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Mind-blower humanSR

A member registered Aug 03, 2019 · View creator page →

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Better late than never. As I wrote in the post, at some point in your artist journey, you more think about MEANINGFUL impact of your art. Sadly making QUALITATIVE these type of games is an uphill battle (especially as a hobbyist). In my exp, even cooperating with mental health NGO there comes time, when they do not have enough resources and must be discontinued the project or at least freeze for a few months. And without them there is not enough expertise to make the content, effectively test it. And although slowly the industry changes, including more mental health games, the industry (especially publishers) will not truly embrace it until the breakthrough hit (like "Slay the spire" did for rogue like deck builders). Sorry for the rant, but when the system vastly enables escapism and suppresses solving the underlying problem, you know that it is a bad system. So called "whales" and how they are used is a great example.

Does not work on Brave internet browser. Suggest to provide downloadable files.

Nice art and corresponding visual effects. The axe upgrade feels impactful. No music and soundeffects. Resources beside gold feels useless. Core gameplay loop is boring. I see this at best as mini game for preparation phase to get resources to craft items and fight monsters (each wave getting stronger). It would give urgency and change the phase (analog to looter shooter - digging rpg). 

Nice pixel art and animation. Relaxing music and appropriate soundeffects. Also interesting gameplay loop (initially). As prototype this thing is great. But after novity wore down (after 2 min), I felt bored. If I must guess, because upgrades did not feel meaningful (if I need 3 shots to take down enemy and after upgrade I still need 3 shots, what have changed) and there was not variety (for example, utility based such as time stop). Wall robots felt challenging opponents, but outside it there was little challenge. To sum up - give meaningful upgrades so after 2 or 3 I can feel overpowered and oneshot basic enemies, introduce bosses and elite enemies (mechanically, not just increasing HP and calling it a day). Add new abilities, which counter extra powerful opponents. P.S. Nice to see another Godot user. 

Does not go on Brave internet browser.  Nice to see another Godot user.  No sound. Funny concept, but the gameplay loop does not appeal me (a little bit too simplistic).

Does not go on Brave internet explorer.  Also the title sounds like a JoJo reference (Foo fighters).

No lieluma vien var just, ka 1. līmenis ir domāts spēles sākumam un 2. beigām. Kopumā labi izdodas tā "aha" sajūta. 

Lai ko plāno, ceru, ka pieturēsies pie spēles centrālās tēmas. Vai arī uztaisiet iestatījumu profilus (1 mierīgā, uz procesu vērstā - kas ir tagad; otra uz rezultātu - ļoti ātri kustas). 

(2 edits)

Nezinu kādēļ, bet negāja uz Chrome Canary. Patika:Mūzika. Interesantās mistērijas. Patīk piemērošanās spēlētājiem (izgaismo objektus, lai gan man nestrādāja, kad izvēlējos iespēju 1. reizi, kad piedāvā iespēju sākumā, vienīgi atkārtoti). Ļoti kompetents: Vizuālais stils. Nepatika:Vajadzētu pavedienus, ja iesprūst, savādāk nākas bruteforce. P.S. Tas rubīna gredzens ir nolādēts.

Saprotu, ka labi uzzīmētais retro stila dizains var šķist šarmants noteiktai mērķauditorijai, bet nav manai gaumei. Gribētos, lai ir krāsaināks. Nemaz nerunāšu par skaņas neesamību, cīņas sistēmu - nav sinerģiju, speciālo spēju. Ieteiktu paspēlēt "Match masters" un "Marvel puzzle quest" (abi uz Android). 

(2 edits)

Patika:mierīgums jūtams kā centrālā tēma - mūzika, krāsas, vienkāršums (gan dizainā, gan puzlēs), pat vilciena ātrums. Izcili spēlēt pirms gulētiešanas, lai atslābtu (pie kumelīšu tējas). Cerams, ka būs arī mobilā versija. Nepatika:vilcienam dažreiz ir grūti izsekot, jo saplūst ar pārējo (padarīt tumši dzeltenu?). Ja barjeru nevar pakustināt, tad jāiekrāso citā krāsā (melnā?). Prasās pietuvināšanas funkcija (it īpaši ja būs uz mobilā).

