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A member registered Dec 02, 2022 · View creator page →

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yep, they do

I wonder if comments show up in this font

It'll be only a year off! truly genius

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zamn, only 6 months off. he'll get it next time

  Nah, it's ok to not like a game based on genre. This isnt for everyone. Compared to super auto pets this game dose have a lot of flaws in gameplay.

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Hello, thank you for playing the game.

 It seems like you just didn't like the genre of game, it's isn't meant to be anything like Yodha, the only things they share gameplay wise are cards. This is a auto battler like super auto pets, you don't select attacks in super auto pets. Comparing our game to a Rouge-like with cards is like comparing Dwarf Fortress to Deep Rock Galactic because they both have dwarves.

 The music was a last minute addition and will be changed if the game gets finalized.

Hello! Thanks for playing! I'm glad you found the game fun. The Mary bug is known, we didn't have any time to find a fix that wouldn't interfere with her balancing so we decided to keep it in, and it seems you're the only one to run into it so far. 

 The music was a last minute addition, we ran out of time to really make anything so we deat with what we had :P

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Thanks for the play!  

 I'm glad you liked my art, the difference in styles most likely comes from the cameo characters, they were originally supposed to have different card borders to indicate the fact that they aren't game originals but we ran out of time before that could be implemented. It also probably came from exhaustion, I have over 24 hours in the ibisPaintX canvas that these guys were drawn in so I was kinda over it near the end. I tried to make them as DBZ as possible but considering I don't really draw male characters I ended up reverting to default settings style wise near the end. The UI was also drawn last second, it's not my strongest work. 

 Some people have complained about the font, I like it but I guess that isn't the general consensus ._.  

As for the gameplay changes I'm going to be honest I really dislike the simulate battle idea, what's the point of playing the game then if you know when you have a winning combo. I get that there are a lot of guys to remember but I feel like that's kinda the point. For it to be a strategy game you have to well… strategize, play to the strengths of your own characters and to the weakness of your opponent. That's also why the enemy preview button is there, I feel like there's no way to make it fair if you just go in blind. I recognize the faults in the gameplay, it was our first time making something like this and there were some bugs that really threw off balance (like with the support characters, if you know you know).

As for the music, it was recycled from some older project last second :P  Better than nothing.

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed the game!

Thanks a bunch for playing the game! I'm glad you enjoyed my art! There are actually 10 rounds, a little bar near the top shows your progress /10. 

Zamn! This game is really well done, the art is adorable and the animations are really smooth and properly squishy! Great work on the overall feel, the sound effects are great and I really like the way the main menu looks. It reminds me of Phantom Rose in terms of gameplay and that was a game I put quite a few hours into. Amazing job!

What a fun and polished game! I haven't really played anything like this before. It's a really creative concept. The visuals are nice and easy to understand and the ambient audio track isn't distracting and fits the game well. I love sci-fi, my own entry is set in space too. Great job on the game!

The concept is really fun and the humor is witty, I like the little details and easter eggs, like when you try interacting with the door. The audio was glitching out pretty badly for me, I don't know if that's an issue with my laptop or the web build, and the map feels pretty big and empty. It's not too often that you see a game jam submission with voice acting though. Overall it's a really charming game full of personality that has some great potential. GG!

Haven't seen many FPS games. The polytopia-esque graphics work well and are simple yet effective. Playing was a bit confusing at first but I got the hang go it eventually. GG!

Great game! I love the lighting effects! The gameplay feels really polished and the concept is cool. The physics work surprisingly well and the art style is simple yet effective. GG!

Thanks a ton for the play! We actually had a hit sound effect made, no idea what happened to it or why it wasn't implemented :P

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Thanks for playing and I'm glad you enjoyed the game! I was the team's sole artist so (except Magnus, who was from one of our previous games that I wasn't involved in), I designed and drew all the character sprites. MaryOrictect, and Shopkeeper are also from some of our previous projects while Claire, Sammson, and PF are from my personal endeavors. The rest are Scalien originals!

I thought out a bit of story for each character and faction, like the Glunkites who are meant to be similar to Freiza's soldiers, with them even wearing some "totally not Sayian armor." Or how a glass golem is created from a Novakin dragging in a bunch of sand through his gravitational pull and melting it into a shell of himself. 

Personally, I think the font is fine but definitely way too small, especially on the cards. We were going to have a zoom-in function to better read the cards but that was sadly cut for time.

Drag and dropping the cards was another idea we had to cut because there just wasn't enough time, If we ever go back to the game, it's going to be one of our first additions.

As for instant ability cards, It was an idea that popped up earlier in development in the form of special pellets, but I don't think it resonated with the rest of the team, and as is a repeating pattern in my excuses, we didn't really have the time.

Really cute game! I love the art style and the character models, theyre really creative and cool, the setting is cool and I like the theme interpretation. Good job!

Holy hell this game is visually amazing. The use of 2 colors is great and the simple pixel art is really effective. It's impressive how much can be shown using so little. One of the most polished and complete experiences I've had. The controls are satisfying and the combat is creative. Amazing name pun with the title btw! Great job with this submission!

