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Thank you <3

Thank yoou... I'm glad  you're enjoying it <3 

I thought of a sad but happy story... 

I think you know what I mean... lol 

It's very original :) I love it <3

Thank you for the feedback. 

Since this is only my first composition, I will strive to do even better next time. <3

The tracks match well with the space adventure theme... I love it <3

keep going \(*Q*)/

Thank you <3

Cool, the music fits the lore well <3

I love the alien aspect in it.

I especially loved 'Full Metal Temple.'

Thank you very much, 

yes, it was a bit tight.  lol

I don't know how to do mastering yet, but I think I'll try it. Thanks. <3

Wow, with the little stories, it matches a lot with the music... it feels like a game from the 90s, a bit funky.

I like it <3

It's like epic, scary, strange space (lol). 

I got chills on the first and last verse. 

The second one was rather calm, hahaha... 

I love it. <3

Thank you <3

Thank you so much <3

~(*//////*)~ i appreciate it

This soundtrack reminds me of Arrietty by Studio Ghibli. XD

Amazing !! <3

Thank you very much <3

even though there's no mastering, I also want to see myself in the future ~(=Q=)~

It's so pleasant to listen to  (=Q=)

Keep going <3

it just amazing!!!  

i feel the vibe!! <3

It's like in RPG, where you're made to explore a magical village... but the seaside aspect is there too :) 

keep going <3

I will never get tired of listening to this soundtrack, keep going <3

Thank you, this is my first time sooo... i appreciate it <3

I know, I know, .. :p 

 I appreciate the encouragement thank you...

 anyway, yours is amazing :p

keep going broooo <3

My favorite is 'Icarus the Candle Cat Wants to Fly,' it makes me think of a cat wanting to jump over the house railing, hahaha. In any case, they are all cute.

I love the sound in 'Tomorrow Never Knows,' it's so relaxing, I loooove it!

Wahhh... it's so sad, it feels like the old animes like Lady Oscar or something like that. Anyway, it's perfect... and as a beginner, I support you too.