Cerams, ka izlasīji "Help" sadaļu (sākuma ekrāns, starp "Start" un "Assets"). Piekrītu, ka sākumā ir grūti un nesaprotami, bet ar laiku un izmantojot "latviskumu" iegūsti izpratni par drošajiem un bīstamajiem lauciņiem (kā rogue like veida spēlēs). Piemēram, vai kopā ēst sieru Jāņos vai fanot par hokeju nevieno? Vai nav bīstami sēņot, ogot u.tml. (groziņš) ar zemu intelektu (t.i., neatšķirot labās no indīgajām)? 

Spēlīte balstīta uz "Troll quest" (dīvaina loģika) un "Lapse"(izdzīvošana). Pareizi saki - spēle ir nesaprotama un no tā izrietoši haotiska rīcība (sākumā, it īpaši, ja nav lasīta "Help" sadaļa). Un tādā situācijā ir 2 varianti - iedziļināties neprātā līdz tas ir saprotams vai arī meklēt alternatīvas/palikt pie status quo. Tevis aprakstītā sajūta ir izbraucējiem (pats biju), tiem vecākās paaudzes cilvēkiem, kuriem ir grūtības mainīties.  Cerams, ka komentārs vismaz padarīja skaidrāku tevis pieredzēto.

I love your approach toward asset reuse. Reminds me Yakuza&Trails series, Kairosoft,  approach on steroids. Rated your game, when it was in Jam, and still return to be inspired by this complex simplicity.

(2 edits)

FOR ME, Ritual and Rush are by far the best in this album. I wish that you get better - the reset has potential, but sounds a little  too generic, repeats 1 sound again and again, which becomes boring, even SO irritating (such as Nectar or March). If you wish to repeat, then at least do what you did at end of March or Crypt Spotify preview - familiar, but different. And regarding still in progress - Extinction, Elektron, Subtle and Bell are the best, the rest could be better. If you wish to nail Spotify (or any platform), then you must make VERY engaging beginning, not monotone, just picking up at beginning.  Also positioning in album is VERY important - position the best songs at beginning (the best) or end (2nd best).  I hope that this is helpful and if you wish, I can give you extra feedback. 

I suggest you to try out GODOT (prefer over Unity). The jump from Unity is relatively easy.

Grateful for your world class art. I hope that this will inspire you, want to know your opinion https://itch.io/t/1192469/suicide-prevention-with-games . My attempt is still in Alpha:  https://mind-blowing-games.itch.io/jojoish-coin-shooter (SO HAPPY about sprites, still cannot believe that it is for free even in commercial games).

Used assets

Art&visual effects:

Aekashics Librarium - Megapack III (http://www.akashics.moe/terms-of-use/)

Alekei - Background Night (CC-BY 3.0)

Bart - Sky Backdrop (CC-BY 3.0&CC-BY-SA 3.0&GPL 3.0&GPL 2.0)/ Moon overlay texture (CC0)

Bevouliin.com - Fat Bird Sprites, Flappy Bat Monster Flying, Gogle Male (FF0), Mushroom game character, Rounded Eyes Dog Sprites (CC-BY 4.0)

Calinuo - Kenney particle pack (CC0 1.0 Universal)

Creepy cat - 3D games effects pack (Extension Asset (Unity))

Etcgood - QX 2d game art character design armor beauty, little tomato (CC-BY 3.0)

Fonts for flash - FFF forward (Free for commercial use, https://www.1001fonts.com/fff-forward-font.html)

JAP - Fortress background/storyboard image (CC-BY-SA 3.0&GPL 3.0&GPL 2.0)

Jinn - World Map Tiles (CC-BY-SA 3.0&GPL 2.0)

Justin Nichol - Cute Heroes, Cute Boss Monsters, Cute Monsters A-E, F-O, P-Z, Cute NPCs, Firefly Suit, Space Captain (CC-BY 3.0, CC-BY 4.0, GPL 2.0, GLP 3.0)

Kyzerole – Target (CC0)

Luminous Dragon Games - Perfectly Seamless Night Sky/2 seamless lava tiles/Parallax Space Scene  (CC0)

