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A member registered Apr 29, 2023 · View creator page →

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I also just learned about this from your submission page! I had to look up the palette, and found an amazing website for finding palette inspiration (it also has the endesga32 palette).


Thank you!! 

Thank you! I wanted to make some cutscenes but I ended up settling on the camera zoom instead. I'm glad you liked it :)

10/10, I loved playing this game! It's so well executed.

(It has a better MMR system than league of legends!)

Thank you! I'm glad you liked the game :)

Thank you! I also played your game and left a rating :)

Great SFX and music, I particularly like the sound of the bullets hitting the wall. The game is really fluid and fun, I'm glad you added the story and the cute hamster at the end :P

I think this has so much potential and I you could make this into a commercial game eventually. I love how you set up the story in the beginning and the sound effects were very cute. The only issues I noticed were some jitters when moving diagonally, y-sorting problems, and hitbox problems. I LOVE that you added leveling up abilities and the enemy encounters were fantastic!

The game is super fun and I would love to see what you work on next or if you continue updating this game.

As far as the issues I mentioned:

I'm not sure, but I think that the diagonal jitter issues are due to not normalizing the Vector movement for the player (not sure if it's the same terminology in Unity) or from a Vsync issue. I've had similar issues in the past when making 2D games but I don't remember what the exact solution was.

Some of the terrain tiles appeared on top of the player regardless of the player's position (especially noticeable on the bush tiles). I don't know how to set up sprites in Unity, but there's a sprite origin in Godot that determines where the cutoff point is for sprites that are behind or in front of other sprites and this might be the issue. I think this is just called the sort point in Unity.

I noticed that the player hitbox seems to take up the entire sprite, which causes the player's head to crash into the trees and rocks and makes it easier for the slimes to damage the player when attacking from above. Usually the player hitbox is set to the lower half of the sprite so only the feet and maybe the torso can collide with objects, but I could see how doing it this way makes the Y-sorting issue less noticeable.

I hope this helps! Anyways, amazing job 10/10 <3

I adore the visuals on this one and the shooting SFX is perfect! I had a very hard time hitting the red enemies because I wasn't sure exactly where my mouse was, but that's probably because I'm terrible at these kinds of games. I really liked playing your game! 

Hello! Great visuals and SFX. I liked that the game forces you to go back into the center and slows you down the closer you get to the edge. I also did not find any bugs and agree that a progressively increasing the difficulty would make it more fun. The car/tank movement was pretty cool and something I don't see very often, great job!

Hello! I think you did a great job on hooking up the animations for running, jumping, and falling really well. I am also a Godot developer using 4.2 (about to go to 4.3). I think you should check out Brackey's new Godot tutorial on Youtube if you want to try again or to try fixing up the features you mentioned.  The video covers everything you wanted to add and I think it would really help.

In my top down game I used the Player's position to force the enemies (called Hero in code) to walk directly towards the Player and an Area2D node to detect if they reached the player to stop them from moving so that they can shoot. This is different than what the Brackey's video did, but it might give you an idea for the future.  I modified my code a bit to show the important bits. 

The part that says "if body is Player" works because the Player script starts with "class_name Player extends CharacterBody2D" so Godot can recognize it in other scripts for certain things. In this example, all of my enemies and the player are attached to a main scene called Map01, so I am able to get the map in the enemy script and the first child of the map which is the player. This is by far the clunkiest script you could use, but it works.

class_name Hero extends CharacterBody2D
@onready var map = get_tree().root.get_node("Map01")
@onready var player = $Player
var can_move = true
#physics for a CharacterBody2D
func _physics_process(delta):
    if can_move == true:
        var player_position = map.get_child(0).global_position
        move_direction = (player_position - global_position).normalized()      
        velocity = Vector2(0,0)
#Area2D node signals
func _on_body_entered(body):
    if body is Player:         can_move = false func _on_body_exited(body):     if body is Player:         can_move = true

Neat game idea! I liked the random card buffs/debuffs and the background story. It took me a few tries, but I finally beat it and I think it's pretty fun. The only features that I think are missing is the ability to turn off/down the shooting SFX since it's pretty loud compared to the music and the ability to switch around the dice after they have been placed. Overall I really liked playing your game, great job! 

Amazing artwork! I am using this asset for a tiny game I'm working on, and I needed to find your page again to check your license. For some reason you don't come up when searching for bat game assets. 

Please consider adding a text file to your downloadable assets with your license information / link to your main page! <3

Hello! This pack is amazing and exactly what I was looking for.  I checked out your other packs as well, and I have to say that you're my absolute favorite pixel artist <3 I especially love that you have all of the 2D perspectives as well as hexagonal tiles. I will be making some purchases soon!