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Mr. Thee

A member registered Dec 20, 2016 · View creator page →

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This seems to softlock for me after she calls me "daft" and the game fades to black and plays a latching noise. I was playing on the windows downloadable version

game seems to freeze after moving around a bit - appears stuck on what appears to be a dialog box that doesn't display text and can't be disengaged with

a bit short, but a good time!

even with the rules as you've described, i still couldn't really figure out the heuristics driving the world-changing mechanic

okay, i found what was causing the issue. i'll test an updated build tomorrow and make sure no other major issues have regressed

oh funky, good catch, i'll try to fix in the next couple days~

Pretty bare bones, but pretty cute so far! No one has arms!
I wonder how you plan to balance melee vs ranged combat, cuz right now there's not much reason to use anything other than the bow.
Also idk if its a weird implementation of hitstop, but when I slashed the shield/barrier dude w/ a sword, the game got pretty laggy.
I look forward to seeing what you flesh out next ( '3')

the bug is that the 2nd if statement has literally nothing in its block lmao. its supposed to return false like the first one.

Awesome awesome awesome! Thank you so much for diving in! I surprised you covered so much ground so quickly!
I'll try to patch some fixes for the the weirdnesses after I take care of a bunch of errands <3

whirlpool is like halfway there kekw

Brown Bears

more egg! legally _distinct_ egg

the instant eggceleration feels a bit whack with the analog egg physics [too much instantaneous force]

the look of the game is cute, the jump pads r quirky! i might play this a little bit more later after i sweep over more entries.

its a lil rough in terms of my ability to intuitively grasp it, but this game is superduper cute and charming. the shrouded character facesplating has big ff9 Vivi energy and im all for it.

uwu so purdy good particles and juice. good weeb shit.
i think having some sfx [even crappy ones] for getting blossoms and some ambient soundscapes are cheap ez ways to _really_ elevate what's already here

overall very awesome job

ever after seeing the screenshot, it took a while for me to realize that you could land on "Mogul Moves" lmao. clean look! good sounds! sometimes i feel of the car-bed when pressing the 'R' key. i think a more torque-based solution for re-aligning rocket rotation could fix that issue



good facial animation

kinda wish the direction of progression was a little more clear

im a fan of the low-center-of-gravity on the character - it opens up some interesting foothold scenarios. kinda wish i had a bit more feedback on the blower(?) mechanism in terms of when i can use it

thicc download size. neat modern look! i appreciate that the planes are stupid enough to home into you when there's a mine well-ahead of them lol. i think my only beef is that the turning the boeat is just a tiny bit too slow for my preference, and i think starting with the first open area with the planes would make for better pacing because sloooowly navigating through those first 2 walls of mines is not as interesting as that first open-plane zone area. i really like the concept of surviving via rodeoing planes to death.

this also makes me wanna play Skies of Arcadia

Yeah i had to rename that data folder to get it to run.
Cute concept! i think it'd help alot of the controls for which buttons corresponded to which spring stayed with you on like a HUD element.

Neat idea! I stopped at 50 deaths, and some of the narrower faster alterations didn't feel like they synced up well, but the wider ones did sync up nicely.

I also ran into a wall softlock issue which inverted my directions, slowed me down, and made the wall inescapable

I also ran into a wall softlock issue which inverted my directions, slowed me down, and made the wall inescapable

When i try running _just_ the executable, I get a "missing .pck" file error

the fog respawn animation is novel and seemless!



you need to upload the whole build directory for this to run, not just the .exe

I appreciate how the emotes changes when u fall and lose progress lmao

Mr. Thee#4555

il2cpp was being dumb on webgl and other dumb last-minute things, and i just caught wind of re-submissions the most recent build i reuploaded to the page at around 3:55 should be fine. can we lock that build-in? 

is there an easy way to double-check if i submitted the right game + misc fields to the game jam? is there someone in the discord i could @?

Awesome awesome awesome, ty ty ty. I am very glad that someone was able to repro the really-weird text as well. i thought i had fixed that at one point, but apparently the issue still persists. probably some funky race-condition from heck.
And while i have yet to fix all the issues you presented on ur previous post - they are def being worked on.
I look forward to writing a technical post about why text is sometimes DUMB, because i've been hunting that one one-and-off for years.

I think the treasure is tagged there correctly, is just using the wrong mesh. You can check your inventory to confirm this.