Onsemeliot - Cloudy skies (CC-BY 4.0, CC-BY 3.0, CC-BY-SA 4.0, CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0, GPL 2.0, OGA-BY 3.0, CC0)

pzUH - Red Hat Boy, Free Dino Sprites, Free Plane Sprite, Cute Girl, Santa Claus, The Knight, Jack o' Lantern, Cat & Dog, The Robot, Adventurer Girl, Ninja Girl, Ninja Adventure, Temple Run (CC0)

The Heaven7 - Skill Icons (Single Entity(Unity))

Wipics - Sunset Backgrounds Pack/Flower/Winter/Autumn Backgrounds (CC0)

Music&sound effects:

adn_adn - The Rain Gray (CC-BY 4.0, CC-BY 3.0, GPL 3.0)

Alegemaate - human impact on ground (CC0)

Ash rez – damage (CC0)

Boodabomb - yandere laughter (CC0)

Brandon75689 - Point bell (OGA-BY 3.0, CC0) (change:made shorter)

Daleonfire - sword schwing (CC0)

Écrivain - Nature Comes (CC0)

Euphrosyyn - Anime teleport 9 (CC0)

Fidjo20 - oh yeah woo oh yeah (CC0)

Foxy synergy - RPG Simple Shop (16-bit)(CC-BY 3.0) (cut a few seconds in middle) (https://opengameart.org/content/rpg-simple-shop-16-bit )/Overdrive Sex Machine (CC-BY 3.0) (https://opengameart.org/content/overdrive-sex-machine )

Fragile - Fairy tale synth bells (CC0)

Gary Turcotte - Depths Metal Mix (GPL 3.0)

Hansjörg Malthaner - Glass Bell Sounds (CC-BY 3.0, CC-BY-SA 3.0, OGA-BY 3.0) (http://opengameart.org/users/varkalandar) (change:made shorter)

Indieteur - Nature's Cry (CC0)

Jasinski - Beach Ocean Waves (CC0)

Marcelo Fernandez - Bell Sounds (CC-BY 3.0) (http://www.marcelofernandezmusic.com) (change:made shorter)

Michel Baradari - Rumble/explosion (CC-BY 3.0)                                                                       ( http://cubeengine.com/forum.php4?action=display_thread&thread_id=2164 )

Mute Colossus - TS Sounds (Extension Asset (Unity))

Of Far Different Nature - ESCAPE Album/Loop box #2  (https://fardifferent.carrd.co) (CC-BY 4.0) (change:made shorter, combined Pulse and Frankenstein)

OH YEAH Man Male Voice Moan freesound.org ccby3 Copyright 2013 Iwan Gabovitch, CC-BY3 license (https://freesound.org/people/qubodup/sounds/177468/)

Plagasul - Yakuza LSD and Coca (jumpydrone) (CC BY 3.0)

Qubodup - jump sound (CC0)

P0ss - Spell Sounds Starter Pack (CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0, GPL 2.0) (change:made shorter)

Raspberrytickle – yandere laugh (CC0)

Syncopika – Forest (CC-BY 3.0)

Sindwiller - Grip of Nature (CC0)

Tausdei – Ursus (CC-BY 4.0, CC-BY 3.0, OGA-BY 3.0)( https://opengameart.org/content/ursus )

The game maker queen - onii-chan (CC0)

The Real Monoton Artist - Metal Song – Energetic (CC0)

Tim Kahn - oh_yeah.wav (CC BY 3.0) (https://freesound.org/people/tim.kahn/sounds/95238/?page=3#comment)

Tri Tachyon - Soundscape Find Nothing (CC-BY 4.0)(https://soundcloud.com/tri-tachyon/albums)

Ulrich Metzner - Church Bell (CC-BY-SA 3.0) (change:made shorter)

Unfa - Oh Yeah 1 (CC0) Xtrgamr - stupid gamer 1 - guitar zero.wav (CC BY 3.0) (https://freesound.org/people/xtrgamr/sounds/266312/)

Thank you for compliment. Anybody can just say generic "great game", but it takes deeper understanding to give compliment, which matters. Also, please, think about this https://itch.io/t/1192469/suicide-prevention-with-games 

What exactly you enjoyed in my game?

