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MCHS productions

A member registered Sep 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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I have no idea what's going on, all I know is Miku thinks I'm a loser.

I have no idea what I just played, but I think I reached the end. the game appears to be made in Scratch with music that sounds like it was made in Bosca Ceoil. Also, massive respect for this game being second if you sort by highest karma.

Interesting idea, although I felt like it was a bit too grindy for a game jam game.

Got stuck on the push box level. Couldn't push the boxes. Could clip into the walls though, so that's nice!

I dunno what's going on, but I like how the kitchen looks.

The movement is very finicky. It's not buggy, it's just that my brain kept swapping from "press this arrow to move this direction" and "oh, I get it, press the left and right arrows to change direction and press the up arrow to move in that direction."

Gameplay was interesting. The graphics and fire mechanic are good but there wasn't really anything to do. A good game nonetheless!

I assume this was made in Scratch. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

The web version only plays sound once the game restarts. Maybe there's something that happens when the game is reloaded that doesn't happen when the game is first loaded?

My strategy is to immediately build 4 reactors, place 2-3 guns, then place another reactor, totaling 5. From then, just keep building guns while manually shooting enemies that get too close. Also, keep buildings as close to each other as possible. That strategy got me pretty far, but unfortunately there's no way to count score. Good luck!

Very good game. Didn't know what to do so I could've used some tutorial prompts like "place a reactor to begin" and "place more reactors to increase cashflow" (I didn't even know you could place multiple until seeing the screenshots, and I assume that's what the reactors do)

Fun game, although the central mechanic makes it at-times frustrating. Amazing audio and maximum creativity!

I'm surprised no-one else mentioned Terratech, I definitely got Terratech vibes from this game.

I am honoured to have received such high praise, this game was really fun to make and I like how it turned out!

The grid is the unit of measurement. A dot is one tile long, a dash is two tiles long, and you have to leave at least one tile of space in between letters. Hope this helps!

Really glad you enjoyed it! I planned to have more things to do but the content basically ends after you unlock the J command, unless you go for a high score where the game does get slightly harder every level but it's barely noticeable until level ~50.

It probably helped that I couldn't be bothered remembering the letters. Jokes aside, I went into the project knowing that the way I presented the morse code would make or break the idea, and it's definitely great to hear it turned out alright!

I... can't do anything?

Pretty sure I'm missing something because how are you supposed to solve a puzzle when the only thing you can do is watch a square move and rotate? A tutorial of some sort would help a lot.

My first reaction was "uh, the jump is very floaty" but I quickly adapted to it and got a decent way into the game before deciding to wrap it up (Idk where it ends, but here's a screenshot. Is this a decent way into the game?) 

Got up to here. Nice game!

WOW! Very polished game, with fun, intuitive gameplay, and even the art style... DAMN! Probably the highest I'm gonna rate a game from this jam simply due to the polish

Yeah, people who I watched playtest it irl had trouble figuring it out too. The issue is that it's actually too precise. If the line enters the next grid while you hold down, it registers as a dash regardless of how long you've held it down, because that's how the game detects dashes.

I saw your WIPs and thought Wow, I can't wait to play this! Now I've played it, and I had a great time playing it!

Very strong artstyle, but the gameplay suffers heavily from the implementation of the theme.

Enjoyable experience!

I already left my feedback on the game page, but yeah, fun game!

Nice artstyle and gameplay loop! Spaceship doesn't point exactly towards the mouse, making aiming difficult, also the earth doesn't look like the earth, but that's completely understandable (earth is hard to draw).

Yeah, you're completely right about the middle view being basically useless. I originally wanted the guy to move around and interact with objects in the house, with the middle of the console displaying his internal thoughts or something, but all of that had to be cut due to time limitations.

Beat the game first try in under 2 minutes. Very short, but very enjoyable!

This game gives off big Cruelty Squad vibes. 10/10 would strafe through burning forest again.

Ended up playing the game for a lot longer than I initially thought I would, and if that's not a sign of good gameplay, I don't know what is! As for what I'd improve, well, I'd change the "player money" label since I thought the "player" was my enemy. Also I got the ship down to exactly 0% health without it dying which I assume is because you checked if the health was <0 instead of <=0. Maybe some more variety to make the gameplay last longer, perhaps some rougelike elements, and you got yourself a high quality game!

Fun short game, although I wasn't sure how to progress much past ~level 3

The first thing that came to my mind is reverse Space Invaders. I dunno if that was what you were going for, but HOLY HELL did you make a great game!

Ah, the gun that never runs out of bullets, a classic.

Not much to say that you didn't already cover in your itch page. Glad you could pull together something and submit it!

Iffy on the theme but overall a decent game. Would be nice if you had to type your answer, since that was my first reaction upon seeing a maths problem.

You get my E of approval!

Took me a while to understand what the tutorial text actually meant, but I eventually got it. Overall, I feel like a better character controller and tutorial would make this a really fun game!


Fun game. Once I figured out what I was supposed to do it was good but it would be better if the game started out a bit slower so players can get into the groove before they're bombarded with items to sort.

I'm sorry, I just couldn't figure out the game. It feels like I'm missing a crucial detail like a button that makes you go faster but trying to figure it out just makes me frustrated.