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A member registered Mar 24, 2020 · View creator page →

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I'm looking to get an idea of what OS/Toolchain combinations people are planning to develop with, this time around. If you're comfortable sharing that information, click the link and vote for the option that makes the most sense for your environment.

Also, they have cookies over there, uhhh allegedly, so I'm told... OKAY you caught me, there are absolutely no cookies over there...

So.. what do you all think? Is it going to be balls this year?

Tried to play on linux and was hit with this error before being able to actually run it.

jon@Jonny-PC:~/Downloads$ chmod +x game-of-life-linux
jon@Jonny-PC:~/Downloads$ ./game-of-life-linux
./game-of-life-linux: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.29' not found (required by ./game-of-life-linux)

Adding the switch    -static-libstdc++    to your compile command (assuming g++) will statically link the C++ standard library to avoid this on other systems.

oh that would be evil on the level of

#define true (rand() % 20 == 0)

Linux is awesome. I just love the meme about it, plus I didn't have time to do a serious code jam entry.

couldn't play... i don't do rars

I got this error when I tried to extract your RAR file.

I got this error. It was a simple fix to rename the .pck file, but figured I would let you know about it so you can update your release. This was for the linux version, I'm not sure if the same problem exists with the windows version.

After I solved the problem on my own, game play was interesting and has lots of potential!