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A member registered Jun 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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First round was like "What is going on". Then i read everyhting carefully and i understood how things work out. After that the beginning felt easy but eventually i could not peacefully enjoy the music. Everybody is trying to destroy my machine but i was more determined than those others and I won on my second try. WOHOO. 

Fun game!

Nice oldschool look. Those small robots vere hard to notice even with the red outlines. I was sometimes panicing but having fun. 

Maybe you could have bigger projectiles so that it would be a little easier to hit those small grey robots.

Tried the game. Might have promise but I also had the Heat problem so its hard to say anyhting about gameplay.

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I remember when we did our fist Jam we had similar problem that we didnt have tutorial. There was maybe a plan to do some tutorial for this game but not enough time and also tiredness at the end. Lots of problems while developing. One full day went to reprogram the oven thing to notice that the problem was just for stopping timer. Then the customers waiting line had problems and i was doing it last night before deadline. Went to sleep 4am that last night and continue to do last important game mechanigs around 10 am. There was also plans for better timing for the customers happines metter. 

My brother got fatique for making graphics. Every text was done by images. Not good system but i had so much to figure out so i didnt even want to touch this time for the text systems. I was also thinging the Z text was hard to see but i didnt want to bother my brother for that because there was some missing sounds for my brother to do.

Its rather hard if you dont know the recipes, one thing i have noticed about while playing other games. Lets see if we will continue developing this or not. If we do i need to check my messy code for better one.

We have had some other game in development but we havent had good time or interest to that so we tought to participate for this jam to get some interest back for developing.

 After many times trying the game I finally understood how this game works. I found the help book to be helpfull. It would have been nice that time was paused when checking the help. Even after i somehow managed to understand the game mechanigs i never passed any single items to the customers. Last time it asked some greatsword with a part being specific metal. I tought i got it but still the customer didnt take it. Maybe i just missed somehting. 

Rather hard game. If wanting to continue development I suggest that it starts with easier objects to make and eventually goes harder. More time is needed to make those weapons.

But in a way i enjoyed it.

Nicely done. I liked it. Some more time and it might really become a proper game.

Very Nice. Well done clicker game. 

Camera and controls felt janky. I didnt get the Macguffin. I didnt know if you can open doors or somehting else than just navigate around the castle.

I had problem with the game. Cassiterie was not working. I could not get the characters to get to the lever to use it. I think I understood how the game was supposed to work but because of this cassiterie bug it was unplayable for me.

I liked the games atmosphere/enviroment but im not sure what I was supposed to do. Like what was to be happen when you pick up mushrooms. Red gave you somehting on the red meter but i dint find what that was supposed to be. Then the flowers gave me golors I could give away to the gross but again I was confused what that was supposed to be.

Technically it welt working game but not so for content.

Has promise but levels needs to be easier. I only got to level 5 and I "rage" quit when I almost got to the forge but I had too much speed and I didnt have time to press W. Other than that I liked it

Nice little lemmings style game. Liked it!

First I didnt know all of the controls but by testing i found them. Then Just by testing i found out what happens if you put this or this. Maybe the controls would be shown in the game. 

Then I tried to skip all the enemies to get to the Forge and destroy it. But it was a mistake.

Idea feels nice. Nice addition for the points system would be about how many points each part gives to you. In the beginning i felt there is no goal but i made my own goal to do the automaton. 

The steel colored one is a little tricky. Its not actually steel but somehting else that is dark in color.

My brother is thinking some ideas what could be put to the game. Let's see how this will develop. Thank you for playing.

Nice small game. Good job for the multiplayer aspect. Graphics needs a littlebit of polish but otherwise gameplay worked ok. 

So Good Job!

Really cool idea in a way. Maybe this could be implemented to be a part of a game. A part where you grow a pean that you climb up and then for example need to avoid somehting. :)

Good job and thank you for this nice small experienece!

(2 edits)

Ya it is still very unfinished. Im trying to image what it would look like when finished. You need to grow yourself to kill enemies and try to use the water to do that. Because you had that make smaller button maybe the level would have also places where you can go only when your small but you would be more vulnerable. A lot to think for the developing this forward.

Good job for getting done first consept gameplay!

After i checked all the controls it got easier to undestand what to do. Maybe you would need only two buttons. Left and right click of mousebuttons. 

Otherwise the game was a littlebit of easy. Maybe it would become harder if there were two paths were the bugs come.

But Good job!

The art is ok. I did not get anyhting to blend. I figured out eventually that the wall has also tutorial stuff but my patience was already lost. It needs somekind of indication what the blender had inside. I wasnt sure how to start over with blender if you put wrong stuff there.

