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A member registered Mar 06, 2019 · View creator page →

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I think you should be able to send it now :)

(1 edit)

hey, thanks!.... probably twitter @mlambir

Cool Idea, could be a great base for a horror game

really nice!, I also ran into the detonated bombs staying on the screen, but the game was enjoyable anyways

Really liked the multiplayer thing! great game!

really liked the look, the only issue I had was telling some of the tiles apart from the background

really fun once you figure it out, but it took me a while to understand what every hero does and the controls

awesome concept, and implementation. very polished menus and stuff, really enjoyed it!

really cool! has a great "micro machines" vibe

awesome idea and execution! 

really cool! great graphics and music!

Cool game! maybe movement could be improved a bit (higher jumps? faster movement?) but I enjoyed it overall