Very appropriate visuals and sound. Also educational aspect is bonus for me. You must change starting camera so I do not stare at wall and do not know where to go. Also in itch description is not mentioned that you should use mouse, because just with WASD do not change camera. Make mouse sensitivity changeable in settings (for me it was very fast moving). Also contrast bacteria so it is easier to follow where it is. If you continue this, I suggest to use Pokedex approach (I was interested what are those green things). If you will fix these bugs, then I see great educational value in this.

(1 edit)

Thank you for analytic reply. I agree that the game is rough (it's main purpose was to be a break from my main game). I hope that you will support this initiative https://itch.io/t/1192469/suicide-prevention-with-games Also I hope that this will make your day at least a little bit brighter (https://mindblower-humansr.itch.io/jojoish-coin-shooter).  By the way with H you are immortal, after receiving damage changes speed to reflect different states, but with He is changed time scale for a while.  

I liked unusual attack option. You could have added sound (from sites such as https://opengameart.org/).

Great games are fun AND gives value after player has finished them. I hope that you will join my initiative https://itch.io/t/1192469/suicide-prevention-with-games and will enjoy my newest main game https://mindblower-humansr.itch.io/jojoish-coin-shooter

I love synergy between powers. Visual (such as UI) and audio (such as voice acting) are very nice. Difficulty curve could be better, giving some grunts to test the skills, before pushing in boss fight. Also at least for me was a little bit too shaky camera in cut scene and I cannot heal golem (although am pushing on it).

Thank you for the feedback. I suggest to consider my initiative https://itch.io/t/1192469/suicide-prevention-with-games  Also if you wish playtest for playtest (my main game is https://mindblower-humansr.itch.io/jojoish-coin-shooter ).

Fun dialogue, normal puzzles, but art is distracting - bland (without enough personality, style), also color scheme does not match. Using opposite sides of color wheel can be done only sparingly (usually to emphasize important objects). Better to choose complimentary colors for huge areas. And should be less bright. Also SFX and music control would be nice. Great relaxing music ruined by washing machines.

Platformer as platformer. It would have been better if blue and red could interact much more (such as blue opens doors for red and vice versa). Used some nice visual assets (there is sites for that such as https://opengameart.org/). And if you wished to have extra step - add player some value beyond playing the game.  

K. Thank you for the reply. I will play. The main reason why I did not have more elements was, because this is more like minimal viable product and I usually refine to golden standard before scaling (force of habit). Also it was break from my main game https://mindblower-humansr.itch.io/jojoish-coin-shooter   

What exactly you liked? What I could have done better?

Thank you for sharing this great example about mentally healthy person - even if there is negative thoughts, you can choose to concentrate on good ones. This game shows that it is not that happy people does not have negative stimulus, but that they manage the impulses. Of course it is useful to confront reasonable negative thoughts and seek solution.  Also nice animation.

Thank you for sharing this great example about mentally healthy person - even if there is negative thoughts, you can choose to concentrate on good ones. This game shows that it is not that happy people does not have negative stimulus, but that they manage the impulses. Of course it is useful to confront reasonable negative thoughts and seek solution.  

Your answer is cheating to some extend, because "Minecraft" is like water - the game's experience is VERY shaped by player. The outcome can be beautiful sculpture or ugly abomination.  

Cannot wait to feel super positive playing your next game. Also this game is great to reflect, think.

10/10 I liked how music&visual, story and gameplay reinforced 1 idea. Calm music, nicely stylized characters, dialogs with the hook and tiles like opportunities, which disappear with time. You must be vigilant (in present) not to end up in abyss.This game resonated with me and gave me enough space so I can make my own story, interpretation.This game is much more about injury, death. Hopefully your next game will be about healing, reborn. 

Your comment inspires me and I would be honored if you helped me (and if you have a game, maybe even planned, I could do the same for you). I use Instagram to test the game. I wish to make it as accessable as possible so it is on Android (with planned on Windows) and for free (some point maybe pay what you want with revenue given to charities helping suicide prevention), because at death bed people rarely regret not earning enough money and remember people they helped. In development of this type games I do not have competitors, only allies of good. My attempt - https://mindblower-humansr.itch.io/jojoish-coin-shooter