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A member registered Feb 26, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you! We spent a while on the mechanic to make sure it was responsive so I'm glad you enjoyed it

This is such an amazing game, from its original ideas to its art and music. The only thing that I would complain about is the movement/restart - I often felt as if the robot was a bit unresponsive, which led to mistakes, the frustration of which was augmented by the very slow restart time. Other than that this is a great entry

Thank you, I'll make sure to tell Jeremy 

Thank you!

(1 edit)

Thank you! We know the game wasn't too... handy... about what it decided to grab, but we're glad you enjoyed it

I really liked this concept. I think making Yin and Yang actual characters would add a lot of personality to the game

The game felt unresponsive leading to static gameplay. I do like the idea of inhibiting the behavior of the enemy though

The sound effects didn't work for me, but I assume they're there since there was the volume controller and all. Overall I would critique the lack of reaction from the game when you latch onto different planets, as well as the repetitiveness of the level design/lack of planet variation

The controls are very difficult to master, as is the game. I found myself spending more time waiting for the second half of the car to be destroyed than actually playing the game. I think giving the player more room for mistakes would make the game a lot more playable

The presentation of the game was very unique, but the gameplay was unresponsive/static and I ended up not understanding how to play 

Yeah, one of the main things going foward (if I continue work on this game) is making deaths more even impactful, but a skill tree was unrealistic for the jam. Would you mind elaborating on how you would improve the controls a bit? And thank you for the feedback!

I had some extra time so I decided to implement the persistent slider. I'm glad you enjoyed the game!

I liked the idea, but I was pretty nonplussed with the game for a good while, and probably still am. I think a more in-depth tutorial would be nice. But I liked the concept, good work!

It's ok, I'll play your game when I get to it

Hunt spike, kill spike... eat spike?

(1 edit)

It is a very weirdly satisfying game, I enjoyed it, good job!

-Just a note, but the transition from the tutorial to the actual game was very jarring 

I didn't fail well...

Very spoopy, amazing art, and very fitting music. I enjoyed it a lot, good job!

I loved the visuals (They really remind me of blackthornprod's art, I don't know if that was intentional or not). I also think making this a horror game is genius, I was genuinely terrified with the music and aura, to the point where I forgot that this jam is centered around losing and began to understand more of how you progress. The only critique I have is marking progress, I wasn't really sure what I was aiming for or how to reach the end (if there was one), I stopped playing after about ten minutes though, so I don't know. Regardless, this was really fun, good job!

Good job on completing the game! Unfortunately, I was not able to get very far. I think one of the main issues was the acceleration (speed up very slow, then suddenly very fast) and that results in difficulty in placing jumps. Additionally, you can pretty easily get out of bounds and get lost, which made me manually close and restart the game multiple times. 

On the other hand, this is a game jam, it's still very impressive to have completed what you did, and as long as you had fun, that's all that matters!

Yesss... My succ is worthy, I did it

I think I already rated this game. You could say it was... Dino-mite. Then again, you can also not say that if you prefer... I can stop

I really enjoyed the design of the enemies and the concept (although it gets a bit repetitive over time). I do think it's a cool idea to change the way you play each time you die, maybe if you build upon this to make gameplay even more drastically different between each death, who knows. Anyways, good job!

First of all, good job: you made a game in 72 hours and that's no easy feat. I'm not sure if it was only me, but I had no sound, but I assume it was a glitch on my end as there is credited music and also a music switch. Unfortunately, the lack of sound made it a lot more difficult to understand what I was doing right/wrong. 

I do think the game was a bit on the buggy side (the player wasn't orienting correctly depending on the direction of gravity, so I ended up walking on my head most of the time), and overall there were just a lot of small things that could be improved for next time. Mostly I'd also recommend adding visual feedback for when you get hit, (that's something I myself failed to add in my game). In addition, some of the challenges (again, I don't know how much audio would have helped) seemed more cryptic rather than puzzles. 

Overall, I think this game has a lot of potential but unfortunately is hindered by the short development time. Although the circumstances of my playthrough were a bit unfortunate, I do believe that game was at the very least somewhat enjoyable. Anyways, even if this game has fallen a bit short on some ends, there will always be a next time, and I hope you keep on improving!, also a top-down combat game

All it takes is practice and a little bit of luck, with time I'm sure you'll get there! And yes, the sword gets a bit repetitive, if I were to ever expand on the game adding more mechanics to diversify it would definitely be the top priority. Thank you for the feedback, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I agree, but I wanted them to be a little surprised for people who got to stage 7 or later, as they were drastically different from all the other enemies (and they are also called spitoons and are absolutely my favorite enemy). If I were ever to expand and add more unique enemies I would definitely make them appear earlier though. Thank you for playing!

 I agree, the feedback definitely is not the best and needs some work. Thank you very much for playing!

Good job on the game! (the idea was somewhat similar to what I did as well) My only complaint is that I wasn't too sure if there is a goal to the game, or if you're supposed to go on indefinitely, as the game lacked a bit of feedback 

It's very nice while it lasts, good job!

Although I wasn't able to progress too much, the art and music are very nice

I know it has been stated before, but the game is very slow in terms of text speed and battle length. I'm still unable to kill the first guy because my attacks just always miss.  Otherwise, the art style is very charming and the music is nice and upbeat. Although I wasn't able to really play, the premise seems promising!

The game really makes you feel like a rectangle 

I liked the mechanic. One glaring problem though (unless I did something wrong) is that you almost had to die too much. It got to the point of tedium. The only thing I would really change is less overall dying, and making the death automatic rather than having to press 'E' every time you die, just to keep the game moving. The game otherwise was pretty fun

Although there is a lot of room for improvement with the controls and aesthetics, especially for a beginner this is very good, keep on improving!

Nice game! I don't know if it was just me, but the game stretched out beyond the screen so some of the text was hard to see. I would overall recommend making the character feel more responsive by making the jumps heavier, adding sound effects, all that sort of stuff that doesn't really go hand in hand with game jams. Additionally, just a tip, adding a physics material to the rigidbody of the player and setting that material's friction down to zero will make it so the player doesn't stick to the sides of walls. Overall nice work!

I really enjoyed it. Even though it was short, some of the puzzles were very nifty, it had a bit of an 'impossible quiz' vibe 

Very impressive scratch game! Although it was on the short side, it had a lot of personality to it. Good job

The addition of the dancing pixel-doggos was masterful

This was a fun experience! The dogs just made the game better as a whole (they make everything better) and I enjoyed the little random water placing level. Keep on improving your skills, this is a very good start!