the game is currently in the works and I hope you get the opportunity to play it with the necessary bug fixes among other goodies that I hope you'll enjoy. 😄

I'll admit, I'm not sure what I'm about to do except realizing... I broke de blasted bell xD

I have to say this is an absolutely impressive work as well as seriously considering giving Godot a try finally lol. 

Pretty interesting and fun concept I have to admit as I have fun skating around this one. I have to agree with hsaka about the physics being wonky but I adapted quickly also great work on the background music as well as that bell sound effect by the way.  :D

This game actually remind me of that game from Windows 98 (my goodness, I'm really old lol) game call SkiFree which give me a huge nostalgia trip because it's one of my favourite game ever and while graphics isn't of the highest quality as I always said, it's doesn't really matter as long as it fun and this game is fun. 

As the description suggest, it's basically a game about shooting bells with cannons but you  execute that rather simple idea beautifully. Firstly, this game despite being so simple is extremely fun at the same time and I also love how you given the cannon balls some aerodynamics so that it doesn't seem rather obvious than it's appeared and thus required some trial and error which made it really fun actually. The view of some shots should be improved slightly as  for some of the target it's appeared off camera but I get use to it rather quickly. 

I'll give this an overall rating of  4 out of 5 stars. 


When come to any game, the first sign as to whether or not the game would be great or not is the music and in that department it didn't disappoint as the soft, mellow background music really fitted the aesthetics of the game (sort of given me that Fez gameplay type of vibes). My only complaint is that the game is simply way too short to the point I'm like "Is that it? Wey, I was enjoying that game boy..." 😆 but in hindsight I really enjoyed this game and can't wait to see what you'll do with this such cool concept. 

Rating: 8/10

Hey! Allowed me to say that your artwork is absolutely awesome especially the second one. While I myself is looking for an artist for an unpaid project (apologies if it unpaid due to the game being a passion project that will be release for free but those contribute will be credited on the game itself!), I see in the comments that you're not as good with non-humanoid creatures which is unfortunate (although it dealt with mythical creatures so maybe) but anyway if you're are not busy with other projects and interested then feel free to message me on Discord at Jesse B.#5480 or if you want to chat via email then that could work as well but other than that, I do wish you absolutely nothing but the best as your artwork is lovely and hope you manage to get hired at a project. :D

No problem, not sure why but the donation are removed and free to play now. Any issues arise then let me know. 

I can joined as a programmer as well if you want to as I'm not really that much of an artist myself lol