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A member registered Jun 26, 2021 · View creator page →

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Sorry, for the late reply. Unlike most games, you can only save at computer terminals or before certain events. The game has a save point system.

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Thanks bro,

I appreciate your kind words. I tried really hard to bring the rpgmaker players something, that I thought was fun and unique...Then all the work I put into custom animations, which I thought people would like, since they are so rarely seen in rpgm games...  just oof.. :( If you have beaten the first boss, you will know what I'm talking about.

Anyways, I'm fine being dropped out of the contest that early. Especially after seeing that some users hated my game enough, to give it 2star reviews.

There is also some good that came out of the contest. Like I saw some streams from Benny and Hawk, of whom I never heard before and they seem to be cool dudes. I also had the opportunity to interact with devs like you, who are also cool dudes and dudettes xD
But most importantly, without the jam I would have continued working on my "one big rpg" for the next two years or so, just to realize that I wasted my time in the end.  That might not be true for everyone, so don't get discouraged by what I'm saying.  Yeah right, now that I'm out of the running, it will be up to you to create the next big rpg maker game Ikmal :)

good luck out there,


Going through the trouble to help out with feedback is very kind of you. I'm sure the others will appreciate it
You can save yourself a little time by skipping the write up for my game (S.Space), as I have moved on from game making.
But I added that one reverb you complained about (in a probably totally wrong way ^^)
Anyways thanks for everything Benny.

Thanks, that s so kind of you Jazhoom.

Congrats everyone! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Great game Odont. I can feel the love and effort that went into the game. Also kudos for trying something new among the sea of turned based random encounter games. 5/5

Thanks again, very kind of you for notifying me.  Now I can rest easy knowing that my game wasn't forgotten. I missed most of the stream though coz I was asleep xD. Cant wait to watch  the vod.

Thanks slimmmeiske2, I thought judging ended last monday. I already activated panic mode ^^ 

From what I can tell,  Drifty provided feedback to every game he judged. -Oh well, he must have really hated my game then :(

I think I can recall Hawk having played your game on stream.

I checked the streams... None of the judges seems to have played my game...

Hi Trihan,
cool transformation sequence. As an uber male it made me feel kinda weird, but I am sure girls love it. Only thing topping that would be a full animation.
Later I had to hold back my man tears during the crazy cat lady part. And then the game broke, somehow... With Gemina being invisible and then it went full black screen visiting another character.
I would say your game is more like a visual novel than an actual rpg. And Gentleman defiantly needs a monocle, mustache and walking cane.
Anyways, keep up the good work.

Interesting title. Animations and sounds are top notch. One can see that you know your stuff. I wish I could have made the window bigger, because it was really tiny on my screen and paired with the darkness, easily put a strain on the eyes. The horror aspect might be more impactful, if the players was a little boy or something cutesy. As is, I perceived it as a skeleton running away from his shadowy friends. The ending screen looked like an obituary. And at first glance I assumed that the dev had passed in 2021 ^^
All in all a good short game, thank you for sharing.

Grüezi und hallo LittleLynx.

Your game is visually stunning, you even emulated dynamic shadows and perspective scaling. Voice acting is always a nice surprise. Unfortunately the game only lasted two dialogues until the credits rolled. - Nah just kidding, I played further, but ended up running around in circles. I had the feeling there was some kind of puzzle I should solve, but I couldn't manage find it. Fortunately for you I have seen enough hentai, to know where the story is headed. So good job story-wise as well. I will give this one a good rating ;)

The handgun you get early on is intentionally awful, that's why I recommended the AR. You will find the earliest one leaning on the mech. Or you could wait until someone eventually makes a video or streams the game.

I would have kept them and placed a sign with "to the Desert" at the end of each street ^^

Hi Wetterkatze,

gratulation zum erstem Game. Also rein optisch macht dein Game schonmal einen guten Eindruck. Die Maps sehen gut aus und zusammen mit den vielen Tieren wirken die auch relativ lebendig mit Liebe zum Detail^^.

