Hi, I'd like to check out people's games, especially the ones that don't have that many ratings, because I want people to be able to have even a slight fighting chance in the community ratings! I most likely won't be able to play all of the games, but I will try! Obviously I will give honest ratings, so no high ratings guaranteed :) And also, I'd like other people to rate other people's games, so that everyone gets more than 1 rating ;) Forgot about this, but if I don't get to your game for a while, It's because I've got others I'm doing, so yes I will get to yours, I'm just busy with others! :)
Lastly, if you could try my game, a funny, short little Action RPG, that would be cool! (you don't need to play it, but I would enjoy a rating :))https://itch.io/jam/acerola-jam-0/rate/2581042
Good Luck to everyone!