Awesome awesome, as always ty so much for the feedback <3

  • "On a more serious note, I'm a big fan of the new aerial combat, it feels so much more dynamic than the previous build."
    • :D
  • "Maybe stop having attacks bounce you up after the first full combo of three?"
    • I could introduce a bunch of endlag to the 3rd aerial hit to offset that. OR i could taper the aerial-bounce the more attacks a player does in the air...
  • "The controls feel a little bit like they're meant for a fighting game now, rather than a metroidvania, which isn't inherently a bad thing, but it does mean that I pretty much have to look at the build notes to figure out how to do stuff consistently, it doesn't really happen naturally... I think the other moves could probably be figured out given the timeframe of an entire 10-hour or so game, just not in this demo."
    • I think what i'll probably do for the final game is make a lot of these moves upgrades they get throughout the game so they're a bit easier to take-in over the course of the game.
  • "if you sit just out of their range, they're perfectly happy to just sit in front of you and whiff stabs over and over"
    • Arg, i worried bugs like this might show up. I should write a utility function that calculates the correct attack trigger range, given an attack asset *takes notes*
  • "The first one is that if you die or quit to main menu, the last checkpoint you sat at will be gone when you respawn"
    • the main-menu quit to lose progress is intentional, the die and lose checkpoint progress is not. i'll give that a lil fixie...
  • "The second bug is that if a bomb-plant dodges back and then immediately shoots bombs, it won't be affected by gravity until the bomb launching animation finishes."
    • I've seen this occasionally, but have trouble catching it. I should try to get a consistent repro for this so i can get to the bottom of it P:
  • "The standing kick takes energy to use now, pretty sure this one is a bug, especially since none of the other kicks do"
    • this was intended by design, but it is inconsistent with the drop-kick attack.
  • "If you're not trying to make a super challenging game, this is totally fine, but if you do want the player to struggle a little bit on the bosses, I'd suggest giving them more health and/or making them do more damage and/or giving the player less health."
    • It is true that the demo isn't designed to be too hard, but I could probably stand to buff their attacks a bit.
  • " Lookin forward to the new more aggressive enemies, hopefully sometime soon we'll get something other than gremlins to parry."
    • Don't you worry, I've got plenty of funky, aggro jerks in the works that'll make u tear ur hair out :]

Awesome awesome awesome, ty so much for testing the waters. im glad the buffering changes are to your liking and im super glad the game is feeling much more consistent :)

[also since i'll probably keep polishing this demo up, i should look into maybe renaming the game page.... ( '3')]

awesome awesome awesome, lots of stuff for me to work on and fix and improve and stuff. thank you thank you thank you \o/

ok good news - i managed to repro the ogre freeze and the weirdly-high walljump

the weirdly-high walljump was triggered because i forgot to reset the neglect-gravity timer when entering a vanilla wall jump

the ogre-freeze triggers when the ogre is hit without being noticed by the player. the crashes on an AI codepath that assumes an actor target has been assigned (which should be the player), but didn't happen because i mixed up 2 lines of code lul

big surprise - SetTargetToWhoeverHitMe doesn't really work if the buffer that contained by last hit got cleared (thanks to ClearLastHitReceived).

So, those fixes have been addressed locally on my end. And I'll roll-out those fixes on Saturday/Sunday with these fixes plus several other AI tweaks to general enemy behaviour. so that'll be fun to try out ( '3')


  • thank you for informing me about the borked ogre. i'll see if i can repro this on my end. we you able to trigger that freeze consistently?
  • the map progress reset is a known issue and shouldn't be too hard to fix
  • the fastfall atm doesn't have too much utiltiy in the demo besides getting down the from the tree a little faster. it's more of a fine-movement tool for more elaborate levels (plus some other novel uses i plan to add in the future)
  • im still experimenting with different input buffer options. I can also run some experiement on buffering standard and wall jumps, but given its currently functional in the current state, this won't be a big priority.
  • huh that's super interesting regarding the fast lateral walljump. i'll see if it can repro it and may-or-may-not fix it depending on what designs it can break lol.
  • ex-moves now take up 8-12 energy to use, do if u dont have the energy, it won't come out. i have also decrease the frame input window for those down to 3-frames last time i checked.
  • glad the backflips r working well and are fun to execute :)
  • feel free to put your comments wherever. if you feel better about just replying to this comment, go for it!

And thank you so much as always for your feedback <3 getting folks to regularly test this means a lot and always helps a TON


Thank u for the very verbose post! There's a lot of super-useful information here, and most importantly it confirms a LOT of current beliefs about how all this can be improved. Especially ur points about having a very large arsenal of moves and techniques, but not enough incentive to use them. There are some really cool dopes ideas here. And yeah the kick techniques atm feel a bit like an afterthought, but one idea i've been considering (and you've alluded to this as well) is making the kick have more of a launching/space-and-repositioning type of role, while the sword is ur primary damage dealer. Since there aren't that many 2d metroidvanias with large emphasis on detailed melee and movement options, I have to spend a LOT of time experimenting w/ that dicotemy from scratch. It's a novel, flexible set of tools, but rest assured I really wanna polish, justify, and really make worth them worth mastering (hopefully without having to make requirements for a certain technique on a certain enemy feel too contrived, though maybe I'll have to break that rule initial to teach players more effectively)! I already have plans to revamp the stagger/juggle system so it isn't a free combo on say larger enemies (i have a notebook w/ like 20 different ideas on how i wanna approach that, but i think i have a good first candidate to integrate in the coming weeks~).

For now, I'll spend some time this weekend fixing A. the potential to die during a cutscene, B. making the walljump height less finnicky, and C. easier backflippin + backflip midair control. But rest assured, I'm putting all your points and bullets into a handy-dandy .txt TODO list and will use that to continue polishing this demo, and of course the final game. You're love for the genre is very clear - otherwise you wouldn't have written a very thorough post for me.

Thank you SO MUCH for your support :D I look forward to updating the build and polishing the heck out of Warp Soldier.

- Mr. Thee