Very charming presentation and neat idea! It would be helpful to have the reset button available at all times, instead of just when a crash happens, as I also encountered the bug where the car got rotated 90° and I couldn't move or restart. But I had fun nonetheless!
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Hello! If you press 'P' to open the pause menu, you can choose between the grappling hook and the sticky jumper (the sticky jumper is the default option). Then, you can left click and hold while pointing at a part of the terrain to use it. The reticle will turn green when you are aiming at a valid target within range.
As for the camera, it sounds like your mouse isn't captured by the game window. Try pressing 'P' to open the pause menu and then 'P' again to close it, and it should fix the issue that you're describing. Then, you can look around freely with the camera.
Haha, pearls/jokers were a big part for the last day. I used the robot to help save actions to build up money in the first couple of days.
I'm not sure whether I got lucky at the end, or whether clicking on all of my fishing rods in quick succession caused all of the fish to receive the big fish bonus, but I was able to get a score of 1376, which was quite a bit higher than I was getting when I was clicking on them one by one!
Haha, I do think you figured out the optimal strategy with the current way the fish combine! Adding some rare fish and making the fishing minigame not fill up with junk as quickly would make for a fun decision of 'how much do you want to push your luck to wait for a specific fish'.
I'm glad that you appreciated the fish names! I had a lot of fun seeing what weird results I could get while I was testing the combining system. I think one of my favorites was 'Jellynow', from the Jellyfish and the Minnow.
Thank you for the kind words!
I appreciate the feedback! The game balance is definitely something that we would have loved to have more time to adjust. I think the battles did not scale up in difficulty enough, and the fishing minigame scaled up too much!
That's an interesting suggestion for assigning fish to the buttons. We were thinking about ways to make the effects easier to identify, but adding the ability to choose which ones to have active is a good thing to consider.