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A jam submission

A Criança SelvagemView project page

(Imaginary) Adventure/thriller/drama/Stealth pixel art game
Submitted by Frrrkstr — 1 day, 19 hours before the deadline
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A Criança Selvagem's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#5702.6712.824

Ranked from 17 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Used Musescore and Ableton Live. I compose as a mix of orchestral with s score writing and a playing record so mixed both and made one song wich is the MUSIC THEME for the game.

Music Theme for a (Imaginary) Game " A criança Selvagem (The Wild Kid).

A story of a kid searching the cure to his mother of a disease in a pós- apocalyptic isolated Island the live.

The story focus in a kid who lives in a remaing of a society located in a gigantic Island where the people die in their 35's birthday. So the mother's kid are now 34 and the kid and his mutant friend following some ancients storys about a place who have ancient knowledge that, they believe, can find a cure discovering the dangers and endeavour bizarre criatures and more...

Drama, Thriller, Stealth, Adventure.

Message from the artist
Thank you for the oportunity. I'm a big fan of the judges so just to be listen and could participate is alread a pleasure. Making this music was intense 'cause I've already imaginated a game wich is a way to i hand with me mother's death and my porr childhood living in a almost desert beach in extreme brazilians south.
So thank you and as a composer i love usualy sais : Music for the love of music.


Inside my world

How does it fit the theme?
An metaphor to my childhood and my mother's death.

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

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Soundtrack use permission


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So, you've made a curious emotional ambient. And... it sounds cool!

P.S. I love this abrupt transition at 3:08 to something majestically creepy... Heh)


Incredibly unique work you've done here, and considering the personal nature of your interpretation of the theme, it's like I'm right there with you reflecting on those experiences. Well done my friend. Your mom would be proud to hear this, I'm sure <3


Gostei bastante da música, ela é bem elegante e define muito bem a atmosfera que você propôs. A composição reforça também esse sentimento hostil e ao mesmo tempo contribui para a atmosfera sem roubar muito a atenção. Bom trabalho!

(I really liked the song, it is elegant and it manages to set the atmosphere you've intended. The composition also reinforces the hostility of the environment but at the same time without being too intrusive, which greatly benefits to the mood. Well done!)

very good, I like it


Interesting voicings!

I truly enjoyed going along the canvas you painted with all the different and contrasting  moods that inhabit in your music.

Beautiful work!


It's like epic, scary, strange space (lol). 

I got chills on the first and last verse. 

The second one was rather calm, hahaha... 

I love it. <3


Wow! Such a different vibe than the other submissions I've heard, and I mean that in a positive way. Your music is really tense and thought provoking, it's great! I also love the woodwind parts :D


Thank you so much! It means a lot! <3


Really gripping and using your own experiences in life and sharing them made me more attached to the music so I got sucked in.

great job!


haha nice! Thank you so much for the listen and for sharing such feelings <3


Wow, it felt like an entire story was told in those five minutes!


Sometimes my music reach that point where I could keeping doing things for ever >< . For some people it's a problem so I feel really happy for you to listen and enjoy! Thank you so much, it means a lot! <3


Amazing, heart-taking! I had a goosebumps! 


Thank you so much for the listen and for sharing such feelings! It means a lot to me <3


Interesting arrangement! I like the choice of sustained chords and notes functioning almost as a drone. Good job getting it all to sit well in the mix, too.


Thank you so much!