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A member registered 54 days ago · View creator page →

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Great game! Really good level design and concept, art is very cohesive.

Thanks! Yeah the controls are definitely super clunky, I hadn't thought of doing button input to enter/leave bullet time but I really like that idea! Could make it a lot smoother. Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing! Yeah I ran out of energy and brainpower at the end of the jam, wasn't able to add any sort of endgame. Controls are definitely wonky too. Glad you enjoyed the story!

Love the song. Really liked the setting too, running around the clock was cool, and it was super satisfying to zoom out and place things and then see the lil guy run past it. Cute sprites, great game!

Fun idea! The jumping and then targeting mechanic feels quite smooth, although it wasn't super clear from the controls description that I had to press space again in the air to wake them up. The shadows help with depth perception, but it might have been nice to texture the ground. At times was tough to tell where I was.

Cool idea! like the calming music. In browser sometimes had nothing happen when entering room.

Cute idea! I like how strong the rat is.

Really liked the different regions. Took me a second to realize I did damage just by walking into things, perhaps would be nice to mention that slightly more explicitly. Very nice variety of all the enemies, made the world feel more alive.