Leider gibts da eine Bugs. Einer war sogar gamebreaking. Wenn du nach der ersten Konversation versuchst mit Tinus zu reden friert das Spiel ein und du bist gezwungen das Spiel neu starten. Der Rest waren nur Kleinigkeiten beim Mapping. Eventuell willst du sowas wie "region restriction" benutzen, dann hast du mehr Kontrolle darüber, wo der Spieler alles hinlaufen kann.

Auch konnte ich dein Spiel leider nicht durchspielen, weil die Kämpfe viel zu schwer sind. Nach 8 game overn hab ichs dann aufgeben. Es sind einfach zuviele Gegner und es kommt viel zu viel Schaden rein. Selbst wenn man Neela als Versteinerungsbot abstellt, ist das Spiel nicht zu schlagen, ohne Vorwissen was gefokust werden muss. Zugegeben rund 90% aller Spiele die ich hier getestet habe sind zu schwer. Du bist also in guter Gesellschaft ^^

Am Balancing musste noch pfeilen, der Rest ist aber schon sehr viel versprechend.

The visuals and the mechanics look and feel very polished, that must have been a pain to put it all together.^^  Its a very good example of what is possible with MZ. If every MZ game would have battles like that, RPG Maker would be hailed as the best game engine ever ^^

Other than that I didn't get very far or maybe its not meant to be beatable, dunno.
Stun locking  Grima  the menace eater and then attacking the witch seems like the only way to go, but I got one shoted twice afterwards.. Also there is a tutorial bug. You get the tutorial skills just added to your normal skills and keep them past the tutorial.

Also downloading a single .exe always makes me sweat bullets, for some virus related reasons...

Wow, you have made some impressive pixel sideview battlers there. I mean pixeling and animation those is like one of the hardest things. Very cool.
Also your game is the first I played here, in which I didn't die during the first battle. That was also quite refreshing ^^

Random encounter rate is a bit high though, but I managed to "escape" my way to the final boss and beat them without grinding. Mapping could also use a little more work. Maybe you want to look into parallax mapping. If you know your way around a paint program already that's as easy as copy/paste.

Keep up the good work!

Interesting fun arcade style game. If this came out like 30 years ago you would be a rich man xD

Hey I just played trough your game.

The bike is a great idea, just add some spinning wheels and bike sounds and you will turn that into an awesome idea ^^ Also streets to drive on would help the immersion.
Well you know it I know it, the star of your game are actually the battle animations, which are like super crazy fps like.  It could maybe feel a bit more visceral with shorter animations and camera shakes. Also the boss fight was pretty cool. I think all of us could learn a thing or two from you. I certainly did, so thx bro. ^^

Heya ralvinty,

I didn't encounter any mayor bugs or crashes. The zoom looked a bit wonky though, but that was probably the tiles fault ^^

Overall I enjoyed it. Awesome custom art with the character sprites and busts -more of that please. And dodging bullets is quite the feat not gonna lie.
Mapping could use a little more work. If you can do pixelart, parallax mapping should be easy 4 you. Maybe you wanna look into that.

Our games are actually kind of similar now that I think about it... You should defiantly check it out! I think my kind of combat would suit your game better -with all the cool gunslingers and stuff. Once you get hold of the machine gun in my game, you know whats up ^^

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Catgirls - my only weakness! Arg
Reina - great taste in female name picking, that's also one of my favs.
Cool mapping and great open spaces, even without parallax mapping. That must have been a pain I imagine ^^

Whats up with the interior house maps? I have seen almost the exact layout in another game here. Were they auto generated?

The bad: Maybe I m too stupid for rpg maker combat, but your enemies are waaay to strong for the start of the game.  But that happend to me in a ton of games here. So hey that's maybe a me problem^^

Edit: also you should upload more screenshots