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A member registered Jan 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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Very fun polished game! The music really accentuated the feeling of doom and the ticking bomb in the background was perfect. The hard breathing also added some feeling the the atmosphere in this game. The gameplay got the job done and the art was amazing! It is amazing that you managed a game of this quality and polish in just 48 hours! If you could stop by and check out our game and leave some feedback that would be much appreciated. Good luck in your future jams and game dev journeys!

This game was really  fun to play locally! The AI was a bit boring as they moved completely randomly but when you played it with friends locally it was really enjoyable. The art was good and made the game look polished along with the sound effects and music, they all made the game seem very completed and polished by the end of the jam. One criticism though would maybe to have a way of explaining the functions of stacking the pieces and what they did because I didn't really realize for a large portion of the first game that I played, also maybe have more of a reason to stack the pieces as it ended up providing more of a disadvantage. Other than that this game was very enjoyable and if you could check out my game and leave some feedback that would also be much appreciated. I wish you well with your further game dev adventures!

Very good game! It was very peaceful and surprisingly fun. The graphics and music were outstanding and the gameplay was fun enough to get me on the edge of my seat for the majority of the game while also allowing me to relax and sit back to enjoy this game. By the end of it I felt like I knew every object in the game personally and had almost developed personalities for each of them. I hope you could check my game out too and give some feedback! I really enjoyed this game and it is among my favorites of the entire jam! Good luck in the future!

Very good looking game! Good job getting this game done in the time limit but some fast paced music could've helped with engagement. I got to 6 but after that found a hard ceiling to progress due to the time limit, this reduced the replay value of the game which was one of its weaknesses. Other than that tho it was a very polished and fun game! If you could find time to check out my game and give some feedback that would be much appreciated. Good luck for the future game jams i'm sure you will go well!

How did u manage a game this polished in just 48 hours?? This is unheard of it is so fun! Some letters can be a bit difficult tho but you will figure them out eventually. The music suits the game and this idea is really unique and I never would've thought of this! Anyway congrats on making this game in time and I would appreciate if u could check out my game too and give some feedback. Good luck with your next jams and I'm sure you will make loads of good games in the future.

Good art, music, and sound effects! This game seems very polished and complete! I have two criticisms tho. The first is that the movement feels a bit slippery at times, this can be fixed by using GetAxisRaw instead of GetAxis in the player movement script. The other is that there is sometimes some unpredictability in the player's movement at times and they go out of sync. But despite that the level design is very good and the song is catchy! Great job completing this on time hope you enjoyed the jam.

(2 edits)

Its not that fun but the art is amazing! The music is also pleasing to listen to and also congrats with the game popping off too. Check out my game too I would appreciate any and all feedback

Unbelievably good art for a 42 hour gam! Its a bit strange for the theme but still very good game. Some criticism lies in that in some levels, if the player died in some levels it took ages of monotonous movement to get back to their position also there were some strange antics with pieces going through each other. Other than that the game was pretty much perfect! Great job completing the game on time and also the music was pretty good.

Very creative take on the prompt and also unbelievable art! The objective is not obvious however, and it gets as bit boring toward the end, some audio/music would also enhance the experience. It is still a very good game and congrats on getting this in on time!


Pretty fun and the puzzles are creative. Unique take on the theme but the game kinda broke toward the end. Despite the bugs still vey good effort for your first game in 2D!

Visuals are good and the idea is unique. It's a bit buggy and hard to keep up with tho. Nevertheless pretty good game and had a good time played

Very creative interpretation of the prompt. Can be a bit finicky at times but you eventually get the mechanics.

Very creative interpretation of the prompt. Can be a bit finicky at times but you eventually get the mechanics.

Very creative interpretation of the prompt. Can be a bit finicky at times but you eventually get the mechanics.

Probably the best game i have played all jam so far! Very unique take on the theme and very very fun! I'm amazed how you made such a polished game in the 48 hour time limit

A bit buggy at times but enjoyed it. Unique idea and the visuals are fantastic. 

Very addicting. Its extremely fun and the visuals get the job done. One thing I would add is maybe a backing track and sound effects. You took a similar path with the prompt as I did with my game so thats pretty cool. Really good job!

Genius level design! You have definitely achieved the right balance of it being challenging yet still enjoyable! The art is nice and so is the music. Unique take on the theme and I Had a great time playing

Good game idea! Although the mechanics aren't really explained well so are quite hard to grasp. The movement also feels slippery at times and more indication on where to go next in the levels could be helpful. Despite this, it is still an enjoyable game to play, great work!

This game is really fun! Sometimes the ball is a little hard to control though. It goes a bit too fast and is hard to hit enemies but I guess that is part of the learning curve. Overall, really good job!

This game is really fun! Sometimes the ball is a little hard to control though. It goes a bit too fast and is hard to hit enemies but I guess that is part of the learning curve. Overall, really good job!