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Maximo Gottert

A member registered 41 days ago · View creator page →

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Really enjoyed this one, cool builds! i would love for it to expand further on

Really fun game! A true enjoyment, sfx were a bit obnoxious though.
high rating (:

Really fun game! A true enjoyment, sfx were a bit obnoxious though.
high rating (:

Really cool Sad i couldnt try more levels, got stuck at level 10 pretty sure there is a bug there, overall fantastic gameee. 5 stars!!

Loved the artstyle, really enjoyed it, not sure if the enemies attacks where bugged, nontheless i had a great time

Really cool game, loved it, my only complain is that the slider is too uncomfortable for being such a core mechanich. Really enjoyed it very creative!

hahaha yess, ots my voice plus a bunch automated fx, i wanted to portray his tragic demise 

wow thanks, what an honor to be compared to such great music, i uploaded a link to my soundcloud with the music if you want to chek it out.

hahaha thankss i knew spending way to long on that would pay off (:

thank you so much!!

Fantastic Super polished loved it! how was the sound implemented?

hehe thanks! i uploaded the full tracks too soundcloud on my profile. Thanks for cheking out the game!

heheheh, my favourite sound too, just my voice and some FX.