Bro how did we get such similar titles for our games. It's uncanny :0
MCHS productions
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Very fun puzzle game with a lot of polish. The menus were kinda frustrating to navigate due to the transitions taking so long. The puzzles were intuitive and 17 short levels seems like the sweet-spot for a game jam game. Sucks there isn't a level editor though, I would've loved to post level codes in your comment section. Overall, I really enjoyed this game, which makes sense considering the kind of game I submitted :P
Really fun game, but it didn't take me long to figure out that the enemies spawned in waves and once I did I just waited for all of them to spawn before walking in circles until they all clumped together and then took out the entire wave with a single shot. Perhaps a different enemy spawning system that can't be exploited although I wouldn't know what to do considering enemy spawn amounts as a difficulty curve isn't as effective in a game where enemies can kill each other. The sound design was nice but the lack of music makes the sounds somewhat jarring. Overall, great prototype!
I made a simple update to fix two bugs that most players would never see/notice/care about and when I uploaded the file it replaced the original :/
It's a very small thing but I feel like people would question a file uploaded after the submission time so uhhh that's what happened. Oops, I guess! Also I haven't been available until now to play other people's games so I'm excited to finally be able to rate them!
The movement is very finicky. It's not buggy, it's just that my brain kept swapping from "press this arrow to move this direction" and "oh, I get it, press the left and right arrows to change direction and press the up arrow to move in that direction."
Gameplay was interesting. The graphics and fire mechanic are good but there wasn't really anything to do. A good game nonetheless!
My strategy is to immediately build 4 reactors, place 2-3 guns, then place another reactor, totaling 5. From then, just keep building guns while manually shooting enemies that get too close. Also, keep buildings as close to each other as possible. That strategy got me pretty far, but unfortunately there's no way to count score. Good luck!