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A member registered Dec 14, 2019 · View creator page →

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"I also plan to distribute Steam keys to every owner, however that's subject to review by Steam, but I assume that shouldn't be an issue since it's rather common practice." Looking forward to the release and hoping Steam Workshop explodes with epic mods for the game. 

Maybe separate skill and weapon damage? Instead give melee classes some a skill which would reduce durability loss of weapons? 

Right now my early game strategy is to sit near a forge/anvil to craft and fix up weapons until I get a few levels under my belt.

Equipment durability is so weak you don't care about what you have equipped since it will be broken in 1-3 combat encounters.

I'd say there could be a button to lock view+automatic change of view when using numpad would be a step in a good direction in order to streamline the experience. Tank controls are unique, but so far I haven't seen any gameplay advantage to it other then added inconvenience and amount of actions needed to turn around. Maybe there are some late-game skills that take advantage of this?

I agree on that one. Maybe leather from thin-skinned races such as humans could be used for some recipes, just not all or use a bit more of it than regular leather.

Thanks for a quick reply. 

Maybe I'll ask about something else: what any plans for subclasses with different skill progression paths? i.e. assassin, trapmaster, parasite or mushroom people similar to the fungus mutation from CDDA.

Feel free to use ideas from any of my posts as inspirations. :-) 

I noticed that I focus a lot more on race choice than class choice. For me it's fun to play a vampire, lich or an abomination. In early game you are starved for abilities and for quite a while you rely on 1-2 skills, meanwhile the game has a lot more to offer. Maybe races should also include racial abilities from pool for specific classes, which fit their archetype? I also get the distinct impression some classes are just not ... evil enough i.e. a vampire cultist with "bless" feels odd.

Awesome. Was wondering about that as I assume Workshop will be a big hit with the game.  A lot of stuff is so easy to mod even I could do it.

Wiki got removed again, maybe from lack of activity?

Yeah, early game is a bit too hard on some of the weaker starting classes. I'll try to fine-tune the builds. Right now I'm pretty much on dumping everything into main stat and hope it's enough.

You can do that with "r"est command. I just rebound the whole movement scheme onto my numpad for convenience.

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I go through 1-3 daggers to kill anyone and their weapons are usually broken after combat, with weapon repair reducing durability it seems I NEED to have a caster just to save equipment durability for harder enemies. Any tips? 

edit: Also noticed- spellcasting is reducing weapon durability - bug or expected?

It is the first thing I'm supposed to see but somehow it caught my attention on the 4th character. I would still like to argue it would be good to have it as an always-on toggle instead of a keypress, maybe from the options menu? 

AD 1. It's about how it displays when rebound. If I rebind rest from r to Keypad 5 - I'll get Keypad 5 in the tooltip, which overlaps with keybinds for other abilities in the micro-menu for rest sleep drink etc.

AD 2. That I do now, thanks :)

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1. Could you please rebind "Keypad 5" and such to "KP 5"? These keybindings tend to overlap across multiple icons and the interface gets unreadable.

2. Could you please enhance the UI so that skills can be aimed either by keyboard or mouse? As a Vampire clicking each and every time on a corpse to drink from is tedious - since I have them stacked in a giant pile.

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Could you please add support for an arbitrary "L"ook command? Guess-working what different characters mean will be a chore to any new player.

Son-of-a-buscuit, I need to learn to read: could you please include information in tutorial that left-shift is the look command? or maybe even in keybinding menu?