The game is realy fun and the concepts are creative. Pink and blue are a color pallet you can't go wrong with (vaporware / synthwave FTW). The animations were nice and fluid. I wish there was some variety to the enemies, at least some different models, but 3D art is really hard and I doubt you had much time going at it solo. The game is really zoomed in, making it hard to see the enemies around you but apart from that the controls feel solid. All in all it's a fun game and I loved the weapon feel. GG!

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I enjoyed the glowy levels, not the biggest fan of "I'm literally just a rectangle" as a protagonist, but considering the shape-shifting mechanic and the rest of the game's style I think it works well here, just wish you at least threw some black rectangles for eyes on him. The game gets a bit challenging and the levels are pretty neat with how they use the whole shape-shifting thing. I loved the transitions and ambiance, the game feels really polished. Good job on the game!

This game is amazing! I love the DOS-style pixel art and the intro cutscene looks amazing, reminds me a bit of Castlevania. The ambience was fitting and the sound effects were great. I'm not too surprised the web version took so long to load considering the amount of content you managed to pack into this game. Bravo, GG!

I liked the game, it's surprising that it has working multiplayer, congratulations. The music fit the game's art style well and the controls were pretty fun. It's a surprisingly feature-packed game. Nice work!

The concept is really creative and I like the little story you gave the game. Dropping the extra weight is really hard and I haven't managed to do it while playing the game. Nice work on the game!

Thanks for the feedback! 

I don't know what's up with the options menu, there's a 2nd one in the line setup screen that works just fine :P

 Dragging and dropping cards was my original vision for the game, but I guess that never ended up happening, due to time constraints or difficulty. If we ever come back to the game, I'm sure that we can at least implement a glow for the cards when selected.

 There are some aliens that work from the back, Magnus and Frogman Mage buff the characters that are next to them, but as far as more in-depth support cards we don't have much as this is more a proof of concept and we wanted a wider range of abilities.

I'm also ecstatic that you noticed the Dragon Ball inspiration on some of the characters, the Ginyu force were actually in the design doc I made as inspiration if anyone else from the team wanted to make an alien of their own (they never did :( ). 

I'm glad you played the game!

I'm amazed that you got pinball to fit the theme! The game is fun and I love the pixelated textures applied to 3D objects, the Egyptian theme is also creative, pinball games always have some pretty wild theming. GG!

Fun little game, the concept isn't too complex but it's well executed and addictive. GG!

Stunning visuals and a really nice soundtrack. The overall vibe is on point as many have already pointed out. GG!

The visuals look great and the gameplay loop is fun and addicting. Not too big a fan of the menu theme, but the rest of the game sounds perfectly fine. It's fun trying to get a high score and the size gimmick adds a lot to the gameplay. GG!

Really fun game, the visuals give big DOS game vibes, especially the enemies and I love sci-fi settings. The music was nice and fit the game overall, I loved the multiple tracks used. There's something really nostalgic about the level select, where you pilot the ship, I've seen something similar before but just cant remember. The combat is fun and the game has loads of potential. GG!

Great job on the game, the storyline reminds me a bit of Yumme Nikki, while the combat gives off Undertale vibes with the ability to talk to the enemy instead of just punching them. I think it would have been cool if the emotional attacks spared the enemy, possibly making them too sad to continue fighting, but the combat was fun nonetheless. I loved the art, the enemies were cute and creative, I also really liked how the relaxed overworld theme switches to the more intense battle music. The enemies are really fast and leave little time to react, but it is still possible to outrun them so it's no big deal. GG!

Amazing game, it feels a lot like Factorio and Minedustry, and I love those games, so I'm not too surprised that I enjoyed this too. The game felt so polished and I loved experimenting with all the different blocks. GG!

Great game, I love the aesthetic. Factorio and Minedustry are some of my favorite games of all time, and I could definitely see the influence here. The puzzles were pretty hard, but fun and it felt really satisfying to solve them. Great entry, GG!

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What a cool concept, I adore the visuals, I tried doing something similar with a point-and-click adventure game a while back, and should probably get back to doing that someday. The puzzles were creative and fairly challenging, I didn't encounter any bugs while playing either. It was a smooth experience with a nice UI and fluid gameplay. Sound design complemented the rest of the game well too. GG!

Great game, I really like how relaxed it is, and the 3 status indicators kind of remind me of Sonic Heroes, it's a creative concept. The song was really nice and I liked how fluid and polished the menus felt. The parallax background was cool and Tthe pixel art is good, but scaled weirdly in some areas, overall I think the game is a bit rough around the edges, but a great experience nonetheless. GG!

A fun and polished game! I really enjoyed the art style, the whole hand-drawn doodle style works really well. The animations were incredibly smooth and fluid and I loved how the tutorial text was incorporated into the backgrounds. The level designs are creative and the soundtrack is fun. GG!

I'm glad you enjoyed it! If you want more games like this, Super Auto Pets has a similar gameplay loop, you should check it out. Thanks a lot for playing!

The concept is interesting, It reminds me of the Mario Party minigame where you have to stretch Bowsers face and match an image. I wish there was some kind of end goal, and you can also infinitely jump. Good job on the game!

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What a fun little game! The physics and collision are really impressive for PICO-8. I also like the Christmas theme, including the chiptune track! GG!

I really like the character designs and the crt filter is really cool. The gameplay is creative but really hard. The concept is really good, GG!