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The downloaded .zip was not a proper executable project, so I had to use GDRE Tools to run it in Godot. Apart from that, on first impressions the art is really nice but the way the player got stuck to the walls was quite hard (or maybe I just suck at platformers). The game is complete with fancy particles and the game sometimes blocked my movements. Anyways, the game was incredibly polished and beautiful.
Considering it was made in just two hours, the game felt quite complete! While there was no audio, the core gameplay was there. I wasn’t entirely sure how it connected to the theme, but it was still an interesting experience.
I did run into a couple of bugs:
Multiple buttons could activate at the same time. The paycheck screen had so many circles that it ended up crashing the game.
That said, it’s a solid foundation! With a bit more time for polish, it could be even better. Great work!