But good job for getting game done!

The look and sound of the game was nice. But gameplay wise it needs still somehting. It was hard to find onions. I got 3 at best. World needs more than emptines. Then you would know where you are in swamp and maybe finding the onions would be easier.

But either way. Good job!

The look and sound of the game was nice. But gameplay wise it needs still somehting. It was hard to find onions. I got 3 at best. World needs more than emptines. Then you would know where you are in swamp and maybe finding the onions would be easier.

But either way. Good job!

I liked the camera angle in the house more than it was outside the house. became good old resident evil vibes.  :)

interesting game. really addictive puzzles. makes you try different ways. 

I paid more attention to artificial intelligence on how to find a way. Really good work! :) I did lose a lot of mushies when I played. :')

I was left wondering if growth would slow down if the soil was drier? 

it would bring the need to remember to water the ground more frequently. 

really good simple game.

I really like the graphic look. Too bad there wasn't a voices to support it.   

promising start. I really liked the character's development. But I would have liked the game to get harder over time.

Hello! If you haven't tried our game about feeding dragons here is the link:

Hint: Make grass with seeds. The sheep will eat grass and multiply. Feed sheeps to dragons. Try to get full hearts for all dragons to win.

Thank you for the oportunity to get another live opinion.

Sad you didn't get it to work. But continue and upload later working version for everyone to see. 

The design looks promising and the music you have now is very nice. Waiting the updated version to come someday.

Im not sure what kind of gameplay you are going to impelent but in my mind i am thinking somehting level based game where in between levels you would have some cutscenes of how the journey unravels for the girl for not letting her hair to be cut

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I finished the game. Like Sosasees says the end game is starting to get boring. Ok i was not playing carefully so i almost got myself killed in the final minutes :). 

Overall the game feels very polished. Graphics are nice except it is someties hard to see the edge of one square. Clouds add a lot of immersivenes to the game. Music and sound effect are nice too.

Overall very Good Job :)
Just a little bit of thinking some more game elements to the end of the game would make this game much better. Maybe grafting weapons against some other wild animals or just drop the finish to 25%.

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Nice idea for the bullets to grow stuff or if you hit you will grow also size. Sadly there is not much to play. Graphics are simple but they fit for the style.

If you continue you can add the stuff you mentioned in the comment for MadMelon999. Maybe it will grow to be small nice game then.

Good Job!

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And the world was saved by quick reaction using two acid explosions. No need to thank me. :)

I played the game and it took couple of tries for me to destroy the monster in second level.  Nice concept. Not really much of a gameplay right now. Grapics works and I like the growing monster. No sound tough :( 

Good Job for getting the game done!

Nice small experience. I like the graphics. The sound you selected fit very well for the theme and the art you have. 

Not a lot of gameplay now.

Good Job for getting somehting for the jam!

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Like others have said basic game but you need to start somewhere.

One suggestion that came into my mind while playing the game is that maybe you could change this as an autoscroller. Your bird would leave the nest and try to get as many bugs while avoiding the other birds. And maybe have somekind of point system between levels. 

Good job for finishing your game for jam!

After reading the instructions I understood the consept what this game might be in the future. There could be different kind of cards/enemies to spawn for our knight. Also the healt card would be nice to be randomised too in between picking cards to spawn. Maybe you could add double reward/growth in strenght/skills for challenging two enemies or more.

Otherwise the game art looks nice. Smooth animations. Waiting the game idea to grow to full game. Good Job!

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Thank you for playing. I will tell my brother (Mikko) that you really liked the art. He has been the one making graphics to all our projects we have been trying to do. He was also behind the sheep sound. : ) This was our first game we published somewhere. Also this was our first Jam. I (Mauri/MenderJ) have been the coder in our two man (or brothers) team.

Thank you for playing. It really is like fantasy world inside the game. In my mind i am comparing this world for a movie world like How to Train Your Dragon. : )

If you mean the number. It stayed as 1. Maybe im doing somehting wrong. Tried again but no change.

Really cool game!

I really really liked the game. Beginning was hard because i didn't know how to move the fly so that the plant wont eat me. But then i got it. Good swing left and right and right and left.

Graphigs are nice. Music and sound effects realy makes this immersive. My record for short play was 154. 

Good Job!

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I like the consept of growing your limps. Now of course there is not really a lot going on with that. Artstyle is really nice and that menu. Superb!

I was confused how can you put new limps on you but it was just click and click. Needs some indication to show what is activated. 

Also like others have said picking up limps needs to be fixed. Very hard to pick stuff up.

Overall: Good Job!