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A member registered 38 days ago · View creator page →

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I didn't find any promblems. I'm just wondering how you would implement enemies into the game or would a full size version of this just be platforming?

i would use transform.Translate instead of Rigidbody.AddForce. The two things that i hate was that the greens on the far sides of the screen were an optical illusion where when I shouldn't have grabbed them i grabbed them, but when i should have grabbed it i didn't. Sometimes the greens were just too far apart.

Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) will check for mouse 1. It felt wrong using "e" to stomp. I also had problems with loadScene. Did you have any and how did you fix them?

great tech demo. When your small the side of the camera clips into objects when your hugging them. Hope to see gameplay in the future

moving the camera with the mouse felt bad and screwed up some torch touches. Also with some maps the adventurers could just kill me with out having to go to sleep once. Then your options menu didn't work. I really like the artstyle and music.

I didn't realize that i was moving first(adding an effect would help with that and if the background moves as well). also meters and space ships would pop in and out of existence a lot.

camera gave me a little motion sick by not being able to control it. Also Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked; will hide the mouse. liked it BTW

windows defender thinks your game is a virus

play button asset didn't change like the rest. Sometimes when starting a level the game didn't want to work and physics stop and you couldn't start the level. I like the art

The baby is too slow to catch some stars and after a losing streak stars can spawn in places where the baby can't even reach. I liked the visuals.

your account has two broken links. It's the 2 and 3 one. it seems you like your private menu and a twitch that doesn't exist.